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DIMACS/CCICADA Interdisciplinary Seminar Series, Spring 2012

DIMACS/CCICADA Interdisciplinary Seminar Series, Spring 2012. Enhancing correctional efficiencies, effectiveness and outcomes. James P. Wojtowicz, CCICADA/Rutgers University March 26, 2012. Enhancing correctional efficiencies, effectiveness and outcomes. welcome & acknowledgements.

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DIMACS/CCICADA Interdisciplinary Seminar Series, Spring 2012

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  1. DIMACS/CCICADA Interdisciplinary Seminar Series, Spring 2012 Enhancing correctional efficiencies, effectiveness and outcomes James P. Wojtowicz, CCICADA/Rutgers University March 26, 2012

  2. Enhancing correctional efficiencies, effectiveness and outcomes welcome & acknowledgements

  3. motivation Enhancing correctional efficiencies, effectiveness and outcomes Practice: Complex Operational Responsibilities/Issues/Problems ‘Big Data’ Analytics: Theoretical Knowledge, Research & Methodologies

  4. motivation Enhancing correctional efficiencies, effectiveness and outcomes ‘Big Data’ Analytics: Theoretical Knowledge, Research & Methodologies Practice: Complex Operational Responsibilities/Issues/Problems challenge of meeting mission responsibilities sophisticated approaches and techniques

  5. motivation Enhancing correctional efficiencies, effectiveness and outcomes  Practice: Complex Operational Responsibilities/Issues/Problems ‘Big Data’ Analytics: Theoretical Knowledge, Research & Methodologies address of real-world problems advance science potential mutual benefit

  6. goal Enhancing correctional efficiencies, effectiveness and outcomes  attempt to formulate a real-world question in the context of . . .

  7. objectives provide a foundation of the mission (and other) components of practice describe an issue in terms of practice and science use correctional system as example engage discussion and feedback from . . . Enhancing correctional efficiencies, effectiveness and outcomes

  8. Enhancing correctional efficiencies, effectiveness and outcomes example taken from: Preliminary Flow Analysis of the New Jersey State Correctional System (Partners: Fretz, Boros, Altiok & Wojtowicz) analysis of offender flow (intake to discharge) process simulation - - resource (and mission) optimization

  9. Enhancing correctional efficiencies, effectiveness and outcomes understanding the operational entity

  10. Enhancing correctional efficiencies, effectiveness and outcomes mission definition philosophies general components rules, regulations constituents

  11. definition: loss of liberty Enhancing correctional efficiencies, effectiveness and outcomes components of corrections defines primary function

  12. philosophies constituents rules, regulations (documentation) Enhancing correctional efficiencies, effectiveness and outcomes incapacitation offenders laws NJSA – Title 2C punishment public regulations NJAC – 10A: restoration taxpayers guidelines Brimage – plea agree. rehabilitation victims policies P & P components of corrections families provide definitions, logic, constraints insight: internal & external influences stakeholders

  13. mission Enhancing correctional efficiencies, effectiveness and outcomes defines entity priorities defines the outcomes, measures and objectives components of corrections

  14. correctional mission (dual) Enhancing correctional efficiencies, effectiveness and outcomes Safety & Security of custody, staff public and offender Offender care & Rehabilitation components of corrections

  15. correctional mission (dual+) Enhancing correctional efficiencies, effectiveness and outcomes safety & security of custody, staff public and offender offender care & rehabilitation financial management (responsibility) components of corrections security vs. economics

  16. correctional mission (dual+) Enhancing correctional efficiencies, effectiveness and outcomes safety & security of custody, staff public and offender offender care & rehabilitation financial management (responsibility) criminal justice system mission components of corrections public safety administration of justice enforcement of laws reduction of crime maintain basic rules of civil society safeguard Constitutional rights all these have to be considered

  17. Enhancing correctional efficiencies, effectiveness and outcomes mission definition philosophies components of corrections rules, regulations constituents system

  18. Enhancing correctional efficiencies, effectiveness and outcomes viewing corrections as a system

  19. Enhancing correctional efficiencies, effectiveness and outcomes The Challenge of Crime in a Free Society: A report by the President’s Commission on Law Enforcement and Administration of Justice, US Government Printing Office, February 1967

  20. Enhancing correctional efficiencies, effectiveness and outcomes time driven - - movement driven ENTRY - volume - rates • EXIT • - volume • rates • feedback corrections is a system • ENTITIES • participants • attributes • FLOW-PROCESS • resources • capacities • utilization • bottlenecks • costs

  21. Enhancing correctional efficiencies, effectiveness and outcomes system definitions & components

  22. intake - entry Enhancing correctional efficiencies, effectiveness and outcomes identifiable rate - volume CJ system • law enforcement • laws • priorities • prosecution corrections system diversion programs - drug court sentencing prevention

  23. intake - entry entities – offenders - characteristics Enhancing correctional efficiencies, effectiveness and outcomes identifiable rate - volume risk factors (static and dynamic) health faith demographic CJ system motivation criminal history • law enforcement • laws • priorities • prosecution corrections system education Note: flow analysis proposal planned for ~51,000 entities for the period 1/1/07 to 12/31/10 substance involvement diversion programs - drug court skills (employment) sentencing behavior (inst. adjustment, program participation, etc. prevention

  24. intake - entry entities – offenders - characteristics release - exit Enhancing correctional efficiencies, effectiveness and outcomes identifiable rate - volume risk factors (static and dynamic) health identifiable rate - volume faith demographic types CJ system motivation Parole Max Death Escape Walkaway ISP Pardon Court Medical Interstate criminal history • law enforcement • laws • priorities • prosecution corrections system education substance involvement • diversion programs • ISP • alternatives • early release diversion programs - drug court skills (employment) sentencing parole behavior (inst. adjustment, program participation, etc. prevention process

  25. flow-process Enhancing correctional efficiencies, effectiveness and outcomes resources housing • locations • - county jails • reception • prison complex • community corrections • security levels • - close • max • med • gang min • full min • community corrections corrections system • types • male vs. female • youth vs. adult • specific purpose • community corrections: assessment centers, work release, substance abuse, treatment, special needs Source: NJAC 10A:9 approximately 150 bed locations/types

  26. flow-process Enhancing correctional efficiencies, effectiveness and outcomes resources housing capacity - utilization unknown corrections system

  27. TOTAL INMATES IN NEW JERSEY STATE CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTIONS AND SATELITE UNITS Enhancing correctional efficiencies, effectiveness and outcomes housing capacities & utilization(?) reported population Limited information on varying bed types Source: OFFENDER CHARACTERISTICS REPORT ON JANUARY 3, 2012 (www.state.nj.us/corrections/pages/offender_stats.html)

  28. corrections system flow-process Enhancing correctional efficiencies, effectiveness and outcomes resources programming • locations • reception • prison complex • community corrections • types • educational • vocational • drug treatment • drug education • job readiness • reentry • parenting • demonstrations • victim based • community corrections: assessment centers, work release, substance abuse, treatment, special needs • security levels • - close • max • med • gang min • full min • community corrections • settings • institutional • residential • classroom • integration capacities and utilization: some known - - some unknown Source(s): www.state.nj.us/corrections & www.nj.gov/transparency/performance/corrections/

  29. Enhancing correctional efficiencies, effectiveness and outcomes challenges of a correctional programming fidelity setting motivation philosophies Priorities (time vs. movement)

  30. corrections system flow-process Enhancing correctional efficiencies, effectiveness and outcomes process assessments types - med./psych. - addiction - education - risk - others . . . • frequency • not at all • multiple times • voluntary • locations • reception • prison complex • community corrections

  31. corrections system flow-process Enhancing correctional efficiencies, effectiveness and outcomes process classification • - objective classification system: OCS (risk of inst. infraction – research based) • - scoring system (neg. – 0 – positive) • static and dynamic factors • set cut points – security levels • a  OCS = max • b  OCS < a = med • OCS < b = min • b < a • - initial, periodic and cause (offenders will have many score values over time) • - dynamic: score can lower, score can raise • - score overrides: no security level progression despite appropriate score or security level progression without appropriate score

  32. corrections system flow-process process time Enhancing correctional efficiencies, effectiveness and outcomes • with certain exceptions (mandatory minimums), an offenders’ time in the system is dynamic • distribution of time in the system over all participants • time credits to reduce the maximum sentence term (behavior, job, custody status) • parole eligibility formula • parole decision • infractions and penalties • programs have set durations or ranges • assessment completion time • time criteria for program participation • time restrictions on custody status movements • time restrictions on community corrections participation

  33. corrections system flow-process Enhancing correctional efficiencies, effectiveness and outcomes process motion offenders travel from intake to release

  34. corrections system flow-process - measures Enhancing correctional efficiencies, effectiveness and outcomes process-measures costs COST  POPULATION recent cost figure: $49,000/year/offender (Gov. Christie: AP – 2/27/12) Source: state.nj.us/governor

  35. corrections system flow-process - measures Enhancing correctional efficiencies, effectiveness and outcomes process-measures costs related to the level of security - supervision (see NJAC 10A:9): assume - - close  max  med  gang min  full min ( community*) housing programming housing state offenders in county jails is expensive (bottleneck) assessments medical operational transportation administrative other

  36. corrections system flow-process - measures Enhancing correctional efficiencies, effectiveness and outcomes process-measures costs COST  POPULATION POPULATION MANAGEMENT

  37. corrections system flow-process - measures Enhancing correctional efficiencies, effectiveness and outcomes process-measures costs POPULATION MANAGEMENT Pre-incarceration Post-confinement CORRECTIONS

  38. corrections system flow-process - measures POPULATION MANAGEMENT Enhancing correctional efficiencies, effectiveness and outcomes process-measures costs Pre-incarceration Post-confinement CORRECTIONS Diversionary programs Sentencing reform Drug Court Prevention strategies Law Enforcement Priorities Diversionary programs Intensive Supervision Program(ISP) Early Release Alternatives to Incarceration Parole release

  39. corrections system flow-process - measures Enhancing correctional efficiencies, effectiveness and outcomes process-measures costs COST TRAJECTORY higher cost CORRECTIONS . . offender lower cost

  40. Enhancing correctional efficiencies, effectiveness and outcomes trajectories impact costs

  41. corrections system flow-process - measures Enhancing correctional efficiencies, effectiveness and outcomes process-measures outcomes re-arrest, reconviction, re-incarceration recidivism employment recovery health internal and/or external community, family stability housing behavior – institutional adjustment

  42. corrections system flow-process - measures Enhancing correctional efficiencies, effectiveness and outcomes process-measures outcomes PROGRAMMING  OUTCOME

  43. Enhancing correctional efficiencies, effectiveness and outcomes PROGRAMMING  OUTCOME James A. Inciardi, Steven S. MartIn and Clifford A. Butzin, Five-Year Outcomes of Therapeutic Community Treatment of Drug-Involved Offenders after Release from Prison, Crime & Delinquency 2004 50: 88

  44. Enhancing correctional efficiencies, effectiveness and outcomes PROGRAMMING  OUTCOME addiction is complex James A. Inciardi, Steven S. MartIn and Clifford A. Butzin, Five-Year Outcomes of Therapeutic Community Treatment of Drug-Involved Offenders after Release from Prison, Crime & Delinquency 2004 50: 88

  45. Success: 48% Complete + A-care (x%) Fail: 52% Success: 42% Enhancing correctional efficiencies, effectiveness and outcomes Complete (x%) Fail: 58% Success: 28% Dropout (x%) Treatment Placed (x%) Fail: 72% Treatment Need (57%) The five year re-arrest alternative presentation Success: 23% No Treatment (x%) Fail: 77% Offender Drug Assessment Success: (?)% No Treatment Need (43%) Fail: (?)% James A. Inciardi, Steven S. MartIn and Clifford A. Butzin, Five-Year Outcomes of Therapeutic Community Treatment of Drug-Involved Offenders after Release from Prison, Crime & Delinquency 2004 50: 88

  46. QUESTION: fidelity in treatment Success: 48% Complete + A-care (x%) Fail: 52% Success: 42% Enhancing correctional efficiencies, effectiveness and outcomes QUESTION: voluntary vs. coerced Complete (x%) Fail: 58% Success: 28% Dropout (x%) Treatment Placed (x%) Fail: 72% Treatment Need (57%) The five year re-arrest alternative presentation QUESTION: completion rate  100% Success: 23% No Treatment (x%) Fail: 77% QUESTION: false positives false negatives Offender Drug Assessment Success: (?)% No Treatment Need (43%) Fail: (?)% James A. Inciardi, Steven S. MartIn and Clifford A. Butzin, Five-Year Outcomes of Therapeutic Community Treatment of Drug-Involved Offenders after Release from Prison, Crime & Delinquency 2004 50: 88

  47. Enhancing correctional efficiencies, effectiveness and outcomes trajectories impact outcomes

  48. Enhancing correctional efficiencies, effectiveness and outcomes challenges of a correctional flow analysis data human subjects research human behavior dynamic funding

  49. Enhancing correctional efficiencies, effectiveness and outcomes formulate the question

  50. Enhancing correctional efficiencies, effectiveness and outcomes QUESTION: how do we MINIMIZE COSTS IDENTIFY & MAXIMIZE TRAJECTORIES W/COST BENEFITS (financial) ENSURE SAFETY & SECURITY (internal) IDENTIFY & MAXIMIZE TRAJECTORIES W/SUCCESS INDICATORS (rehabilitation) ENSURE PUBLIC SAFETY (CJ mission) within the correctional system as defined (resources, processes, flow, costs, time, motion, attributes)? . . . and satisfy constituents and internal/external influences

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