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The third international conference “Neftegazstandard-2008” Organization of national standards’ development in TC23 V.V.Vernikovsky, executive secretary of TC23. The main totals of the first year working. Achievement of plan about national standards development
The third international conference“Neftegazstandard-2008”Organization of national standards’ development in TC23 V.V.Vernikovsky, executive secretary of TC23
The main totals of the first year working • Achievement of plan about national standards development • Forming of capable management systemfor national standards development in TC • Formation of SC – interaction with companies, forming Working groups
Realization of plan-2008 on national standards development Subcommittee «Industry-wide regulations and rules» (Public Corporation “Gazprom”) The draft of national standard «Processing of natural gas. Terms and definitions» • Concluded the contract with Public Corporation “Gazprom”, creator is – LC «Gazpromrazvitie» • Established the Working group • Prepared the first reduction of draft standard
Realization of plan 2008 on national standards development Subcommittee «Oil-damp production» (PC «NKRosneft») Work didn’t carry out.
Realization of plan 2008 on national standards development Realization of plan 2008 on national standards development Subcommittee «Natural gas production» (PC «Gazprom») There are 2 drafts of national standards: Development’s designing of gas and gaseous condensate fields. Technical requirements to designed documents.Gas and gaseous condensates’ fields development. Technical requirements to engineering processes. • Registration of contracts, creator is – LC «VNIIGAZ» • Prepared the first reduction of draft standard
Realization of plan 2008 on national standards development Realization of plan 2008 on national standards development Subcommittee «Gas distribution and using of gas»(PC «Gazprom») There are 8 national draft standards • Registration of contracts, creators are – PC«Giproniigaz», PC «Gazpromregiongaz», LC “VNIIGAZ" • Fitted the stuff of Working group • Prepared the first reduction of draft standard
Realization of plan 2008 on national standards development Realization of plan 2008 on national standards development Subcommittee «Subsee oil and gas production» (LUKOIL)
Realization of plan 2008 on national standards development Realization of plan 2008 on national standards development Subcommittee «Materials, equipments for natural gas and oil industry» (Producers of oil and gas equipments Union) 13 projects of national standards • Concluded the contract about financing of 12 projects owing to public account’s funds • Preparation of the first reduction of draft standard • Draft of standard «Assembling of plant for separating air and etc. cryogenic equipments» is in discussion stage of the first reduction
Design of works on national standardization 2009 Total quantity: 52 drafts, including: SC 1 «Industry-wide regulations and rules» - 15 SC 2 «Oil-damp production» - 2 SC 3 «Natural gas production» - 11 SC 4 «Gas distribution and using of gas» - 8 SC 5 «Sub see oil and gas production» - 4
Design of works on national standardization 2009 SC 6 «Materials and equipments» - 12 including: 4 drafts – proposals of SC 6, 7 drafts – IrkutskNIIhimmash,standards complex on pressure vessels and apparatuses. 1- Science and production association “Drilling”
Program of standardization TC23-2009 Extraction and oil and gasrefining– 22 Equipment for oil and gas industry – 12 Equipment for processing – 8 Constructions of continental shelf – 4 Equipment for chemistry industry - 6
Interaction with adjacent TC in oil and gas complex ТC 52 Natural gas ТC 139 Liquefied gaseous fuel ТC 23 ТC 357 Steel and cast-iron pipes and balloonsSigned: The cooperation agreement Plan of teamwork ТC 431 Geological studying, using and protection of bowels Are prepared for signing: The cooperation agreement Plan of teamwork ТC 463 Main pipeline transport A decision on merge with NC 23 is accepted
Necessary development of interaction with adjacent standardization's committees ТC 465 Construction ТC 23 ТC 409 EnvironmentalProtection ТC 371 Nondestructive check
Interaction with adjacent ТCin oil and gas complex SC 357 «Steel and cast iron pipes and balloons» ТC 431 «Geologicalstudying, using and protection of bowels" Documents are coordinated: • The cooperation agreement • The plan of teamwork
Crossing of spheres of activity with adjacent TC’s in oil and gas complex
The common headings of all-Russian qualifier of standards ТC 24 Metrological maintenance ТC 52 Natural gas ТC 431 Geological studying of bowels ТC 463 Main pipeline transport
The common headings of the all-Russian qualifiers of production ТC 024 Metrological maintenance ТC 030 Electromagnetic compatibility ТC 245 Pumps ТC 345 The household equipment
DIVISION OF SPHERES OF ACTIVITY AT RE-STRUCTURING ТC IN OIL AND GAS COMPLEX • To exclude crossing spheres of activity in adjacent TC • To specify the spheres of activity for TC in oil and gas complex • To approach the spheres of activity in oil and gas complex to corresponding ISO/ТC
The qualifier of standards001-2000 • A consistency is absent in a statement of a subject domain in an oil and gas recovery • There is no necessary detailed elaboration of subject domain for division spheres of activity adjacent ТC • Doesn’t correspond to world practice of manufacture’s organizations in vertically integrated oil companies • Inexact translation of concepts in Russian version • There are no subject domains from new technologies: LNG, gas hydrates, gas from coal layers
Remarks on the spheres of TC’s 23 activity • Extraction and oil and natural gas refining is the common for spheres of activity of ТC 52, ТC 431 and ТC 23 • It’s excluded and doesn’t concern to anothers ТC the sphere of activity 75.180.10 – equipment for investigation and extractions * includingcontinental shelf constructions • There is no sphere of activity as an operation drilling • There is no sphere of activity as a trade geology and geophysics • There is no sphere of activity as processing of natural gas on a craft and gas-transfering plant • There is no sphere of activity as liquefied natural gas • There is no sphere of activity as main transport of gas, underground storing of gas • Are included a spheres of activity, concerning to ТC «Natural gas» and TC «Liquefiednatural fuel»
Offers on re-structuring of TC in oil and gas complex • To process the all-Russian qualifier 001-2000 in that part, concerning an oil and gas complex • To reconsider and specify of spheres activity adjacent ТC in oil and gas complex • To result TC’s 23 spheres of activity in conformity with ISO/ТC 67’s spheres activity (excepting the main pipeline transport)
Organization’s offers of interaction adjacent ТC To create the Working group of executive secretaries ТC (SC) aimed at preparing: • Offers about improving MK 001 – 96 (OK 001-2000) and separating spheres of activity of adjective ТC • The typical regulation about Subcommittee of TC • Recommendations on planning and financing of national standardizations’ work
The third international conference“Neftegazstandard-2008”Organization of national standards’ development in TC23 V.V.Vernikovsky, executive secretary of TC23