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Aqua Case Carelian caviar

Aqua Case Carelian caviar. Exercise Estimating the amount of juveniles needed for production of caviar. Learning outcomes. t o understand how much material is needed to reach the target production to understand the importance of accurate production parameter calculations

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Aqua Case Carelian caviar

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  1. Aqua CaseCareliancaviar Exercise Estimating the amount of juvenilesneeded for production of caviar

  2. Learning outcomes • to understandhowmuchmaterial is needed to reach the targetproduction • to understand the importance of accurateproductionparametercalculations • to realize the neededtankcapacity as possiblephysicalrestraint of production

  3. The challenge • As a sturgeonfarmmanageryouneed to make an estimate of needednumber of individualsthatshouldbeproducedannually to reach the annualtargetproduction of 5000 kg of caviar

  4. Questions to beanswered • How manyfingerlingsmustbeproducedannually? • What is the finaltankcapacityneeded? • Whatkind of uncertaintiesarethere in the calculations? • Is itpossible to produce 5 tons of caviareveryyear in the farmusing the currenttankcapacity? Ifnot, what is your suggestion to do to reach the goal.

  5. In addition to the case the followinginformation is supplied • Use the maximumvaluesgiven for mortality • Sex ratio is 50:50 • Use the averagevalue for eggs/kg per female

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