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(DDH/2004/089-105). Developing a Rights-based Approach for Anti-trafficking Actions in South Asia Project Duration: 1 st March 2006 – 28 th February 2009. Introduction on the Project by Mr. Massimo Lanciotti Asia Program Manager, Tdh-Italy. (DDH/2004/089-105).

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  1. (DDH/2004/089-105) Developing a Rights-based Approach for Anti-trafficking Actions in South Asia Project Duration: 1st March 2006 – 28th February 2009 Introduction on the Project by Mr. Massimo Lanciotti Asia Program Manager, Tdh-Italy

  2. (DDH/2004/089-105) Structure of the presentation: Project’s objectives; Countries covered, working areas and local partners; Anti trafficking system and project’s expected results; Structure of result-based presentations.

  3. (DDH/2004/089-105) The Overall Objective of the Project • To contribute to the development of good governance on the issue of trafficking in women and children at national and regional level in South Asia (Nepal, India and Bangladesh), by creating a congenial environment to effectively hinder the supply and demand dynamics of trafficking across the borders as well within the countries.

  4. (DDH/2004/089-105) Specific Objective of the Project • The project will contribute to promote a rights-based approach in the development of the legal and social measures taken to combat internal and cross-border trafficking, with a particular attention to the rescue, recovery and rehabilitation of the victims.

  5. (DDH/2004/089-105) Key aspect of the Project Rights-based approach Defined as the mainstreaming of human rights into programs and activities within the framework of the different stakeholders’ respective mandates

  6. (DDH/2004/089-105) CountriesCovered • Bangladesh • India • Nepal

  7. (DDH/2004/089-105) Bangladesh Consortium members: Tdh-Italy, Tdh-Netherlands National Partner Organization: Jagorani Chakra Foundation • Project Targeted Districts: • Kurigram • Dinajpur • Rangpur • Jessore

  8. India Consortium members: Tdh-Suisse; Tdh-Germany Working area and National Partner Organizations: (DDH/2004/089-105) • New Delhi HAQ • Bihar (4 Districts) • Balsakha • Boomikha Vihar • West Bengal (3 Districts) • Jabala • WIF • Orissa (12 Districts) • CPSW

  9. 28 Districts (DDH/2004/089-105) • Nepal • Consortium member: Tdh-Lausanne • National Partner Organizations: • Center for Legal Research and Resource Development • Kathmandu School of Law

  10. Anti-trafficking system Anti-trafficking Task Force Central Government Anti-trafficking Unit Local government Tier 1 Anti-trafficking Unit Local government Level 1 Anti-Trafficking Unit Local government Level 2 Anti-Trafficking Unit Local government Tier 2 Anti-Trafficking Unit Local government Tier 2 Anti Trafficking Unit Local government Level 3 Anti Trafficking Unit Local government Level 3 Anti Trafficking Unit Local government Tier 3 HRD System Grassroots Level HRD System Grass-root Level Children/Youth Group Grass-root Level Children/Youth Group Grass-root Level (DDH/2004/089-105)

  11. Regional Perspective SAARC, SALS… INDIA NEPAL BANGLADESH AT Task force Central Government AT Task force Central Government AT Task force Central Government Anti-trafficking Unit Local government Level 1 Anti-trafficking Unit Local government Level 1 Anti-trafficking Unit Local government Level 1 Anti-Trafficking Unit Local government Level 2 Anti-Trafficking Unit Local government Level 2 Anti-Trafficking Unit Local government Level 2 Anti Trafficking Unit Local government Level 3 Anti Trafficking Unit Local government Level 3 Anti Trafficking Unit Local government Level 3 HRD System Grass-root Level HRD System Grass-root Level HRD System Grass-root Level Children/youth group Grass-root Level Children/youth group Grass-root Level Children/youth group Grass-root Level (DDH/2004/089-105)

  12. Anti-trafficking Unit (DDH/2004/089-105) Anti-trafficking Unit Structure • REPRESENTATIVES OF: • Local Government/Administration. (Education, Social Welfare, Development, etc.) • Law Enforcement Agencies. • Educational Institutions • Religious Institutions • Media • NGOs

  13. (DDH/2004/089-105) Human Rights Defenders System’s Structure • REPRESENTATIVES OF: • Local ATU • Community based organizations including Women Organizations • NGOs Activists • Lawyers • Cultural team members • Primary and Secondary schools teachers • Local elite • Journalist, Media Personnel HRD System

  14. AT Task force Central Government Anti-trafficking UnitLocal government Level 1 Anti-Trafficking Unit Local government Level 2 Anti Trafficking Unit Local government Level 3 Anti Trafficking Unit Local government Level 3 HRD System Grass-root Level HRD System Grass-root Level Children/youth group Grass-root Level Children/youth group Grass-root Level (DDH/2004/089-105) RESULT 1 Harmonization of Anti-Trafficking Legal Framework with International Standards and Introduction of rights-based approach in Law Schools’ curricula

  15. AT Task force Central Government Anti-trafficking UnitLocal government Level 1 Anti-Trafficking Unit Local government Level 2 Anti Trafficking Unit Local government Level 3 Anti Trafficking Unit Local government Level 3 HRD System Grass-root Level HRD System Grass-root Level Children/youth group Grass-root Level Children/youth group Grass-root Level (DDH/2004/089-105) RESULT 2 Strengthening of Local Administrative Institution and Law Enforcement Agencies to develop a rights-based approach for anti-trafficking actions

  16. AT Task force Central Government Anti-trafficking UnitLocal government Level 1 Anti-Trafficking Unit Local government Level 2 Anti Trafficking Unit Local government Level 3 Anti Trafficking Unit Local government Level 3 HRD System Grass-root Level HRD System Grass-root Level Children/youth group Grass-root Level Children/youth group Grass-root Level (DDH/2004/089-105) RESULT 3 Awareness raising campaigns and services to the survivors: The role of HRD Systems in preventing Human Trafficking and protecting the survivors

  17. AT Task force Central Government Advocacy, Lobbying and Networking with the stakeholders at national and regional level Anti-trafficking UnitLocal government Level 1 Anti-Trafficking Unit Local government Level 2 Anti Trafficking Unit Local government Level 3 Anti Trafficking Unit Local government Level 3 HRD System Grass-root Level HRD System Grass-root Level Children/youth group Grass-root Level Children/youth group Grass-root Level (DDH/2004/089-105) RESULT4

  18. AT Task force Central Government Anti-trafficking UnitLocal government Level 1 Anti-Trafficking Unit Local government Level 2 Anti Trafficking Unit Local government Level 3 Anti Trafficking Unit Local government Level 3 HRD System Grass-root Level HRD System Grass-root Level Children/youth group Grass-root Level Children/youth group Grass-root Level Advocacy, lobbying and networking at national and regional level RESULT 4 Harmonization of Anti-Trafficking Legal Framework with international standards RESULT 1 Strengthening of local Institutions to develop a Rights-based approach in A.T. interventions RESULT 2 Awareness campaigns and services to the survivors: the role of HRDC in preventing human trafficking RESULT 3 (DDH/2004/089-105)

  19. (DDH/2004/089-105) Structure of the result based presentations: major actions; achievements; challenges; recommendations.

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