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FY 2003 Appropriation and FY 2004 Budget Request. NOAA FISHERIES FY 2003 APPROPRIATION. TOTAL FUNDING = $ 853.1 MILLION $580.1 million for Operations, Research, and Facilities (operating level of $599.6 million including carryover)
NOAA FISHERIES FY 2003 APPROPRIATION TOTAL FUNDING = $ 853.1 MILLION • $580.1 million for Operations, Research, and Facilities (operating level of $599.6 million including carryover) • $90.0 million for Pacific Coastal Salmon Recovery Fund and $40.0 million for the Pacific Salmon Treaty • $100.0 million for fisheries disasters • $27.0 million for construction • $16.0 million for other accounts OVERALL • $45.7 million (or 5.7%) above the FY 2002 approp.
FY 2003 APPROPRIATION • Increase of $15.0 million for expanding stock assessments ($17.0 million total) • New fisheries survey vessel to replace the ALBATROSS in the Northeast • Increase of $3.2 million ($10.0 million total) for Atlantic right whale recovery • $6.2 million in adjustments-to-base • $100.0 million for fisheries disasters • Many other smaller increases . . . . • Additional funding for New England groundfish observers not provided • NMFS Steller sea lion funding reduced by $11.2 million
Summary of Major Changes ($ in millions) FY 2003 NOAA Request $3,136.0 Mandatory Costs $52.0 Program Increases $ 238.5 Program Decreases ($ 100.0) ------------- Net Change $190.0 FY 2004 NOAA Total $3,326.0 % Change + 6% * Compared to the FY 2003 President’s request TOTAL NOAA FY 2004 REQUEST*
NOAA FY 2004 INITIATIVES INFRASTRUCTURE, MAINTENANCE, SAFETY AND HUMAN CAPITAL $17.8 million in adjustments-to-base and $3.0 million in decreases for NOAA Fisheries ECOSYSTEM FORECASTING AND MANAGEMENT $17.6 million in increases and $21.8 million in decreases for NOAA Fisheries
NOAA FISHERIES FY 2004 REQUEST TOTAL FUNDING = $737.9 MILLION • $621.0 million for Operations, Research, and Facilities • $90.0 million for Pacific Coastal Salmon Recovery Fund • $14.0 million for construction • $12.9 million for other accounts OVERALL • $10.6 million (or 1.5%) above FY 2003 President’s Budget • $115.2 million (or 14.5%) below the FY 2003 appropriation
APPROPRIATION SUMMARYFY 1992 to FY 2004 President’s Budget Request ($ in millions)
FY 2004 REQUEST: OVERVIEW Operations, Research, and Facilities $621.0 million • A net increase of $33.0 million (or 5.6%) above the FY 2003 President’s budget request of $587.9 million: + $17.2 million in adjustments-to-base + $17.6 million in programmatic increases • $1.8 million in programmatic reductions, terminations & transfers • An increase of $40.9 million above the FY 2003 appropriation (or $21.4 million above the FY 2003 operating level)
FY 2004 REQUEST: OVERVIEW Other Accounts $116.9 million • A net decrease of $22.4 million (or 15.2%) below the FY 2003 President’s budget request of $139.3 million: + $0.6 million in adjustments-to-base - $23.0 million in programmatic reductions, terminations & transfers • An decrease of $116.1 million below the FY 2003 appropriation
NOAA FISHERIES PEOPLE AND INFRASTRUCTURE REQUEST • $10.8 million for adjustments-to-base • $7.0 million funding transfer from NOAA for agency attorneys • $12.0 million for reconstruction for the Honolulu, HI, lab (a $3.0 million decrease) • $2.0 million for Galveston, TX, lab renovations
ECOSYSTEM FORECASTING AND MANAGEMENTScience Increases • $3.0 million to expand stock assessments around the country - total request of $14.9 million • $2.0 million and 10 FTE to support ESA Section 7 pesticide consultations • $2.0 million for Climate Regimes and Ecosystem Productivity
ECOSYSTEM FORECASTING AND MANAGEMENTScience Increases • $3.0 million for Northeast Multi-species Observers • $0.2 million additional economic and social science research and data collection - total funding of $4.2 million
ECOSYSTEM FORECASTING AND MANAGEMENTScience/Management Increases • $3.1 million ($1.6 million for research and $1.5 million for management activities) to continue implementation of measures required by the Columbia River Biological Opinion • $20.0 million decrease for the Pacific Salmon Treaty (Northern & Southern Funds are fully capitalized)
ECOSYSTEM FORECASTING AND MANAGEMENTManagement • $1.5 million for the regulatory streamlining initiative to improve and increase capabilities and capacity in the regional offices • $2.8 million for reducing bycatch through research and testing