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Unit 6 WC review. tom. HINT:. cut. ton, ten. HINT :. The spelling of “ton” is close to it’s meaning!. stretch; tone. chir. Chirp!. HINT:. A bird in the hand is worth more than two in the bush. hand. pod. HINT:. foot. cephal. HINT:. head. dactyl. HINT:. finger; toe.
tom HINT: cut
ton, ten HINT: The spelling of “ton” is close to it’s meaning! stretch; tone
chir Chirp! HINT: A bird in the hand is worth more than two in the bush. hand
pod HINT: foot
cephal HINT: head
dactyl HINT: finger; toe
gloss; glott; glot HINT: tongue; language
osteo HINT: bone
derm, dermat HINT: Dumbo is a pachyderm. skin
plas, plasm, plast HINT: mold; shape; form
pachy HINT: thick
tauto HINT: same
algia, algy HINT: pain
itis HINT: inflammation
machy, -machia HINT: Telemachus did this with Odysseus. war; fight
atom HINT: AT O M cut not Smallest particle of matter that cannot be cut
osteotomy HINT: O S T E OT O M Y bone cut Surgical cutting and removal of bone
monotone HINT: M O N OT O N E one tone Vocal utterance in one unvaried tone
chirography HINT: C H I R O G R A P H Y write hand Penmanship; handwriting
cephalopod HINT: C E P H A L O P O D foot head Mollusks with tentacles around the head
chiromancy HINT: C H I R O M A N C Y prophecy hand foretelling of future by reading palm or hand
cephalalgia HINT: C E P H A LA L G I A pain head headache
dactylology HINT: D A C T Y L O L O G Y finger Sign language
polyglot HINT: P O L YG L O T language many One who speaks several or many languages
pachyderm HINT: P A C H YD E R M skin thick thick skinned
dermatitis HINT: D E R M A T I T I S inflammation skin Inflammation of the skin
hypodermic HINT: H Y P OD E R M I C skin under Under the skin
plastic HINT: P L A S T I C mold, shape, form, substance capable of being molded
tautology HINT: T A U T O L O G Y same Needless repetition; saying the same thing over and over
logomachy HINT: L O G O M A C H Y War; fight word; speech fight or battle using words