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Massachusetts. It is named after the Massachusetts Indians. . The Bay State State Capital: Boston Became the 6 th state on Feb. 1788 Sometimes called New England. State quarter: . State flower: The mayflower State bird: Black-capped Chickadee State tree: American Elm State animal:
Massachusetts It is named after the Massachusetts Indians. The Bay State State Capital: Boston Became the 6th state on Feb. 1788 Sometimes called New England State quarter:
State flower: The mayflower State bird: Black-capped Chickadee State tree: American Elm State animal: Boston Terrier
Professional Sports Teams Boston Red Sox (Major League Baseball) Boston Bruins (National Hockey League) New England Patriots (National Football League) Boston Celtics (National Basketball Association)
Geography Massachusetts is only 190 miles long and 50 miles wide at its most distant points, only 10,555 square miles (only 7,838 miles are land). It has a population of over 6, 500, 000. It also includes two islands-Martha’s Vinyard and Nantucket Islands. The state of Tennessee is 4 times larger than Massachusetts. Five states border Massachusetts and one ocean. Because it is located by the ocean it has over 25 lighthouses.
History Boston, Worcester, Springfield, Cambridge, Lowell The Boston Tea Party 1773 Boston 1845 Elias Howe invented the first sewing machine. Worcester is Home to 10 Colleges And Universities --University of Massachusetts Medical School, Worcester Polytechnic Institute, Clark University Springfield --The Basketball Hall Of Fame. 1891: The first basketball game was played in Springfield. 1636 Cambridge –Home of Harvard University and MIT The American industrial revolution began in Lowell. Lowell was America's first planned industrial city. 1890 Thomas Edison Opens General Electric
Famous Citizens John Adams 2nd U.S. PresidentJohn Quincy Adams 6th U.S. President John Fitzgerald Kennedy 35th U.S. President George Herbert Walker Bush 41st President Benjamin Franklin Declaration of Independence, Eli Whitney Cotton Gin bifocals, franklin stove John Hancock Declaration of Independence signature Paul Revere “The British are coming!” “One by land and two by sea.” Clara Barton American Red CrossSusan Anthony National Woman Suffrage Association Lucy Stone National Women's Rights Convention Louisa May Alcott Little House on the Prairie
http://www.bostonkids.org/kids/online_games.html#100 http://www.paulreverehouse.org/ride/virtual.html Map practice http://www.netstate.com/states/quiz/ma_quiz.htm Mass. Game http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9oT0DrF2F6c Bee Gees http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f6WMzfQs618&feature=related Aaron Lewis Massachusetts http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SKgWdNCOW40&feature=related Aaron Lewis What Hurts the Most http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dqlRoOQaSII&feature=related Jo Dee Messina Because You Love Me
Can you find John Hancock’s name on the Declaration of Independence?
Plymouth Rock 1620 Replica of the Mayflower Nauset and Patuxet Indians were kidnapped and sent to Spain as slaves. New Americans angered the tribes until one day Tisquantum (Squanto) worked out a peace agreement with the Pilgrims. The Pilgrim Monument
The Pilgrim State Nicknamed after the Pilgrims in Massachusetts and the establishment of the Plymouth Colony. The Pilgrims set up a government in Massachusetts called the "Mayflower Compact." In 1621, the first Thanksgiving was held. The Baked Bean State The Puritans served brown bread and baked beans on Sundays because they could be prepared on Saturday. From this practice came the nickname, "The Baked Bean State." Boston has become famous for its baked beans. The Puritan State Massachusetts has been called "The Puritan State" because the Puritan emigrants arrived in Massachusetts looking for a place to practice their religion where they would not be persecuted.
Charleston The first major battle of the American Revolution was fought here on June 17, 1775. 221 feet tall 294 steps USS Constitution There are no elevators USS Constitution is the oldest commissioned warship afloat in the world. It was first launched in 1797. Bunker Hill Monument This house in Rockport is built entirely of newspaper. Concord --Minute man National Park
Cool Facts The Fig Newton was named after Newton, Massachusetts. The first nuclear-powered surface vessel, USS Long Beach CG (N) 9, was launched at Quincy in 1961. Quincy had the first Dunkin Donuts and the first Howard Johnson‘s. 1829 Watertown –Perkins, the first school for the blind The official state dessert of Massachusetts is Boston cream pie. . Milford is known the world over for its unique pink granite, discovered in the 1870's and used on the exteriors of museums, government buildings, monuments and railroad stations.
Economy Livestock –dairy products 12%, cattle, chicken eggs (General Mills-Yogurt, Breyers) Crops—Ornamental crops 35%, cranberries more than 25% of nation’s produce Sweet corn, apples, and hay is the major field crop Fishing—50% of the scallops produced in the nation (cod, flounder, haddock….) Manufactuing—cloth, textiles, computer and electronic products (state’s leader), communications systems, electronic controls, manufactured metal products, chemicals Mining—sand, gravel, granite Services—Medical research, Technology, Microsoft Financial—The Boston Stock Exchange As of 1997, the state was the headquarters for 16 Fortune 500 companies
Social Studies - Curriculum Standards- Fourth Grade Culture Content Standard: 1.0 GLE 1.01 Understand the diversity of human cultures. GLE 1.02 Discuss cultures and human patterns of places and regions of the world. GLE 1.03 Recognize the contributions of individuals and people of various ethnic, racial, religious, socioeconomic groups to the development of civilizations. SPI 4.1.2. Identify cultural groups who inhabited North America in the 17th century (i.e., Puritans, Quakers, Spanish, French).
Geography Content Standard: 3.0 GLE 3.01 Understand how to use maps, globes, and other geographic representations, tools, and technologies to acquire, process and report information from a spatial perspective. √ a. Explain how physical and human characteristics of places and regions within the state and the United States developed. GLE 3.02 Recognize the interaction between human and physical systems around the world. √ a. Explain how physical and human characteristics of places and regions within the state and the United States developed. SPI 4.3. 2. Identify and use key geographical features on maps (i.e., mountains, rivers, plains, valleys, forests).
History Content Standard: 5.0 Era 1 - Three Worlds Meet (Beginnings to 1620) GLE 5.01 Identify the ancient civilizations of the Americas. GLE 5.02 Understand the place of historical events in the context of past, present and future. Era 2 - Colonization and Settlement (1585-1763) GLE 5.04 Recognize the role desire for freedom played in the settlement of the New World. √ a. Discuss the search for religious, economic, and individual freedom in the settlement of the colonies GLE 5.05 Understand the place of historical events in the context of past, present and future. √ c. Explain the importance of the Mayflower Compact. √ d. Understand the role of religion in the English colonies such as the evolution of religious freedom and the treatment of religious dissenters.
Governance and Civics Content Standard: GLE 4.01 Discuss the structure and purposes of governance. GLE 4.02 Describe the Constitution of the United States and the Tennessee State Constitution in principle and practice. √ a. Identify examples of representative government in the American colonies, including the Mayflower Compact, Iroquois League, and the Virginia House of Burgesses. GLE 4.03 Understand the rights, responsibilities, and privileges of citizens living in a democratic republic. √ 4.4.03 a. Identify the purposes and explain the importance of the Declaration of Independence. GLE 4.04 Recognize the qualities of a contributing citizen in our participatory Democracy. SPI 4.4. 3. examine how the Mayflower Compact is a symbol of the first United States government.
Economics Content Standard: 2.0 GLE 2.02 Give examples of the interaction of groups, businesses, and governments in a market economy. GLE 2.03 Understand fundamental economic concepts. GLE2.04 Understand the development of economics within Tennessee and early America. SPI 4.2.01 Describe the potential costs and benefits of personal economic choices in a market economy. c. Analyze how people in different parts of the United States earned a living in the past and do so in the present. SPI 4.2.02 Give examples of the interaction of groups, businesses, and governments in a market economy. b. Identify major industries of colonial America.
References • Massachusetts Facts and Trivia. Retrieved Oct 8, 2011, from • http://www.50states.com/facts/mass.htm Massachusetts Economy, Feb. 28, 2011. Retrieved Oct. 9, 2011, from http://www.netstate.com/economy/ma_economy.htm • Welcome to Clark University, 2011. Retrieved Oct 10, 2011, from http://www.clarku.edu/aboutclark/ • Welcome to Worcester, Massachusetts! 2011. Retrieved Oct 10, 2011, from http://www.worcesterma.gov http://www.netstate.com/states/quiz/ma_quiz.htm http://www.state.tn.us/education/ci/ss/index.shtml