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Top Signs You Know You’re Broke. American Express calls and says: "Leave home without it!". You're formulating a plan to rob the food bank. Long distance companies don't call you to switch. Your rob Peter...and then rob Paul. You think of a lottery ticket as an investment.
Q: I’ve got a ‘lump sum’ of money- should I pay off high interest debt or save for a ‘rainy day’?
Q: Should a person tithe over 10% if they have credit card debt?
Q: How do you get your spouse involved with finances if they’re currently not involved?
Q: What do you do if your spouse is not a believer when it comes to tithing/offerings?
Q: Is it ok to use credit cards to make the most of coupons, sales, discounts, etc offered with credit cards?
Q: My spouse and I currently have separate checking accounts. Is this as a problem?
Q: Should you tithe off of your net paycheck or off of the gross amount?
Q: When you talk about giving 10%, is that 10% just to the church (like Hillcrest) or does that include all of the other charities and groups that I give to?
Q: Should I consolidate my student loans before interest rates rise in July?
Q: I’m the parent of a student going to college/about to go to college- how much debt should I take out for their education? How much debt should they take out?
Q: My car needs to be fixed and I haven’t put enough money away yet to fix it- is it ok to put this expense on my credit card and pay it off over time?
Q: We live off of a variable income and find it difficult to predict each month what’s coming in- any suggestions? Is it ok to use a credit card when income is less than expected and pay it off when more income comes in?
Q: We live off of a variable income and find it difficult to predict each month what’s coming in- any suggestions? Is it ok to use a credit card when income is less than expected and pay it off when more income comes in?