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Hard dif f raction: achivements and questions I. Satsunkevich, E. Kokoulina, L. Jenkovszky, Dz. Shoukavy, S. Yanush. Abstract.
Hard diffraction: achivements and questions I. Satsunkevich, E. Kokoulina, L. Jenkovszky, Dz. Shoukavy, S. Yanush Gomel, 2009
Abstract • Diffraction in high energy physics is the old subject but diffractive hard scattering is a rather new one. It was discovered 20 years ago. This discovery renewed interest to old diffraction which people had since 50-ties last century. We discuss firstly needed theoretical models and experimental results that have shown new striking diffractive effects. Main new peculiarity of modern diffractions is big rapidity gaps of jet and Z/W productions in p-antip ( pp) reactions and deep inelastic lp- scattering. These experimental results can be described through the exchange of a pomeron with the specific parton content though the pomeron conception is problematic here. But now people even try to use these results in preparing new way (central exclusive production) to search for Higgs boson at Large Hadron Collider. Gomel, 2009
Lego-Plot 1 Gomel, 2009
Lego-Plot 2 Gomel, 2009
Lego-Plot 3 Gomel, 2009
Lego-Plot 4 Gomel, 2009
Hadron scattering Gomel, 2009
Longitudinal momentum Gomel, 2009
Diffractive hard scattering and DIS ep Gomel, 2009
Rapidity distribution 1 Gomel, 2009
Rapidity distribution 2 Gomel, 2009
Single diffraction Gomel, 2009
Jet production QCD Regge Gomel, 2009
2 g and systems Sum rules a, b, c Gomel, 2009
Particle collisions Gomel, 2009
Diffractive DIS Parton factorization Gomel, 2009
Central diffraction Gomel, 2009
Electromagnetic diffraction • γγ – fusion H • Pomeron-pomeron - fusion 0.6 fb 0.9 fb Gomel, 2009
Double diffraction Higgs production Gomel, 2009
Survival probability Gomel, 2009
Thanks for your attention! Gomel, 2009