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THREE GORGES DAM. Three Gorges Dam is a hydroelectric dam on Yangtze River in China . The river is the third longest river in the world .
ThreeGorges Dam is a hydroelectric dam on YangtzeRiver in China.Theriver is thethirdlongestriver in theworld.
Fiveotherdamswerebuiltbeforefortheconstruction of theThreeGorges Dam.Thesedamsare;-Debdon Dam (4 kW)-MaregesDam (128 MW)-Hoover Dam (1.345 MW)-Grand CouleeDam(2.000 MW)-KrasnoyarskDam (6.000 MW)
ThreeGorges Dam is a concretegravity dam with 2.3 km longand 181 m highabovetherockbasis.The maximum chamber volume is 39cubickilometres.
Dam construction began in 1993 and was completed in 17 years. Total cost is USD 27 billion.40.000 peopleworked in thisproject as constructionworker.
Thepowergenerationcapacity of the dam is 22.000 megawatts.The dam is thebiggesthydroelectricpowerplant in theworld.
PURPOSES OF THE THREE GORGES DAM Generation of electricity FloodControl RiverTransportation
Developmentandconstruction of theThreeGorges Dam wascarriedoutby "China Three Gorges Project Corporation“.
Made of concrete and steel, the dam is 2.335 m long and the top of the dam is 185 metresabove sea level. The project used 27.2 million cubic metresof concrete, 463.000 tonnes of steel and moved about 102.6 million cubic metres of earth.
Duringtheconstruction of TheThreeGorges Dam,converting of theriverwasprovidedwith a veryinterestingapproach. Rotation system was implemented graduallywith the help of cofferdams,benefitingfromtheZhongbaoisland at the dam site.
Firststage of theconstruction:1993-1997;Inter of theislandandtherightside of thebeachwereclosedwithcofferdams.A spacewasarrangedforthepassage of vessels.Thepassage of thevesselswereprovidedfromtheleftside of thebeachduringthis time.
Secondstage of theconstruction:1998-2003;The dam andthepowerplantwereconstructedwhich on theleftside of thebeach.Sluicewaysandspillwayswereconsructed on themiddle.Thepassage of thevesselswereprovidedfromtherightside.
Thirdstage of theconstruction:2004-andthan;Theconstruction of therightsidewascompleted.
(a)NaturalState (b) Firststage of theconstruction (c) Secondstage of theconstruction (d) Thirdstage of theconstruction
Sluiceway: An artificial channel, especially one for carrying off excess water.
Spillway:An incision on the crest of a transverse structure through which water flows.
23 pieces of sluicewayarelocated on thecentralpart of theThreeGorges Dam which is crestlong 483 m.Sluicewayshavesputteringtipped.
The spillway has 22 opening.Spillway sprays water into the airto break upenergy.
Thedam’sspillwaycapacity is 102.500 m3/s,about %40 of it fromthespillway, %40 of it fromsluiceway,%20 of it passesthroughtheturbines.
The Three Gorges Dam is the world's largest capacity hydroelectric power station with 34 generators: 32 main generators, each with a capacity of 700 MW, and two plant power generators, each with capacity of 50 MW, making a total capacity of 22,500 MW.
Among those 32 main generators, 14 are installed in the north side of the dam, 12 in the south side, and the remaining six in the underground power plant in the mountain south of the dam.
Photo shows the interior scene of the Three Gorges underground power station.
The installation of ship locks is intended to increase river shipping from ten million to 100 million tonnes annually, as a resulttransportation costs will be cut between 30 and 37%.
SHIP LIFT In addition to the canal locks, a ship lift, a kind of elevator for vessels,wasconstructed.The ship lift is designed to be capable of lifting ships of up to 3,000 tons.Ship lift is thebiggest in theworld.
As well as producing electricity, the dam is intended to increase the Yangtze River's shipping capacity and reduce the potential for floods downstream by providing flood storage space.
The Chinese government regards the project as a historic engineering, social and economic success, with the design of stateoftheart large turbines and a move toward limiting greenhouse gas emissions.
However, the dam flooded archaeological and cultural sites and displaced some 1.3 million people, and is causing significant ecological changes, including an increased risk of landslides.
The dam has been a controversial topic both domestically and abroad.