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Asegúrate : an evidence-based program against cyberbullying, sexting and addiction to social networks. Rosario Del R ey, Mónica Ojeda, Marta Estévez, Paz Elipe , Joaquín Mora-Merchán and José A. Casas. Background.
Asegúrate: an evidence-based program against cyberbullying, sexting and addiction to social networks Rosario Del Rey, Mónica Ojeda, Marta Estévez, Paz Elipe, Joaquín Mora-Merchán and José A. Casas
Background • IASED: Interpersonal Aggression and Social Emotional Development Research Group • R+D+i: Sexting. Ciberbullying y Riesgos Emergentes en la Red: Claves para su Comprensión y Respuesta Educativa (Sexting, cyberbullying and emergingrisksonthe Net: Keysfortheirunderstanding and educational response)(EDU2013-44627-P)
Previous research • LAECOVI (Laboratorio de EstudiossobreConvivencia y Prevención de la Violencia) lead by Prof. Rosario Ortega • Bullying´s nature. There were not Spanish terms to name it • Prevalence • Coping strategies, emotional impact, resilience, • Risk factors • Evidence Based Practice
The theory of normative social behavior(Lapinski y Rimal, 2005; Rimal y Real, 2005). • Based on the view that because norms influence behavior, if students’ normative beliefs can be changed, behavioral change will ensue: • InjuctiveNorms, Social approval • OutcomeExpectations • GroupIdentity Interventionfocus
The implementation of the ConRed program had implicated a decreasing of Bullying and Cyberbullying prevalence as well as the Interpersonal dependence to Internet and the perception of personal information control. • Del Rey, R.; Casas, J.A.; Ortega, R. (2012). The ConRed Program, an evidence based practice. Comunicar, 39 (XX), 129-138. • Ortega, R., Del Rey, R. y Casas (2012). Knowing, Building and Living Together on Internet and Social Networks -ConRed-: a Prevention Program for Handling Cyber-bullying, International Journal of Conflict and Violence, 6 (2), 303-313. • Del Rey, R., Casas, J. A. and Ortega, R. (2016). The impacts of the CONRED Program on different cyberbulling roles. AggressiveBehavior, 42(2), 123-135.
Previous research: risk factors Casas, J.A.; Del Rey, R. & Ortega, R. (2013). Bullying and Cyberbullying: Convergent and divergent predictor variables. Computer in Human Behavior. 29, 580-587.
Previous research: risk factors Casas, J. A., Ortega‐Ruiz, R., & Del Rey, R. (2015). Bullying: The impact of teacher management and trait emotional intelligence. British Journalof educationalpsychology, 85(3), 407-423.
Relevance of students’ perception of the teachers´ implication • Hattie (2016): Visible Learning • “Visible Learning means an enhanced role for teachers as they become evaluators of their own teaching. According to John Hattie Visible Learning and Teaching occurs when teachers see learning through the eyes of students and help them become their own teachers.” • The teachers´ feedback is the most relevant element • So, in relation with the intervention, better if teachers are the “implementers”
Previousresearch: self-regulation. Implications • Self-Regulationstudents’ skills are relevant to understandhowstudents cope withcyberbullying (in positive ways) • Are linked to cyberbullyingimplication (decreasingit) • Thinkingonintervention, it looks relevant to include/improveself-regulationskills to getbetterresults
Asegúrate Program (make sure and be safe): The program is structured around three main pillars: • The theory of normative social behavior (Rimal & Lapinski, 2015). • Self-regulation skills, inclusion of reflective practice. • The ideas/beliefs held by adolescents. Adhering to the principles of constructivist methodologies (e.g., Powell & Cody, 2009)
Asegúrate Program (make sure and be safe): aims • Makeawareaboutcommunication in social networks and itsimplications. • Strengthenthereflectionabout personal use of virtual social networks. • Providebasicinformationforsafe and healthy use of virtual enviroments. • Promotenetiquette to facilitate social relationships in social networks. • Knowtherisks: cyberbullying,sexting, cybergossip and ICT dependence. • Preventthoserisks.
Asegúrate Program: sessions • Eightsessions in SecondaryCompulsoryEducation • Fivesessions in PrimaryEducation • En línea… Escribiendo… On line … typing • #YoElijoQuiénSoy#IChooseWhoIAm • #EligiendoAmigos#ChoosingFriends • #Gossiping • #Cyber-asegúrate • #Sexting-asegúrate • ¿Qué quieres ser de mayor? What do you want to be when you’re older? • #Netiquetas
Asegúrate Program: resources • Training: teachers and families • Handbook: step by step • Presentations and didactic materials • Awareness campaign: Bookmarks, Stickers, posters
Asegúrate´s Impact Quasi experimental study with two groups
Results: Cyberbullying Cyberaggression: Lambda de Wilks F = 9.14; p = .003
Results: Cyberbullying Cyber aggression Asegúrate Pretest Postest
Results Cybervictimization: Lambda de WilksF = 12.755; p = .000
Results Cyber victimization Asegúrate Pretest Postest
Results cyberbullying To analyze the program’s impact on prevalence the percent variation in each of the groups (control and quasi-experimental) was calculated.
Conclusiones • Asegúrateis cleary effective to reduce cyberbullying: the phenomenon and the implication as aggressor and as victims. • It is also a good practice to cope with sexting, mainly sending. However, for resendingtheimpactisonlyamonggirls and notamongboys. • Social networks dependence is reduce in the interpersonal way and among girls. • So: • It is possible get good results with a short term teacher training and the Asegúrate resources • The relevance of the awareness campaign • The new components in the methodology seem to work
Thankyou! delrey@us.es