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L4 Impacts and Environmental maintenance into Outdoor Recreation: Crowding & Carrying Capacity. Impacts and Environmental maintenance into Outdoor Recreation: Crowding & Carrying Capacity. Crowding (sesak) Cth: beach area; over crowding?
L4Impacts and Environmental maintenance into Outdoor Recreation:Crowding & Carrying Capacity
Impacts and Environmental maintenance into Outdoor Recreation:Crowding & Carrying Capacity • Crowding (sesak) • Cth: beach area; over crowding? • Some researcher found ‘crowding’ depend on types of activities • Cth: Snorkeling in Taman Laut P Redang • Snorkeling only available at marine park centre; • Impacts; unsatisfied experience, noise, queues in facilities use, counter, jetty • Impacts; marine ecosystems; beach area, coral, fish etc
Impacts and Environmental maintenance into Outdoor Recreation:Crowding & Carrying Capacity • Crowding • Related to satisfaction “more visitors come to OR areas, the satisfaction level of individual visitor will decline” • How to measure the satisfaction? • Use level (crowding) and satisfaction; satisfaction model • Normally; level (quantitative or qualitative) and satisfaction used Likert Scale • Example?
Impacts and Environmental maintenance into Outdoor Recreation:Crowding & Carrying Capacity • How to solve the Crowding? • Implement the concept of carrying capacity (CC) or limit acceptable change (LAC) • CC trying to determine ‘a magic number’ of visitors/users in OR activities or OR sites. • CC for OR sites implies that there is a limit to the amount of users, development and activity that can occur in an area • By CC; provide enough facilities, user satisfaction and reduce environmental degradation
Impacts and Environmental maintenance into Outdoor Recreation:Crowding & Carrying Capacity • Carrying capacity “When more people visit an area, not only the natural environment or environmental resources of the area are affected but also the quality of recreation experience” 3 dimensions of OR CC Environmental Social managerial
Impacts and Environmental maintenance into Outdoor Recreation:Crowding & Carrying Capacity • Impact and environmental Setting?? • Types of users • Day trippers • Overnight trippers • Long periods trippers • Identify of Users (socio-economic background) • Important in OR management; impact management and maintenance? • To monitor the popularity or recreation activity • To design recreation facilities and services • To planning budget; personnel etc • To evaluate the efficiency & equity of OR
Impacts and Environmental maintenance into Outdoor Recreation:Crowding & Carrying Capacity • Possible way to solve ‘crowding’ that produced impact to environment in OR sites? • Entrance fees (multifunction?) • Generate income • Environmental setting, reduce number, target group • Limit/specific entrance • Accessibility to OR sites • Marine Parks; problem-conservation fees; many entrance • Taman Negara; reduced impacts-4 entrances
L5:Next Week Outdoor Recreation Resource Management