Module 1: Introduction to Animal Emergency Management for Veterinary Professionals Module 2: Bio-Defense and Zoonoses
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Module 1: Introduction to Animal Emergency Management for Veterinary Professionals Module 2: Bio-Defense and Zoonoses. Module 1: Introduction to Animal Emergency Management for Veterinary Professionals.
Module 1: Introduction to Animal Emergency Management for Veterinary Professionals Module 2: Bio-Defense and Zoonoses
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Module 1: Introduction to Animal Emergency Management forVeterinary ProfessionalsModule 2: Bio-Defense and Zoonoses
Module 1: Introduction to Animal Emergency Management for Veterinary Professionals To provide an overview of the knowledge, skills and abilities that enable veterinary professionals to effectively participate in the Colorado Veterinary Medical Reserve Corps and local animal emergency response programs. Objective:
Target Audience Veterinarians Certified Veterinary Technicians Students Veterinary medical Veterinary technology Support staff Veterinary assistants Hospital administrators/managers Animal professionals
COVMRC Training Program FEMA IS 100 and IS 700 Unit 1: Overview of animal emergency management for veterinary professionals Unit 2: Bio-defense and biological risk management Unit 3: Overview of CBRNE hazards for veterinary professionals Unit 4: Personal preparedness and business contingency planning
Under What Authority Does CO VMRC Operate? Homeland Security Presidential Directive 9 Designates agriculture and food systems as critical infrastructures Directs federal agencies to take specific steps to protect food and agricultural systems
Pet Evacuation and Transportation Act of 2006-signed into law October 2006 (PETS Act) Stafford Act amendment Requires state and local plans for household pets and service animals Allows FEMA cost-sharing for services in support of people with household pets and service animals Allows FEMA director to make contributions for preparedness
Animal Populations (Mission Areas) Companion animals Production livestock and poultry Backyard livestock and poultry Service/assistance animals Law enforcement/search and rescue animals Laboratory animals Captive wildlife Native wildlife
What are the animal and agricultural concerns in disasters? Public safety Public and animal health Agro-security Animal welfare Service/police animals Wildlife/environment
Public Safety Impacts People will risk their lives to protect animals Can put themselves and responders at risk Redeployment of law enforcement resources This is not just a companion animal issue Operation Pet Rescue: 1996 Weyauwega, Wisconsin
Public Health and Zoonosis Public health and animal health issues intersect broadly Veterinary professionals are essential in addressing zoonotic disease issues during disasters A zoonosis is any infectious disease that can be transmitted from non-human animals, both wild and domestic, to humans or from humans to non-human animals.
Examples of Zoonotic Diseases Rabies West Nile Virus H1N1 Anthrax Brucellosis Tuberculosis Rabies Giardia Salmonella Influenza Plague Q Fever Gram positive bipolar-staining organisms of Yersinia pestis
Priority Biological Agents Category A Diseases Easily transmitted to people, with high morbidity and mortality rates. Anthrax (Bacillus anthracis) Botulism (Clostridium botulinum)* Plague (Yersinia pestis) Smallpox (Variola major)* Tularemia (Francisella tularensis) Viral hemorrhagic fevers ( Lassa fever, Hantavirus, Rift Valley fever, Dengue,Ebola, Marburg viruses)
Category B Diseases Transmitted to people with moderate morbidity and low mortality rates. Melioidosis (Burkholderia pseudomallei) Brucellosis (Brucella species) Q Fever (Coxiella burnetii) Glanders (Burkholderia mallei) Typhus fever (Rickettsia prowazekii) Toxins Staphylococcal, Clostridial, Ricin Food and water-borne pathogens
Animal Agriculture as a Critical Infrastructure Basic necessities: Food/water Shelter Warmth Food supply systems Vulnerable at multiple points Critical “farm to fork” food pipeline Economic impacts Non-economic impacts
United States Agricultural Economy US tops world in food production World’s largest exporter of agricultural products Animal agriculture >$100 billion Crop agriculture >$100 billion 17% of jobs connected to food/agriculture 13% of gross domestic product <<10% of income goes to buy food
Service Animals Seeing-eye dogs Hearing assistance Hospital visits Mobility assistance Medical warning Seizures Medical detection Mental health therapy
Law Enforcement and Emergency Response Animals Canine Enforcement/patrol Drug and explosive detection Search and rescue Equine Patrol/search Crowd control
Native Wildlife Impacts on critical environments or endangered species Impacts of animal diseases Brucellosis (Yellowstone) Foot and Mouth Disease West Nile Virus H1N1 (Swine Flu)
Animals in the State of Colorado Colorado (2002 estimate) 4.5+ million people 1.82 million households Up to 60% of households with pets 2.5 animals per household 2.7+ million dogs, cats, and birds Add rabbits, rodents, ferrets, reptiles, etc.
Colorado Horses and Other Livestock Species Horses: 145,000-225,000+ All Cattle: 2,400,000 Mature dairy cows: 98,000 Mature beef cows: 710,000 Sheep & goats: 420,000+ Poultry: <20,000,000 (variable) Swine: 770,000 Captive deer, elk, bison Llamas, alpacas Emu, ostrich
Definitions Hazards Threats of all types Vulnerability People, property of systems that are subject to hazards Consequence Degree of potential impact Risk Overall sum of hazard, vulnerability, and consequence
Geological Hazards Earthquake Trinidad area 2001, series with largest at 4.6 Rocky Mountain National Park November 7, 1882 Estimated near 6.2 Richter Latest estimates max impact= $24 billion damages, 800 fatalities Volcanic eruption Mount Saint Helens Tsunami (Pacific coastal)
Wildfire Natural, Accidental, Intentional Low to high impact Usually April-October Risk magnified by large wilderness-urban interface areas 2002 Colorado wildfire season Wildfires are a threat every year
Animal Welfare Emergencies Animal “hoarders” and large-scale cruelty Dozens or even hundreds of animals kept under terrible conditions May exceed local capacity to provide care
Other Hazards Accidental Hazardous Chemical spills/releases Nuclear/radiological hazards Infrastructure failure Power blackouts, dams, bridges, buildings Accidental explosions Transportation accidents Major urban fires
Intentional Threats CBRNE: Chemical Biological People, animals, crops Radiological Nuclear Explosive Extortion, hoaxes and fraud Market manipulation
Animal Emergency Management Systems
Emergency Management Priorities Protection of human life/health Protection of property Protection of the environment For many people, animals are the top property priority Providing animal emergency management services allows all of these priorities to be achieved
All-Hazards Emergency Management Flexible to adapt to all emergency situations Standardized to improve overall response and interoperability. Comprehensive Emergency Management
National Incident Management System
Homeland Security Presidential Directive – 5 Directed the development of a National Incident Management System and a new National Response Framework
National Incident Management System “…a consistent nationwide approach for federal, state, tribal, and local governments to work effectively and efficiently together to prepare for, prevent, respond to, and recover from domestic incidents, regardless of cause, size, or complexity.”
National Response Framework The National Response Framework is built on the template of the National Incident Management System. It provides the structure and mechanisms for coordinating federal support to state, local and tribal incident managers … and for exercising direct federal authorities and responsibilities.
NIMS Aligns command, control, organization structure, terminology, communication protocols and resources/resource-typing Used for all events Resources Knowledge NRF Integrates and applies federal resources, knowledge, and abilities before, during and after incidents Activated for Incidents of National Significance Abilities
Command and Management Preparedness Resource Management Communications and Information Management Supporting Technologies Ongoing Management and Maintenance Components of NIMS
Statutory Authority Legal Authority is basis for incident command Local animal authorities Law enforcement Animal control Public health Emergency management State animal authorities State veterinarian Public health Emergency management Wildlife agencies Public safety Federal animal authorities USDA: livestock diseases HHS: public health impacts DHS: emergency management DOJ: Terrorism Colorado’s 9 Homeland Security Regions
Multi-Agency Coordination: National Response Plan Emergency Support Functions (ESF) ESF1: Transportation ESF2: Communications ESF3: Public works and engineering ESF4: Firefighting ESF5: Emergency management ESF6: Mass care, housing, and human services ESF7: Resource support ESF8: Public health and medical services ESF9: Urban search and rescue ESF10: Oil and hazardous materials response ESF11: Agriculture and natural resources ESF12: Energy ESF13: Public safety and security ESF14: Long term community recovery and mitigation ESF15: External affairs
State Multi-Agency Coordination Commercial Agricultural Production Emergency Management Agencies Veterinary Medicine Food Processing & Distribution Research Education Laboratory Animal/Agricultural Emergency Issues Regulatory Agencies General Public Foundations Animal Welfare Entities Law Enforcement & Counterterrorism Wildlife Agencies Public Health Voluntary Organizations Support Industries Media Transportation Public Works Elected Officials
Response Originates on the Local Level Multi-agency coordination Plan development Interoperable communications Resource development Equipment & supplies Training Professionals Volunteers Credentialing Citizen preparedness
Local Multi-Agency Coordination Local Emergency Managers Animal care and Control agencies Law Enforcement Brand Inspectors Veterinary Community CSU Extension Animal Related industry Fairgrounds Livestock Associations Kennels and pet Service Providers Livestock Producers Pet Breed Rescue and Associations Community Public Health Fire and EMS County Mapping Wildlife Agencies and Zoos Concerned Individuals
Local Planning Matrix for Animal Issues Table of functions vs. community resources Combine with risk assessment Basis for building a written response plan Veterinary Care Evacuation Sheltering Rescue Disposal Animal control Animal shelter Veterinary Prof. lead (L) unified lead (U) support (S) CSUExtension Livestock Assn.
Veterinary Specific Roles Triage Veterinary clinical care Field care Hospital care Mass casualty care Euthanasia Biological risk management Public health/medical support Foreign animal disease support
Animal Disease Mission Tasks Diagnosis Quarantine Surveillance Epidemiology Mortality management Decontamination Permits Bio-security/compliance Outreach/education Mental health issues Repopulation/recovery Goal is agricultural system continuity
Sheltering Animal safety, security and bio-security Identification and recordkeeping Proof of ownership Shelter situations Permanent +/- expansion Temporary Temporary co-located Co-shelter with people shelters is preferred
Animal Search and Rescue (ASAR) NRF will provide: ESF#9 (USAR) lead for rescuing people with animals ESF#11 (ASAR) lead for rescue of animals Need standardized training, typing, credentialing
Mental Health: Animal Issues for Victims General emotional trauma Helplessness Emotional attachment to animals Displacement Housing and care concerns Loss Animals may be missing or status unknown Death Human and animal Livestock depopulation impacts
BREAK We will take a 10 minute break….
Module 2: Bio-Defense and Zoonoses Objectives: Define terms related to bio-defense List basic disease transmission routes Give examples of Zoonotic agents List examples of high consequence/emerging diseases Describe hand hygiene/barrier protection Identify basics of cleaning and disinfection Identify the components of a biological risk management plan Give examples of agricultural bio-security List veterinary emergency biologic risk management/infection control roles Discuss current H1N1 situation
Definitions Bio-defense Bio-security Biological risk management Infection Control Zoonoses Reportable disease Foreign animal disease Animal health emergency Agro-terrorism Agro-security
Bio-Defense, Bio-Security, Biological Risk Management Bio-Defense Protecting a nation, industry, or facility from high-impact biological threats Bio-Security Steps taken at a facility or agency to prevent the introduction, export, or internal spread of disease agents Biological Risk Management (BRM) Comprehensive evaluation of risks and mitigation actions to minimize biological risks to an acceptable level Infection Control (IC) Procedures to limit spread of infectious agents Term commonly used in human health care
Bio- Containment Bio-Security: Bio-Exclusion Bio-exclusion: Keeping infectious organisms from entering a facility or population Bio-containment Keeping infectious organisms from leaving a facility or population
Zoonotic and Reportable Diseases Reportable Diseases Foreign animal disease or endemic (native) diseases that must be reported to state or federal authorities. Zoonotic Diseases Diseases that infect both animals and people Spread between people and animals Infected by the same vector A vector is an insect or any living carrier that transmits an infectious agent. Vectors are vehicles by which infections are transmitted from one host to another.
Foreign Animal Diseases (FAD) Specific animal or Zoonotic diseases that: Are not normally present in the United States Must be reported to state and/or federal authorities Are reportable to the World Health Organization Will impact livestock industries Will impact international trade
Foreign Animal Diseases of Highest Importance to the U.S. Avian Influenza*Exotic Newcastle Disease* BSE (Mad Cow) Contagious Bovine Pleuropneumonia Foot and Mouth Disease* Heartwater Lumpy Skin Disease Malignant Catarrhal Fever Rift Valley Fever Rinderpest* Goat and Sheep Pox Peste de pestis ruminants African Horse Sickness* Contagious Equine Metritis Dourine Glanders African Swine Fever*Classical Swine Fever (Hog Cholera)* Swine Vesicular Disease Vesicular Exanthema of Swine Screwworm* Equine Encephalomyelitis = West Nile Fever, Eastern, Western, & Venezuelan* * Pose the greatest threat to the U.S.
Animal Health Emergency The state veterinarian activates the state emergency operations plan concerning animal diseases Foreign animal disease or a high-impact endemic disease May be accidental, natural, or intentional
Agro-Terrorism and Agro-Security Agro-Terrorism A criminal act involving intentional harm to agriculture through a biological, explosive, chemical, radiological, incendiary, or explosive attack. Agro-Security Comprehensive actions to protect agricultural from both intentional CBRNE threats as well as natural or accidental events, including diseases.
Society has changed More people have contact with animals today than they did a century ago Early 19th century 40% of the population were involved with agriculture Today less than 2% are involved with agriculture 60% households have at least one kind of pet
What is a Zoonotic disease? The simplest definition of a zoonosis is a diseasethat can be transmitted from one vertebrate animal to another. Another definition is a disease that normally infects animals, but can also be transmitted to humans.
Of the 1,407 known human disease pathogens, 816 (58%) are Zoonotic diseases.
Case Example: Monkey Pox Virus Reportable foreign animal disease Spread animal-to-human via blood or bite Human-to-human spread possible Similar in appearance to smallpox but milder Also affects other species such as rodents Wisconsin 2003, 7 confirmed, 34 suspect human cases
Case Example 2: Q Fever Rickettsia - Coxiella burnettii Cattle, sheep, goats reservoirs Asymptomatic in animalsAbortion in sheep, goats One organism may cause infection Inhalation most common Unpasteurized milk, soft cheeses Flu-like symptoms in people
Case Example: H1N1 Orthomyxo virus - influenza A virus Reassortment of avian, pig and human genotypes in H1N1 Zoonotic disease – mostly human to animals
H1N1 Influenza A Poultry Pigs Ferrets Cats Cheetah Dogs
Common Zoonotic Disease Risks in Small Animal Facilities Rabies Fungal diseases Cat scratch fever Larval migrans Salmonellosis Plague Tularemia Influenza ? Psittacosis Toxoplasmosis
Biological Risk Management (BRM)Infection Control Identification and handling of animals, animal waste, and diagnostic specimens to minimize risk of transmission of disease to people and/or other animals
Disaster Bio-Safety Procedures An extension of facility procedures Veterinary hospitals Animal shelters Kennels Fairgrounds Salebarns Veterinary planning and implementation role
Infection Control Plans A written set of policies and procedures that communicate to the CO VMRC how the unit will manage infectious disease risks to people and animals. Scope Planning assumptions Bio-safety practices Unit training Community/client outreach Plan maintenance Appendices/references
Planning Assumptions It is necessary for the CO VMRC to have a BRM/IC plan. Protection of all unit members, clients, animals and facilities - Right to Know Reportable diseases Standard of care and liability issues New or emerging diseases may be recognized first in animals (e.g. West Nile Virus) Bioterrorism may impact both people and animals
REPORTABLE DISEASES IN COLORADO Anaplasmosis (Clinical Disease Only) Anthrax Avian Influenza (Both high or low pathogenic) Brucellosis (Bovine, Porcine, Ovine, or *Canine) Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) Contagious Equine Metritis (CEM) Equine Encephalomyelitis (reportable to CO Dept. Public Health) Equine Infectious Anemia (Positive Coggins/ELISA) Equine Viral Arteritis Equine Herpes Virus type 1 (Neurological form of Equine Rhinopneumonitis) Malignant Catarrhal Fever Mycoplasmagallisepticum or synoviae Paratuberculosis (Johne’s Disease) * Plague (reportable to CO Dept. Public Health) * Psittacosis (reportable to CO Dept. Public Health) Pseudorabies * Rabies (reportable to CO Dept. Public Health) Salmonella (pullorum or enteritidis) Scabies (Cattle or Sheep) Scrapie Trichomoniasis Tuberculosis * Tularemia (reportable to CO Dept. Public Health) Vesicular Stomatitis, All Species Vesicular Diseases of all species West Nile Virus *- diseases of interest to small animal practitioners Date Last Reviewed: July 23, 2008 ANY DISEASE LISTED ABOVE OR FOREIGN ANIMAL DISEASE OR ANY INFECTIOUS DISEASEOR PARASITE OF LIVESTOCK WHICH WAS NOT PEVIOUSLY KNOWN TO EXIST IN COLORADO SHALL BE REPORTED, ie: ANY DISEASE OF UNUSUAL MORBIDITY OR MORTALITY THAT DOES NOT FIT A NORMALLY EXPECTED CLINICAL PICTURE. If an animal dies acutely and was exhibiting clinical signs of a reportable disease this incident shall be reported even though no diagnostic testing was accomplished prior to death.
Right to Know Laws Applies to hazards potentially encountered by the unit and the general public Allows optimal health care of patients (healthy and diseased) Optimal protection of people
Risk Assessment What are the key biological threats that the CO VMRC might face? Animal diseases Zoonotic diseases Human diseases (members and clients) What are the vulnerabilities? Cages, kennels Common areas Treatment outside of a facility Eating areas for staff Visitors entering restricted areas
Bio-Safety Practices Risk recognition Traffic flow Isolation procedures Hand hygiene policies Barrier protection Sanitation procedures Bite procedures Rabies prophylaxis Other
Biologic Risk Recognition Which diseases do we worry about recognizing early? Zoonoses Highly contagious Highly persistent Significant clinical consequences Regulatory concern Management: Keep high risk animals isolated Traffic flow and isolation
Disease Transmission Routes Droplet contact - coughing or sneezing on another person Direct physical contact - touching an infected person, including sexual contact Indirect contact - usually by touching soil contamination or a contaminated surface Airborne transmission - if the microorganism can remain in the air for long periods Fecal-oral transmission - usually from contaminated food or water sources Vector borne transmission - carried by insects or other animals Some diseases may use multiple routes of transmission
Risk Recognition Tools Entry recognition Screening when animal arrives at site Routing infectious cases away from well animals Isolation Keeping visitors out of restricted areas
Risk recognition starts as soon as the animal is brought to the CO VMRC… For example- if the animal has a history or obvious signs of GI or respiratory disease, move the animal into an isolation area ASAP
Example: Plague Risk Recognition Sick outdoor/hunter cat = plague on the radar Recognition High fever, depression Lymph node enlargement or abscess +/-respiratory signs Inflammatory leukogram Cytology
Additional plague precautions: Protective measures Gloves, mask*, barrier gowns worn immediately (inhalant and contact danger) Individuals with specified risks (pregnancy, immune compromise) relieved of case management Contact limited to attending clinician and one other staff Medical waste handled as hazardous * Respiratory protection must meet OSHA/CDC guidelines with a minimum of N-95
Hand Hygiene May be the single most important bio-safety practice! Major challenge is compliance Reasons for noncompliance include Lack of time to do the “right thing” Impact of hand hygiene practices on skin condition Improve compliance by adding hand sanitizing gels to program
Methods of Hand Hygiene Broad categories Surgical scrub=gold standard Hand washing Regular soap Antibacterial soap Alcohol gels Alcohol liquid Chlorhexidine-alcohol hand sanitizer Combination Example hand washing and a gel or lotion
Veterinary Medical Perspective Very limited information on optimal hand hygiene methods for animal care personnel Most of the recommendations have been adapted from human health care Veterinary medicine Most veterinary patients are very hairy Most veterinary patients are not bathed daily Use of gloves for all patient contact is not routine
Essentials for Hand Hygiene Keep finger nails short and clean under finger nails as needed Hand hygiene: Should be performed between animal contacts Wash station or sanitizers must be readily available and not compromise animal care Should minimize negative impact on skin of animal care providers Can include alcohol based hand sanitizer if hands are not grossly soiled
Hand Hygiene Summary Those involved in care of animals for the CO VRMC should: Develop a minimum level of hand hygiene Based procedures on the risk Use hand hygiene as a routine or habit If risk of contagious disease is high: Use examination gloves along with other needed barrier precautions Perform hand hygiene after removal of examination gloves
Barrier Protections Gloves Masks N-95 or better Gowns/coveralls Caps/hair protection HAZMAT protection Levels A, B, C are seldom used in clinical animal care
Cleaning and Disinfection Cleaning: Removal of visible contaminants Must precede disinfection Disinfection: Application of a suitable chemical agent for an appropriate amount of time to destroy specific infectious agents
10 Essential Steps in Cleaning and Disinfection Assess the areas to be cleaned Remove all visible debris Clean with water and detergent or soap Thoroughly rinse the cleaned area Allow the area to dry completely
Cleaning and Disinfection (continued) Select and apply disinfectant Allow the proper contact time Rinse Leave the area free of animals for a sufficient amount of time Evaluate/monitor the effectiveness of the disinfection plan
Cleaning and Disinfection Assessment Microorganism considerations Disinfectant considerations Environmental considerations Health and safety of people and animals
Disinfectant Considerations Label information Statements of efficacy Medical environment claims Broad spectrum/general purpose Dilution and use instructions Storage and stability Safety information Environmental considerations
Bites and Scratches Rabies and bite policies needed Prevention/safety Post-bite protocols 10 day quarantine Risk recognition in companion animals, livestock and wildlife Cat scratches Cat-scratch fever
Rabies Prophylaxis Vaccination Given prior to exposure Periodic antibody titer monitoring Post-exposure prophylaxis Coordination with public health Needed in: Known positive cases Exposure by animals unavailable for testing (such as wildlife) Prophylaxis ( Greek "προφυλάσσω" to guard or prevent beforehand ) is any medical or public health procedure whose purpose is to prevent, rather than treat or cure a disease.
Common BRM Flaws
Designate food storage, preparation, and eating areas Designate specimen storage and and handling areas Even in the field, the CO VMRC must..
Implementing BRM/IC Not an easy task; almost every step will inconvenience someone Particularly during a disaster Tendency for complacency, convenience to overcome policies, unless we commit to: Education Enforcement Evaluation Continue improvement into the future.
Agricultural Bio-defense Defending against the potential volcanic impacts of foreign animal diseases
Bio-Security Measures for ProducersIf FAD response is at a production facility. Limit visitors. Post visitor policies No visitors from foreign countries for 7 days Limited access for service providers Clean/disinfect vehicles entering animal areas Provide clean garments/boots for necessary visitors
Security Fencing and locked gates where possible Secure feed and chemicals Report suspicious persons or events to local law enforcement or FBI
Employees Pre-screen employees when possible Train employees on: Biological risk management programs Continuity of operations plan Provide clean footwear, coveralls Policy on off-hours contact with animals Reporting of suspicious behavior/events
BRM for Field Veterinary Services Monitor refrigerated medication temperatures Bag and leave waste from each visit Sites should have “clean” areas and “dirty” areas
BRM in Animal Sheltering Risk factors Stress Varying levels of preventive care Veterinary records not usually available Congregation of many individual animals in close proximity Pre-existing illness Exposure to pathogens during disaster Owner/history may be unavailable
Biological Risk Management in Community Emergencies Environmental and infrastructure challenges Utility failure Sewage infrastructure Water treatment Flood waters Micro-organism Chemicals Well contamination Dead animals
BRM in Animal Emergency Plans Responsible for BRM components State State veterinarian Universities Public health Veterinary associations Local Public health Veterinary professionals Written guidelines for animal response programs Modify protocols to fit each emergency
BRM Tools in Disaster Obtain records when possible Veterinary medical history Copies of preventive care Intake surveillance/triage Especially for livestock Veterinary screening exam for all animals Isolation area for high-risk signs Onsite preventive care where history is unknown Immunization Parasite control
Ongoing surveillance Screening examination 1-2 times daily Thorough exam when indicated Isolation for certain signs Establish veterinary care protocols Limit access to animal areas Sanitation protocols Written protocols Onsite training: all workers/volunteers OSHA “Right to know” considerations MSDS availability Training PPE Personal hygiene protocols Hand washing Eating/drinking
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