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Educational Reform Webinar. January 2011 Illinois Education Association. The Context. Advance Illinois, The Civic Committee of the Commercial Club of Chicago , The Illinois Business Roundtable, and Stand for Children have partnered together to propose legislation called “Performance Counts”.
Educational Reform Webinar January 2011 Illinois Education Association
The Context Advance Illinois, The Civic Committee of the Commercial Club of Chicago , The Illinois Business Roundtable, and Stand for Children have partnered together to propose legislation called “Performance Counts”. They are pushing to adopt their agenda in the lame-duck session the first week of January.
About the proponents • Advance Illinois: An advocacy/policy not-for-profit group co-chaired by Governor Edgar and Bill Daley. Its mission is to promote a public education system that prepares all students to be ready for work, college, & democratic citizenship. • Civic Committee is a private, not-for-profit organization representing the business, professional, educational and cultural leaders of the Chicago region. Its mission is to stimulate and encourage the growth of the area's economy and its ability to provide for its people.
More about the Proponents Illinois Business Roundtable: unites and amplifies the diverse business perspectives and voices of our members on solutions to some of Illinois’ most difficult challenges. Stand for Children: An Oregon based not-for-profit organization that just moved into Illinois. Mission: to use the power of grassroots action to help all children get the excellent public education and strong support they need to thrive.
Their proposal Links Effective Performance to Tenure. Simplifies Dismissal Process for Teachers with Unsatisfactory Ratings. Requires Performance as a Criterion in Layoffs (along with Seniority). Removes Certification from those with multiple Unsatisfactory Evaluations. Requires Principals to Consent to Teacher Placement Based on Merit. Limits Bargaining Subjects in CHI; Right to Strike Statewide.
Their Proposal Linking Effective Performance to Tenure. Grants tenure to teachers after four proficient or excellent summative evaluations. Unlimited time period in order to achieve the four proficient or excellent summative evaluations.
Their Proposal • Dismissal of Tenured Teachers Rated Unsatisfactory • If 90 day remediation process not successful, proposal empowers three person panel to determine whether or not dismissal is warranted. • The panel can decide to dismiss the teacher, fully reinstate the teacher, or reinstate the teacher with a needs improvement evaluation and remove tenure. • The panel is comprised of a school board representative, a superintendent representative, and a union representative.
Their Proposal • Performance as a Criterion along with Seniority for RIF and Placements • Mandates that performance be the major criteria in determining RIF’s and Placements. • Decisions are made by the principal and the superintendent.
Their Proposal • Bargaining Law Changes • Essentially prohibits the right to strike. • Proposes a convoluted fact finding process prior to the board of education deciding whether union could strike.
How it Unfolded • “Performance Counts” was released to educational stakeholders late on Saturday, December 11th . • Both the Illinois House and Senate formed Educational Reform Committees. • House Co-Chairs: Rep. Roger Eddy and Rep. Linda Chapa-LaVia • Senate Co-Chairs: Sen. Kimberly Lightford and Sen. Burzynski • The House set up subject matter hearings in Aurora on December 16th and 17th . • IEA, IFT, and CTU presented coordinated testimony on both days.
The Hearings December 17th – Educational Reform Issues. December 18th – Collective Bargaining Issues.
Our Testimony on Day 1 • These proposals were developed without teacher input. • Teachers have ideas about reform so slow down and allow their voices to be heard. • Annice Brave, IEA member and Illinois Teacher of the Year testified. • IEA has a documented history of promoting educational reforms that puts students’ well being front and center. • Illinois Priority One document.
Our Testimony – Day 2 • Collective Bargaining works. • The Right to Strike isn’t broken and the IEA is unequivocally opposed to any changes to collective bargaining rights. • Presented data from before the collective bargaining law and after the collective bargaining law that showed the decrease of strikes. • Testimony from Ed Shock: current mayor of Elgin and former ETA President. Was jailed for going on strike.
The Following Week The proponents invited all stakeholders to a meeting in Chicago on Wednesday, December 22nd to give input and reaction to the proposals. All stakeholders were present and IEA had conversations with the Management Alliance, IFT, CTU, ISBE, and other stakeholders. It became clear that consensus legislation would not be an option. The Management Alliance decided to submit legislation on their own.
The IEA Executive Committee • The IEA Executive Committee met on December 18th and 19th. • Reviewed Priority One. • Reviewed the Performance Evaluation Reform Act (PERA). • Reviewed SB 2288. • Reviewed Legislative Platform. • They directed the IEA Management Team involved in the process and the officers to take the lead in terms of developing comprehensive educational reform proposals. • IEA worked closely with the IFT and the CTU to develop an agreed upon set of proposals.
Highlights: Performance Evaluation Reform Act Parameters for all new proposed legislation: Successful implementation of new procedures for evaluation including: The pre-certification of all evaluators. Completion of research study with suggested changes implemented.
Member Poll on Ed Reform Issues Interviews were conducted December 27–28, 2010. 400 IEA members who are active K-12 teachers. Representing all areas of the state. Representing all years of experience. Representing all classroom experience.
Highlights from the Poll 70% favor creating a faster and less expensive process for removing teachers with poor performance evaluations. 67% favor determining “Reductions in Force,” or layoffs, based on teacher evaluations coupled with seniority, rather than just seniority. 69% favor revoking teaching certification for teachers who have chronically been found unsatisfactory. 86% oppose limiting the ability of teachers and other school employees to go on strike.
Accountability for All: by IEA, IFT, AND CTU Summary: Establish an ISBE housed best practice clearinghouse. Establish that each district design a comprehensive professional development plan with the union to be funded. Require school board member training.
Tenure • Obtaining tenure – links performance to evaluations – after PERA takes place. • Reduces time for tenure for teachers with three consecutive proficient or excellent evaluations. • Allows teachers who receive tenure in another district to gain it again in two years with proficient or excellent evaluations. • Prohibits districts from non-renewing teachers with excellent ratings. • Requires districts to give written reason(s) when non-renewing teachers with proficient ratings.
Dismissal of Tenured Teacher • Keeps the due process and just cause provisions currently in statute but: • Tightens timelines for hearing. • Requires hearing completion w/i 120 days. • Requires teacher/district to share evidence prior to hearing. • Limits teacher/district to 4 days to present cases. • These proposals would resolve the dismissal faster, force the parties to more realistically assess and present their cases and cut down on the costs of the dismissal process.
More Requires principals to obtain a second credential based on performance. Includes in principals’ evaluations data on the number of teachers who have received unsatisfactory or needs improvement evaluations whose subsequent evaluations were better. Establishes joint task force to determine if and when suspension or revocation of certificates for chronically unsatisfactory teachers should occur. Funds high quality induction and mentoring programs. Requires RIF and vacancy filling procedures to be jointly developed by district and union. Must consider performance as a significant factor after certification and qualifications.
District Level Administrator Evaluation and Working Conditions Survey Requires that all district level administrators be evaluated according to the same standards adopted through the Performance Evaluation Reform Act, including that all evaluators of district level administrators pass a pre-certification assessment prior to evaluating. Mandates an annual working conditions survey to provide feedback to principals on the instructional environment within a school. Results to be shared with teachers and parents.
Medicaid Reform, Worker’s Compensation, TABOR All introduced as they relate to increasing revenue. Governor’s Plan: • Extensive debt reduction to fund pensions for two years and to pay bills. • Income tax increase. • Progressive income tax. Madigan’s Plan: • TABOR. • Reduced borrowing plan. • Temporary income tax rate.
TABOR – The Taxpayer Bill of Rights • House Joint Resolution – Constitutional Amendment 60 is a radical measure, unprecedented in Illinois. • If passed, would place amendment on Nov. 2012 ballots. • It would amend the State Constitution to: • Permanently limit the amount of general funds appropriations and transfers to the previous year’s level, adjusted upwards or downwards by changes in per capita income.
TABOR Would • Lock-in spending at artificially low levels and not adjust sufficiently for population growth and increased costs in providing vital state services. • Crowd-out spending on everything other than big ticket items whose costs are rising faster than inflation, forcing ever-deeper annual cuts in services. • Lead municipalities to substantially increase local property taxes. • Make education funding reform impossible. • Unwisely hamstring efforts to maximize federal aid.
House Call to Action and our Message 3 Messages: No to TABOR. No to Changes on any Collective Bargaining Provisions – collective bargaining provides the educators’ voice in important educational decisions. Yes to Educational Reform presented by teachers to be fully developed in the next legislative session.
Watch your Email and the IEA Website These are unusual political times. The situation remains very fluid and unpredictable. We will need to activate our members and our friends in the community to call the legislators– watch the website for WHEN. When you get the call – ACT. Call your legislators.
Questions • Email your questions to Gaye Harper-Larison at • Gaye.Harper-Larison@ieanea.org • Where to look for the answers: go to MOSS (moss.ieanea.org) and click on the “Ed Reform” tab. • You will also find this PowerPoint and a recording of this webinar on MOSS.