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7.1. The French Revolution Begins. Estates. Estates = social classes 1 st Estate = Clergy/Church officials Own 10% of land Contributes 2% of income to gvt. 2 nd Estate = Rich nobles 2% of population Own 20% of land Pay no taxes 3 rd Estate = middle class & poor citizens

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Presentation Transcript

  1. 7.1 The French Revolution Begins

  2. Estates • Estates = social classes • 1st Estate = Clergy/Church officials • Own 10% of land • Contributes 2% of income to gvt. • 2nd Estate = Rich nobles • 2% of population • Own 20% of land • Pay no taxes • 3rd Estate = middle class & poor citizens • 97% of population • Pay high taxes – 50% of income

  3. Economic Problems • High taxes, bad weather, cost of living increase = problems • France helps U.S. in Revolutionary War • Doubles national debt • Louis XVI & Marie Antoinette spend much $$ for personal reasons

  4. Louis XVI • Louis XVI = weak leader • Indecisive, doesn’t follow advisers, pays little attention to gvt. details • Marie Antoinette adds to problems • Austrian • Enjoys spending $$ • Offers poor advice to Louis • VERY UNPOPULAR • Louis ignores $$ problems

  5. Estates-General • Estates-General = congress of France • To raise $$, Louis taxes 2nd Estate • 2nd Estate forces Louis to call Estates-General into session • 1st & 2nd Estate dominate Estates-General • 3rd Estate wants better representation in government • 3rd Estate creates “National Assembly” & end absolute monarchy

  6. National Assembly • Rumors fly around France • Military to be used to stop Natl. Assembly • Foreign troops coming to France • Rumors cause people to gather weapons • Mobs form • Mob storms Bastille (a prison) – symbol of French freedom; July 14 = natl. holiday in France • “Great Fear” sweeps France • Riots across the country

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