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How to express certainty and uncertainty. By MUKTI SUVI SUBARKAH. School : SMP N 1 Ajibarang Subject : English Grade/Semester : 9/1 Competence Standard : 1.Mendengarkan
How to express certainty and uncertainty By MUKTI SUVI SUBARKAH
School : SMP N 1 Ajibarang • Subject : English • Grade/Semester : 9/1 • Competence Standard: 1.Mendengarkan Memahamimaknadalampercakapantransaksionaldan interpersonal lisanpendeksederhanauntukberinteraksidalamkontekskehidupansehari-hari 3.Berbicara Mengungkapkanmaknadalampercakapantransaksionaldan interpersonal lisanpendeksederhanauntukberinteraksidalamkontekskehidupansehari-hari • Basic Competence : 1.1 Meresponmakna yang terdapatdalampercakapantransaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) pendeksederhanasecaraakurat, lancardanberterimauntukberinteraksidalamkontekskehidupansehari-hari yang melibatkantindaktutur: memintadanmemberikepastian, sertamengungkapkandanmenanggapikeraguan 3.1 Mengungkapkanmaknadalampercakapantransaksional (to get things done) dan interpersonal (bersosialisasi) pendeksederhanadenganmenggunakanragambahasalisansecaraakurat, lancardanberterimauntukberinteraksidalamkontekskehidupansehari-hari yang melibatkantindaktutur: memintadan memberi kepastiandanmengungkapkandanmenanggapikeraguan • Allocated time : 4 x 45 minutes • Indicators : a. Students can express and response certainty b. Students can express and response uncertainty • Learning Objective : students can express and response certainty and uncertainty • Learning method : demonstration Question and answer Disscussion
Have you ever had a plan guys? • How did you express your feeling when you are not sure about your plan? • How did you express your feeling when you are sure that your plan is interesting?
DIALOG 1 [A conversation is played]
The expressions • Uncertainty: it's possible,it's impossible,it might be,it might not be,it could happenI wouldn't like to say for certain.I'm not sureI doubt it.I have my own doubts. It’s doubtful • Certainty: Absolutely Sure Definitely Certainly Of course Positive
Asking certainty • Are you sure? • Are you certain? • Do you think that is a good idea?
Can you find the expressions? Nur : I’m not in a good mood today. My white shirt is stained. I think it’s better to use it for a cloth or something. Nayla : No! Don’t do that. Try my hints. First, put a paper towel under the stain. Then, spray the stain with hair spray. After that, rub the stain gently with a clean cloth. Continue rubbing until the stain is completely gone Nur : Are you sure? Nayla : Positive! I’ve already tried this tip several times and it works for me. Nur : OK then, I’ll try it. Thanks so much, Nayla
Make a dialog! • You get information that Reni will hold a birthday party in a restaurant. Then, you ask Dea whether she is sure about the information or not. Dea says that Reni has told her about it. • Maya is thinking about applying a new job, but her friend, Luki are not certain about her desicion. Maya keeps her opinion, she’s sure that she will get a better job then.