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Law & Order: NPC Mediation and Judicial Procedures of the National Panhellenic Conference. College Panhellenics Judicial Procedures Pop Quiz. Who can file an infraction? What is the time limit? After the involved chapters have been notified, what is the next step?. College Panhellenics
Law & Order: NPCMediation and Judicial Procedures of theNational Panhellenic Conference
College Panhellenics Judicial Procedures Pop Quiz • Who can file an infraction? • What is the time limit? • After the involved chapters have been notified, what is the next step?
College Panhellenics Judicial Procedures Pop Quiz • What is mediation? • What happens if mediation is not successful? • Can a chapter appeal the decision? • What is an example of an inappropriate penalty? What is the maximum duration?
Why does the Judicial Process exist? • To facilitate productive conversation between chapters/parties who have concerns. • To encourage/recommend INTERNAL sanctions in an effort to abide by the NPC Unanimous Agreements, best practices and the CPH bylaws and standing rules.
Violations of What? • NPC Unanimous Agreements • College Panhellenic Governing Documents • Bylaws • Standing Rules • Code of Ethics • Recruitment Rules
How do I deal with an Infraction? 2. Violation Report Form 3. Mediation 1. Informal Discussion 4. Judicial
Step 1: Informal Discussion • If representatives of the parties involved are comfortable having a conversation, NPC encourages informal discussion between the parties to address the concern. • If a mutual understanding exists, then the parties must contact the CPH to inform the CPH of the discussion. No further action will take place. • If a mutual understanding is not be achieved, or the concern cannot be resolved, then move to (STEP 2.)
Step 2: Violation Report Form/Notice of Infraction Form • A Violation Report Form must be filed within 30 days from the day of the incident. The form should be turned into the CPH who will give a Notice of Infraction Form to the accused chapter. • As of 2013 completing this form will require the scheduling of a Mediation, unless the accused party does not want mediation
Step 3: Mediation • What is Mediation? • Mediation is a facilitated discussion between two parties where a concern exists. • It is a process of assisted negotiations. All parties must be willing to be open and candid. • The outcome of a mediation is entirely dependent on the parties involved. All involved must be willing to work toward an agreement.
Step 3: Mediation • Who attends Mediation? • All parties need to be represented at the Mediation. • Each party may no more than three representatives including a chapter advisor. • The representatives need to have the authority to make decisions on behalf of the parties. • The Mediator is a unbiased, neutral third party (usually not the Panhellenic advisor and not an undergraduate student) who has no interest in the outcome of the case.
Step 3: Mediation • The goal of mediation is the satisfaction of the concerned party and the charged chapter. • Everything discussed in the mediation is CONFIDENTIAL, including the final agreement. • Each party is allowed to tell their version – uninterrupted • The accused chapter may provide a letter or have a conversation with the individual who committed the infraction so that her opinions are expressed at the mediation.
Step 3: Mediation • The parties involved will negotiate appropriate actions to be taken. • There are no “sanctions;” rather, the outcome is an agreement. It may have expectations or actions that need to be completed. • Complete and file Mediation Summary report and distribute as indicated.
Finding the Right Mediator • Places on campus to look: student affairs staff, law or business school, or an attorney in the community looking for pro bono work. • Find a neutral person who understands the mediation process.
Step 4: Judicial Hearing • If no mutual agreement can be reached during the mediation process, then a Judicial Hearing will be scheduled • CPH Judicial boards should be trained and established as outlined in the CPH bylaws • Hearings are closed to the public
Step 4: Judicial Hearing • All parties need to be represented at the Hearing. Each party may no more than three representatives, including a chapter advisor. • Proper documentation/forms (available on the NPC website) must be signed indicating the outcome of the hearing and any sanctions given. • This process is explained in the Manual of Information
Step 5: The Appeal Process • If any involved chapter is not satisfied with the outcome of the Judicial Hearing, the chapter can appeal to the NPC Judicial Appeals Committee with seven days of the formal notification of the hearing outcome. • The process is further explained in the Manual of Information.
To Make It Work • You need trust between the members/leaders of the chapters in your CPH. Let the women make the system work for them. • Review your Panhellenic documents to make sure they are current and aligned with NPC. • Initial training on the process is imperative. • Find trusted sources to serve as mediators.
College Panhellenics Judicial Procedures Pop Quiz • Who can file an infraction? • What is the time limit? • After the involved chapters have been notified, what is the next step?
College Panhellenics Judicial Procedures Pop Quiz • What is mediation? • What happens if mediation is not successful? • Can a chapter appeal the decision? • What is an example of an inappropriate penalty? What is the maximum duration?
Contact NPC • NPC office • (317) 872-3185 • Nicki Meneley, Executive Director nicki@npcwomen.org • Caitlin Moulton, Panhellenic Support caitlin@npcwomen.org • Emily Ruch, Business Operations emily@npcwomen.org • Jules Schenk, Communications & Programs julia@npcwomen.org • NPC area advisors • https://www.npcwomen.org/college-panhellenics/advisors.aspx • NPC Executive Committee • Jane H. Sutton, Chairman janesutt@gmail.com • Jean Mrasek, Vice Chairman jmrasek@chiomega.com • Donna King, Budget and Finance, ndmmkings@msn.com • Mary Jane Beach, Advocacy theta.delegate@gmail.com • Julie Johnson, College Panhellenics jjohnsonkd@aol.com