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Communications Overview— S.U. Donor Recognition Plan . Donor recognition plan objectives Achieve a REAL shift from benefit -based “clubs” to donor-centric “relationships”—s ubstantive contact intentionally escalates (from “low” to “high touch”) Achieve a simpler structure *
Donor recognition plan objectives • Achieve a REAL shift from benefit-based “clubs” to donor-centric “relationships”—substantive contact intentionally escalates (from “low” to “high touch”) • Achieve a simpler structure * • Primary donors: - annual giving group ($1,000+ yr.) - cumulative giving group ($100,000+) • Planned giving • Benefits of simpler structure: • easier to grasp & appreciate externally • easier to manage & execute internally * NOTE: those who demonstrate consecutive giving and faculty/staff giving fall under these categories
Overview of objectives (cont.) • Overall, move away from overtly promoting/publishing donor groups’ differences and levels: * the nuances of relationship management will be main difference donors experience (“low-touch” vs. “high touch”) * distinctions will also be achieved by slight variations in how we communicate with each group (verbiage, access to web features, etc.) • TRANSITION: Introduce/position the shift as benefit to donor base: * new name to better reflect essence & impact of your gifts * new, more meaningful ways to thank, recognize, and engage you * ‘best of’ the old folded into the new (i.e.: benefits)
Key messages of rollout > Donor group ‘names’ should pay a compliment to the donor & be suggestive of its positive impact on the institution: ex: Benefactor vs. 1870 Society, Society of Fellows, etc. > A single graphic ‘look’ (to be developed) will unify, yet ever-so-slightly distinguish, our three donor groups. This look will be: * more reflective of donor’s relationship to SU * more consistent with the core SU brand
Welcome SOF to Benefactors • For both hi and lo level Benefactors… reverse thinking from what you get, to how you’re treated…it’s the “touch” that changes • Every gift makes an immediate difference • As sof members you understand the importance of giving and have had significant impact already…. Your gift has made possible – give examples • As a group you are exceptional – in 2006 you contributed $xxx – funding over % in scholarships, program support and… For all this, we thank you • Now as Benefactors… and to recognize your unwavering support, we welcome you to a group without which the University could not be the place it is today. • As Benefactors you’ll receive the ‘best of’ the old folded into the new… Old friends, new name… etc. • Take personal satisfaction in the impact you have -- review the enclosed and learn more about our commitment to you Or log in at [site name TBD] • For any questions, concierge services for campus events, and more information contact our benefactor hot line, 800-xxx-xxxx
Annual Giving “Benefactors” Annual Giving“Benefactors” Internal category 1$ 1,000+ yr Internal category 2$10,000+ yr Low touch High touch Typified by:> Mass mailed appeals> Tele-prospecting> Large-audience events Typified by:> Assigned relationship manager> Personalized mailings> Personalized phone contacts> Exclusive events Feed in from FFS pool Over time, donor cultivation moves from ‘low-’ to ‘high touch’— propelling gifts from small to large.Note: PG prospects may reside in either group and receive ongoing PG messages.
1 Appeals & solicitations Within each donor pool, contact moves from (1) solicitation, to (2) welcome, to (3) ongoing relationship maintenance… 2 Welcome 3 Ongoing contact
Annual Giving “Benefactors” Internal cat. 2$10,000+ yr Internal cat. 1$ 1,000+ yr 1 Individualized appeals used w/ Gift Officers Mass appeals & solicitations • Brochure • Tailored cover letter • Reply device • Brochure • Tailored cover letter • Reply device 2 Welcome kit with higher production value Mass-mailedwelcome kit • SU premium • Welcome cover letter • Access to concierge service • Save-the-date for Chancellor’s Tailgate • SU premium • Welcome cover letter • Access to concierge service • Save-the-date for Chancellor’s Tailgate • Save-the-date for high-level event More frequent contact & increased quality 3 Ongoingmass contact • Calendar • Scholarship in Action e-newsletter • “State of the University” DVD • Invites to 2 events: - Chancellor’s Tailgate - TBD • Calendar • Scholarship in Action e-newsletter • “State of the University” DVD • Invite to 1 event: - Chancellor’s Tailgate CONSECUTIVE giving recognized within these categories. Set milestone years.