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Key performance indicators

Ten years’ performance. Key performance indicators. 2008 performance. Key performance indicators. NAIGT roadmap. Economic performance. Employment. Economic performance. Economic performance. Production and registrations. Environmental performance. Energy use.

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Key performance indicators

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Ten years’ performance Key performance indicators

  2. 2008 performance Key performance indicators

  3. NAIGT roadmap

  4. Economic performance Employment

  5. Economic performance

  6. Economic performance Production and registrations

  7. Environmental performance Energy use

  8. Environmental performance Water use

  9. Environmental performance Carbon Dioxide (CO2)

  10. Environmental performance Waste to landfill

  11. Environmental performance Recycling and recovery

  12. Environmental performance Volatile organic compounds

  13. Environmental performance

  14. Use phase

  15. Use phase

  16. Use phase

  17. Integrated approach

  18. Integrated approach

  19. Other tailpipe emissions

  20. Other tailpipe emissions

  21. Sales of alternatively fuelled and advanced propulsion vehicles

  22. Road and vehicle safety improvement Road and vehicle safety improvement

  23. Reduction in casualties

  24. Vehicle end of life

  25. Social performance Employee development training

  26. Social performance Staff turnover

  27. Social performance Health and safety

  28. Appendices

  29. Appendices

  30. Appendices

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