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last week. Week 1. 2. a definition. “A fresh expression is a form of church for our changing culture established primarily for the benefit of people who are not yet members of any church.”. 3. mixed economy - a both/and church. continue to grow and develop the church as it is.
last week . . . Week 1 2
a definition “A fresh expression is a form of church for our changing culture established primarily for the benefit of people who are not yet members of any church.” 3
mixed economy -a both/and church continue to grow and develop the church as it is establish fresh expressions of church 4
last week . . . • Mission- Shaped Church report • Fresh expressions of church and a “mixed-economy” church • Changes in society means changing the way we do church • Our understanding of God and Christ shapes our understanding of mission, which impacts how we do church • “Mission is seeing what God is doing in the world and joining in” 5
worship Insert your text here 6
culture Culture is ‘the set of distinctive spiritual, material, intellectual and emotional features of society or a social group [which] encompasses - in addition to art and literature - lifestyles, ways of living together, value systems, traditions and beliefs.’ UNESCO 9
culture Culture is ‘the way we do things round here’ Archbishop Derek Worlock 10
consumerism 12
culture - friend or foe? • Consumerism has brought choice • Where has all this choice come from? • How does it affect the church? 14
consumerism - a quick history • 1960’s - 2,000 product lines • 2000’s - 22,000 product lines 15
consumerism • an ethic of choice… • ‘it’s up to you’... • be your own person… 16
consumerism and the church Just then his disciples came. They were astonished that he was speaking with a woman, but no one said, "What do you want?" or "Why are you talking with her?“ John 4.27 17
To discuss . . . • What aspects of consumerism should Christians challenge? • What aspects can we work with? • What new things could we do in response? 18
Is there any good news? • Offering a course on Christian Spirituality at a local community college • Life coaching • Spiritual direction • Parenting classes 19
Is there any good news? The Alpha Course is offered on: Mondays @ 6:30 PM (God at the Pub) beginning January 2009 Fridays @ 9:15 AM (with child care) (Runnymede Community Church) beginning October 3, 2008 LOCATIONS: God at the PubThe Yellow Griffin Pub2202 Bloor Street Westjust east of Runnymede Runnymede Community Church60 Colbeck Street 1 block north of Bloor, just west of Runnymede 20
Good God @ The Bad Dog presents: The God Questions At a recent Locke Street Festival, passers-by were invited to write on a flip chart their “Questions for God.” Some of those questions were: “Why are you such a jerk?” “Do you ever get mad? Do you ever cry?” “What is the point of life? Really!” “Where do we go when we die?” “How many fingers am I holding up?” If you have ever asked that kind of question (well, OK, maybe not that last one), you will be interested in Good God @ The Bad Dog, a series of free-flowing discussions about The God Questions over coffee and snacks at your favourite coffee shop, the Bad Dog Café at 229 Locke Street. When? Four Thursday nights in May—7th, 14th, 21st, 28th—from 7.30 till 9 pm. Good God @ the Bad Dog is sponsored by St. John the Evangelist Anglican Church (at Locke and Charlton).
pause for praise Insert your text here 23
The Church is continually shaped by its inner dynamic: the flow of Apostolic tradition, with Scripture as its norm. . . . The church is, however, also shaped by the kind of world in which it finds itself. This must mean a constant receiving of the Gospel into our particular context. Bishop Michael Nazir-Ali 25
networks are in! • The internet • Parents & children • Networks of information • Networks of interest • Profession or sport • Highway and rail networks 27
networks are in! • Networks are nothing new… • but are more significant than ever • we need to understand network society… • so we can be missional within it. 28
david 30
To the weak I became weak, so that I might win the weak. I have become all things to all people, that I might by all means save some. 1 Corinthians 9.22 32
more stories 34
think of a person you know who does not go to church . . . • Name one priority in their life (e.g. fitness) • What do they do for fun? (e.g. marathons) • What is one issue they have opinions about? (e.g. health food) 35
five values of missional church • focused on God the Trinity 37
five values of missionary church • incarnational 38
five values of missional church engaged in the things of ordinary, everyday life 39
five values of missional church people-shaped church 40
five values of missional church • Transformational The church is the only society which exists for the sake of those who are not its members. Archbishop William Temple 42
others! 43
five values of missional church • makes disciples, not converts or consumers 44
five values of missional church • relational 45
emmaus road • Luke 24 • woman at the well • John 4 relational church 46
think back to the friend you identified earlier . . . • What would a fresh expression of church need to look like for it to be accessible to them? • What is going to make them want to come? • When and where would it meet? • If your fresh expression meets for an hour, what will you do in that time? 47
worship Insert your text here 48
Our Prayer:Draw your Church together, O Lord, into one great company of disciples, together following our Lord Jesus Christ into every walk of life, together serving him in his mission to the world, and together witnessing to his love on every continent and island. We ask this in his name and for his sake. Amen. (BAS p.676) 49
Next week . . . “Re-imagining church— Part 1: Community” See you then! 50