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Air Force Center for Engineering and the Environment Massachusetts Military Reservation

Air Force Center for Engineering and the Environment Massachusetts Military Reservation MA Wind Working Group 06 Oct 2011. Rose H. Forbes, P.E. AFCEE/MMR. Primarily PCE, TCE, and EDB Concentrations generally < 1 mg/L Plumes are typically deep (>100 ft) and thick (>100 ft)

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Air Force Center for Engineering and the Environment Massachusetts Military Reservation

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  1. Air Force Center for Engineering and the Environment Massachusetts Military Reservation MA Wind Working Group 06 Oct 2011 Rose H. Forbes, P.E. AFCEE/MMR

  2. Primarily PCE, TCE, and EDB • Concentrations generally < 1 mg/L • Plumes are typically deep (>100 ft) and thick (>100 ft) • 9 treatment plants treating 10.3 MGD (down from 17.8 MGD) • > 27 miles of pipeline • > 100 EWs and RWs • > 3,000 MWs

  3. Optimization & SustainabilityBetter, Cheaper, Faster Cleanup • Carbon • Well Maintenance • Labor • Energy/Fuel • Sampling • Drilling • Regulations • Reporting • Alternative Technologies

  4. Energy Optimization • Wellfield optimization • Use of passive diffusion bag sampling • Use of direct push rig vs larger sonic/auger rig • On site O&M/well maintenance • Installation of VFDs and premium efficiency motors • Elimination of booster pumps and pump motor downsizing • Replaced sodium vapor overhead lighting • Use of bio-diesel, soy based hydraulic fluid • Reduction in propane use • Installation of low-wattage heaters • Misc energy (motion sensors, lighting replacement, programmable thermostats, LED exit lighting, new windows, etc.) • Signed up with the load reduction program (demand response program) • Evaluated utility rate structures

  5. Sustainability Evaluation

  6. Wind Turbine - Energy Optimization • Expected to produce ~ 3,810 MWh annually based on 29% capacity factor (P50); ~ 3377 MWh annually based on 25.7% (P50) • Annual load from treatment systems in 2007 ~ 12,300 MWh; in 2011 ~10,862 MWh • Expected to generate 25-30% of AFCEE’s total electrical requirement (>$2M in 2009; $1.7 M in 2011) • Expected to reduce ~25-30% air emissions • Payback originally anticipated in 6-8 years (RECs/O&M); working on a better ROI/SROI

  7. Distance from turbine to base housing ~ 1140 ft

  8. Wind Turbine Costs • Constructability Assessment/Environmental Assessment (CH2M Hill) - ~ $400,000 • Construction contract awarded in Sep 2007 (ECC), $4.87M (includes O&M contract for two years) • $5000 for Safety Training • $29,900 per year for two years (FLAG O&M sub - 2 maintenance events per years + warranty + availability guarantee) • $20,000 for website development • $2700 for blade inspection (year 1); $2800 for blade inspection (year 2) • Title II Services/Oversight (CH2M Hill) - $150,000 • NSTAR Interconnection/Witness Test Costs - $53,858

  9. 25 Jan – 23 Feb 2011 $573,871: 02 Dec 2009-25 Jul 2011 (+ $60,000 availability guarantee for first year)

  10. Wind Turbine II • 2 new GE 1.5-77 wind turbines in northern part of MMR • Constructability Assessment/EA (CH2M Hill) - $462,284 • Construction Contract (ECC) + one year O&M = $9.4M • Title II Oversight/Environmental Surveys - $340,994.82 • Nstar Costs $272,000

  11. Progress To-Date • Completed Constructability Assessment [Basis of Design, Economic Analyses, Environmental Assessment (EA)] • EA FONSI signed in Nov 2010 • Submitted Interconnection application to NSTAR • FAA studies approved • PAVE PAWS evaluation approved • Coordination with other agencies and community completed • EMC/SAC/CAC, USFWS , MA NHESP, MHC/BHC, THPO, MA FWS, MMRCT/SMB, newsreleases • Awarded construction project in Sep 2010 to ECC ($9.4M) • Initial clearing of two turbine sites in Oct/Nov 2010, included turtle surveys and baseline invasive species survey • Grubbing, cut/fill and substation clearing in March/April 2011 , included Eastern Box turtle surveys • Pre- and post-construction bird/bat surveys started/continuing

  12. Foundations ~470 yds 5000 psi concrete 47’ diameter Spread form design Completed in May 2011

  13. Blades - Texas Length = 121.4 ft Weight = 13,900 lbs Fiberglass construction Arrived 7 Jun 2011 • Insert photo

  14. Tower Sections - Iowa Base: 111,400 lbs; 72 ft long; 15 ft diameter at base Steel construction Arrived June/July 2011 Mid: 80,700 lbs; 85 ft long; 14 ft diameter at base Top: 62,700 lbs; 97 ft long; 11 ft diameter at base

  15. Tower Sections (cont) Mid section hit an overpass in Indiana on 22 Jun 2011 Driver varied from permitted route Damage was cosmetic; tests/repairs conducted on site

  16. Machine Head - Florida 126,000 lbs 12.5 ft high 29 ft long

  17. Progress To-Date (cont.) • Both wind turbines installed late June through mid July 2011

  18. View from Scenic Highway (across the canal)

  19. View from Canal

  20. View from Sagamore Bridge

  21. Remaining Schedule • Substation construction to be completed in October 2011 • Wind turbine commissioning starting 11 Oct 2011 • Interconnection anticipated 15-16 Oct 2011 • Ribbon cutting event on 27 Oct 2011 as part of October Energy Awareness Month Visits to Date • Congressman Keating – 28 Jun 2011 • Environmental Business Council – 7 July 2011 • Fox News video – 21 Jul 2011 • EOEEA Secretary Sullivan – 28 Jul 2011

  22. QUESTIONS/COMMENTS? rose.forbes@us.af.mil

  23. Notable Issues/Lessons Learned • Communicate early and often with stakeholders • Understand net-metering, RECs, and state rules • Utility Interconnection – build in time and plan for costs • Logistics - room to haul and build (bridges, road width, corners, permits, bad drivers, Military Cargo Preference Act of 1904, etc) • Explore additional grants • Inspect the manufacturing facilities if possible • Make sure the turbine components suppliers and transportation companies are insured. • Evaluate modes of transportation (roadway, rail, barge)

  24. Notable Issues/Lessons Learned • Construct foundation in cool weather and allow time to achieve strength • Long lead time on turbines - explore interest from manufacturers • Plan on a schedule and hold contractors to it – include liquidated damages in contracts • Plan submittals (deliverables) and have a submittal register • Use existing wind resource data and other studies if available and applicable • Evaluate warranties and O&M/service contracts in advance; build in availability guarantee • Consult experts (i.e. DOE) on funding mechanisms (EULs, ESPCs, tax credits) • Don’t plan a ribbon cutting ceremony until the turbine is up and operational • Long Haul Project – need a dedicated champion • Take photos and video

  25. Do spare parts come with the wind turbine purchase? • Just because spare parts are new doesn’t necessarily mean they will work • Plan for technical and safety training – involve local emergency response personnel • An FAA ruling of presumed hazard is not the end of a project, it’s the beginning of negotiations • Ensure manufacturers are reputable and there are working wind turbine models in the US for several years • Select contractors who have experience with wind turbine planning and construction projects • Are anchor bolts sized correctly? Metric vs english conversions can cause problems • Provide site signage/directions to transportation companies and police details

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