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Bullying . By: Martin Garcia. Outline. What is bullying? Why is bullying bad? How it affects in the long run. Examples of bullying (physically and verbally) Where does it happen most. Cyber bullying Consequences Bully Prevention . What Is Bullying.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Bullying By: Martin Garcia

  2. Outline • What is bullying? • Why is bullying bad? • How it affects in the long run. • Examples of bullying (physically and verbally) • Where does it happen most. • Cyber bullying • Consequences • Bully Prevention

  3. What Is Bullying • Bullying is the use of superior strength or influence to intimidate (someone) typically to force him or her to do what one wants • Aggressive behavior may be bullying depending on what happened, how often it happens and who it happens to.

  4. Why Is Bullying Bad? • Bullying is linked to many negative outcomes including impacts on mental health, substance use and suicide. • Bullying can affect everyone those who are bullied, those who bully and those who witness bullying.

  5. How It Affects In The Long Run. • There the obvious physical problems and injuries that can result from physical bullying. • Emotional, verbal and cyber bullying affect teens as well, activities can lead to depression, suicide drug use and stunted social development. • Victims can also become more aggressive in order to get revenge

  6. Examples of bullying • Physical Bullying • Is the most obvious form of bullying. This usually includes kicking, punching, and other harmful physical activities. • Verbal Bullying: • The bully uses demeaning language to tear down another’s self-image. • Bullies say belittling things and use great deal of sarcasm

  7. Where does it happen most? • Bullying mainly happens during school hours with teenagers between the age of 13-19 • It may also occur home among family members • Physical buying is most common among boys and teenage girls often use verbal and emotional bullying.

  8. Cyber Bullying Cyber bullying is the electronic posting of mean-spirited messages about a person (as a student) often done anonymously. Cyber bullying can happen in Facebook, Instagram twitter, Snapchat etc..

  9. Consequences • The consequences for the victims are that they can get traumatized and they can also have a los self-esteem. • Many victims may have shame and maybe never trust again.

  10. Prevention • Best way to address bullying is to stop it before it starts. • Bullying can be prevented especially when the power of the community is brought together. • Try talking to the bully.

  11. Work Cited • “Dealing With Bullying.” Dealing With Bullying. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 May 2014. • “ Teenage Bullying.”- Bullying Statistics. N.p., n.d. Web 20 May 2014. • “What Is Bullying.”Home. N.p. n.d . Web 20 May 2014

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