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Antihomotoxic Treatment in Chronic Diseases with the Focus on Detoxification

Antihomotoxic Treatment in Chronic Diseases with the Focus on Detoxification. Prof. Dr. A.A. МАRJANOVSKY Moscow, Russia. Well-being is not always synonymous with health. True health is characterized by a pronounced ability of the body’s organs and systems to adapt. Homotoxicosi s.

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Antihomotoxic Treatment in Chronic Diseases with the Focus on Detoxification

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  1. Antihomotoxic Treatment in Chronic Diseases with the Focus on Detoxification Prof. Dr. A.A. МАRJANOVSKY Moscow, Russia

  2. Well-being is not always synonymous with health. • True health is characterized by a pronounced ability of the body’s organs and systems to adapt.

  3. Homotoxicosis Humoral phases Matrix phases Cellular phases 1 2 3 4 5 6 Hours Days < 1 year < 10 years Decades Decades Disease = homotoxicosis Death Health Aging

  4. Homotoxicosis Humoral phases Matrix phases Cellular phases 1 2 3 4 5 6 Hours Days < 1 year < 10 years Decades Decades Infection processes Acute Chronic Disease = homotoxicosis Health Death

  5. Homotoxicosis Humoral phases Matrix phases Cellular phases 1 2 3 4 5 6 Hours Days < 1 year < 10 years Decades Decades 10-15 years Elderly patient Disease = homotoxicosis Health Death

  6. Homotoxicosis Humoral phases Matrix phases Cellular phases 1 2 3 4 5 6 Aging Disease

  7. Homotoxicosis Humoral phases Matrix phases Cellular phases 1 2 3 4 5 6 Aging D D Disease 35-45 years

  8. Pathogenetically important processes in aging • Deterioration in the drainage functions and accumulation of toxic factors (endotoxicosis) • Hyporeactivity and reduced adaptation mechanisms • Exhaustion of energy reserves • Exhaustion of nervous regulation and of the functions of the endocrine glands • Organ degeneration and biochemical breakdown

  9. Diseases are biologically useful defense mechanisms against exogenous and endogenous homotoxins... H.-H. Reckeweg

  10. Antihomotoxic therapy: Vicariation effect Matrix phases Cellular phases 3 4 5 6 Middle age Old age 45 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 Age

  11. Homotoxicosis Humoral phases Matrix phases Cellular phases 1 2 3 4 5 6 Premature aging Progression of the disease

  12. Homotoxicosis Humoral phases Matrix phases Cellular phases 1 2 3 4 5 6 Slower aging Regression of the disease

  13. Antihomotoxic therapy Humoral phases Matrix phases Cellular phases 1 2 3 4 5 6 Organs Nosodes Organism Catalysts Suis-organ components Tissue Components of class. homeopathy Cells

  14. Antihomotoxic therapy Matrix phases Cellular phases 3 4 5 6 Drainage/ detoxifying remedies Catalysts D Suis-organ preparations Nosodes

  15. Antihomotoxic therapy 1.Antihomotoxic combination preparations for nonspecific drainage Matrix phases 2.Antihomotoxic combination preparations for nonspecificdetoxification 3 4 Reactivation of the mesenchyma General regulation 4.Antihomotox. comb. preparations for the modulation of immune, nervous and glandular functions 3.Antihomotoxic combination preparations for organ-specific drainage

  16. A Antihomotoxic therapy 5.Organ-specific antihomotoxic comb. preparations (+suis) Cellular phases 6.Organotropic antihomotoxic comb. preparations (-suis) 5 6 Local regulation Activation of function активация функций активация функций 8.Specific tissue detoxification 7. Комплексные катализаторы 7. Complex catalysts

  17. Antihomotoxic therapy: Preventive revitalization Matrix phases • 1.Nonspecificdrainage • combination preparations • Lymphomyosot • Berberis-Homaccord • Nux vomica-Homaccord • 1. Несп. дренаж. КАП • Лимфомиозот • Берберис-ГА • Нукс вомика-ГА 3 4 • 7. Complex catalysts • Coenzyme compositum • Ubichinon compositum • 2.Nonspecific detoxifyingcombination preparations • Lymphomyosot • Berberis-Homaccord • Nux vomica-Homaccord

  18. Antihomotoxic therapy: Preventive revitalization Matrix phases 3 4 • 1.Nonspecific drainage combination preparations • Lymphomyosot • Galium-Heel • Engystol • 7. Complex catalysts • Coenzyme compositum • Ubichinon compositum • 4.Modulators of immune, nervous and glandular functions • Hormeel • Testis compositum • Ovarium compositum • Cerebrum compositum • 2.Nonspecific detoxifying combination preparations • Hepar compositum • Mucosa compositum • Nux vomica-Homaccord

  19. Antihomotoxic therapy Matrix phases Cellular phases • 3. Specific drainage combination preparations • Solidago compositum • Cralonin • Mucosa compositum 4 5 6 • 4. Modulators of immune, • nervous & glandular functions • Echinacea comp. • Testis comp. • Ovarium comp. • 2. Nonspecific detoxifying combination preparations • Hepar compositum • Tonsilla compositum • Berberis-Homaccord • 7. Complex catalysts • Coenzyme comp. • Ubichinon comp. • Zeel

  20. Antihomotoxic therapy • 5.Spec.(+suis) combination preparations • Mucosa compositum • Hepar compositum • Solidago comp. Cellular phases 5 6 • 6. Organotropic comb. preparations • Nux vomica-Homaccord • Hepeel • Reneel • 8. Specif. detoxifying remedies • Echinacea comp. • Cerebrum comp. • Psorinoheel • 7. Complex catalysts • Coenzyme comp. • Ubichinon comp. • Tonsilla comp.

  21. Antihomotoxic therapy • Liver • Hepeel(-s) • Chelidonium-Hom.(D) • Hepar comp.(+s) Cellular phases Матричные фазы 4 5 6 • Pancreas • Momordica comp. (-s) • Leptandra comp. (D) • Hepar comp. (+s) • Bowel • Nux vomica-Hom.(-s) • Tonsilla comp. (D) • Mucosa comp. (+s)

  22. Antihomotoxic therapy • Lungs • Tartephedreel(-s) • Echinacea comp. (D) • Mucosa comp. (+s) Cellular phases Матричные фазы 4 5 6 • Heart • Cralonin(-s) • Lymphomyosot(D) • Testis comp. (+s) • Kidneys • Reneel(-s) • Populus comp. (D) • Solidago comp. (+s)

  23. Antihomotoxic therapy • 1.Nonspecific drainage comb. preparations • Engystol • Pulsatilla compositum • Tonsilla compositum Cellular phases Allopathic therapy 5 6 • 2. Nonspecific detoxifyingcomb. preparations • Nux vomica-Hom. • Berberis-Hom. • 4. Modulators of immune, • nervous + glandular functions • Galium-Heel • Testis compositum • Ovarium compositum • 7. Complex catalysts • Coenzyme comp. • Ubichinon comp.

  24. Detoxification = Drainage + Elimination

  25. Lymphomyosot (1) • …the action of the preparation is based on its drainage effect on the matrix…(А.-R. Dietz, 2000; S.A. Shahvorostova, 2003) • …a preparation which cleanses the lymph system... (L.I. Iljenko et al., 1996; D. Lanninger-Bolling, 1998) • …is an effective means of detoxification…(Т.V. Klimenko, L.I. Ljashenko, 1997) • …has a canalizing, draining action and stimulates the detoxification process in loose connective tissue…(W. Frase, 1989)

  26. Lymphomyosot (2) • …the main focus of the effect varies: in the reaction phasesit is the stimulation of detoxifying processes in the lymph systemand the connective tissue;… in the dedifferentiation phaseit is the activation of drainage processes... (О.А. Gushina, 2001) • …the therapeutic effect of the preparation develops gradually…(W. Dachrodt, 1985) • …in each case the effect of the preparation is individual... overall, however, the treatment is long-term(J. John, 1975) 2-4 wks 5-8 mths

  27. Account taken of antihomotoxic principles when prescribing antihomotoxic preparations (1) According to a survey of St. Petersburgdoctors in 2003 (n = 275)

  28. Account taken of antihomotoxic principles (2) 47% 63%

  29. Account taken of antihomotoxic principles (3) %

  30. +Drainage Functional diagnostician Cosmetician Osteopath Psychoneurologist Acount taken of antihomotoxic principles (4) +Drainage • Specialist in emergency + intensive-care medicine • Anesthetist • Transfusionist • ENT specialist • Rheumatologist • Phthisiologist -Drainage • Toxicologist • Stomatologist • Specialist in infectious diseases • Gastroenterologist

  31. HOMOTOXICOSIS Individual clogging of the organism Generalecologicalproblems AUTOINTOXICATION

  32. AUTOINTOXICATION In disturbances of the secretory processes Retention On the absorption of toxic products Absorption In metabolic disturbances Dyscrasia

  33. INTOXICATION DE... [ Lat. in: in, into + Grk.toxikon: poison ] - Poisoningof the organismwith toxic substances (toxins) [ Lat.de…: un-…, de-… ] Prefix meaning thedestruction, eliminationor absenceof something DETOXICATION

  34. Elimination Drainage [ Fr. drainage ] – Systems for the collection and removal of water…; drainage of fluid from a body cavity... [ Lat. eliminare: to eject] Exclusion, removal, eradication EXCRETION General Local

  35. Excretion (1) [From Lat. excretum:elimination]Discharge; work done by the glands and other organsin removing the end-products of metabolism (excreta) from the body; the following are involved in excretion in mammals and in humans: Kidneys Lungs Skin Bowel

  36. Homotoxicosis Humoral phases Matrix phases Cellular phases % 1 2 3 4 5 6 100 Excretion 50 Intoxication 0 t

  37. Excretion (2) Humoral phases Matrix phases Cellular phases % 1 2 3 4 5 6 % 100 0 Drainage Elimination 50% 100 0 t

  38. Detoxification algorithm (1) Laxatives Enterosorbents Nux vomica-Hom. Mucosa comp. Choleretics Diuretics Chelidonium-Hom. Populus comp. Hepatoprotectives Antioxidants Coenzyme comp. Hepeel A nonspecific detoxification cure is intended to last 28 days and should be repeated every 4 months. [Nonspecific detoxification and desensitization of the organism in allergodermatoses... – Handbook for doctors... – Moscow 2002]

  39. Detoxification algorithm (2) Lungs Deposition Impregnation Liver Skin 3 Matrix 4 Kidneys Bowel

  40. Detoxification algorithm (3) Lungs Humoral phases Matrix phases Cellular phases 1 2 3 4 5 6 Skin Liver Cirrhosis Hepatitis Heart Bowel Kidneys

  41. Detoxification algorithm (4) Humoral phases Matrix phases Cellular phases 1 2 3 4 5 6 % Elimination 100 Drainage Excretio n Elimination Drainage 50 Elimination 0 t

  42. Detoxification algorithm (5) Humoral phases Matrix phases Cellular phases 1 2 3 4 5 6 < 1 year > 1 year Drainage Elimination Drainage Regulation Activation Regulation Activation Elimination Elimination Regulation Activation Activation

  43. Detoxification algorithm (6) Humoral phases Matrix phases Cellular phases < 1 year 1 2 3 4 5 6 Berberis-Homaccord, Hepeel, Reneel... Symptomatic remedies Elimination Traumeel, Tartephedreel... Nonspecific excretion regulators Regulation Elimination Lymphomyosot, Aesculuscompositum, Coenzyme compositum... Regulators of metabolism in the matrix Regulation

  44. Detoxification algorithm (7) Humoral phases Matrix phases Cellular phases 1 2 3 4 5 6 > 1 year Galium-Heel, Pulsatilla compositum, Ubichinon compositum ... Nonspecific stimulators of metabolism in the matrix Drainage Tonsilla compositum, Placentacompositum, Psorinoheel... Activation Specific stimulators of metabolism in the matrix Elimination Cutis compositum, Mucosa compositum, Hepar compositum... Specific stimulators ofexcretion mechanisms Activation

  45. Main aim of antihomotoxic therapy 4 5 6 4 5 6 Quality of life Level of health Antihomotoxic therapy Age 50 60 70 80 90

  46. Factors in stabilizing health • Have aims in life • Optimism and the ability to cope with one’s emotions • A happy marriage • Do work that is useful to people • Work and relaxation phases; constantly vary your activities • Daily exercise (walking, running) • A sensible diet • Regularly get 7-8 hours of sleep • Give up harmful habits (smoking, alcohol) • Keep fit through exposure to fresh air, water and the sun

  47. Detoxification – the main principle of antihomotoxic therapy

  48. Health is the state of an organism which is free of toxins H.-H. Reckeweg

  49. Account taken of antihomotoxic principles (5) Theoretic questions of homotoxicology Yes Yes No No -Drainage +Drainage

  50. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME I hope that you will always take pleasure in helping people, and...

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