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Mt. Pleasant Area HR Association New Member Orientation. Last Updated September 15, 2003. Chapter Details. Chapter Mission: "To be the HR Voice in the Mt. Pleasant Area.”
Mt. Pleasant Area HR Association New Member Orientation Last Updated September 15, 2003
Chapter Details Chapter Mission: "To be the HR Voice in the Mt. Pleasant Area.” Chapter Vision: "To connect the Mt. Pleasant Area HR professionals through innovative and effective programs, experiences, and networking opportunities, which will enhance professional development. Striving to serve as a common voice and resource within our community for workplace and workforce issues, thereby improving the quality of life for area employers and employees.“
Chapter Details continued 2003 Chapter Officers President – Diane Barton President Elect – Kim Doerr Secretary – Nicole Hess Treasurer – Patty Kimmell V.P of Membership – Angie Ackles Past President – Jim Carson Board Members – Rob Jordan, Julie Letvin, Vicky Hoskin
Chapter Details continued Meeting dates: • Chapter meeting – 3rd Tuesday every Month at the Iris Restaurant • Board meeting – President will schedule Quarterly meetings 2003 Chapter Chairs Diversity Chair – Tammy Shull Legislative Chair – Jim Carson ECI – Laurie Hempen Communications – Kerri McKim College Relations – open Technology – Laura Hubbard School to Career – Diane Magnani
Chapter Details continued Members Employers: • Henry County Health Center, Southeastern Community College, WalMart Distribution, Lomont Molding, Experian, CECO, Temp Associates, Celestica, Hearth and Home, Nypro, Design Engineering, Alaniz, Riverside Plastics, Lisco, Goodyear, Concept Flooring Group, Primus Telecommunications, Riverside Paper, Lisco, The Hawkeye Group, Access Energy(plus Mt. Pleasant Chamber ) Chapter Website:http://www.mepotelco.net/web/MPAHRA Available on the website – bylaws, newletters, member only site, weblinks, etc. Member only password - volunteer Chapter Dues: $25 Non-National SHRM members, $15 National SHRM Members (Due January 1st every year, prorated for new members.)
Chapter Details continued 2003 Goals: Programming that is both meaningful and educational to all attendees. Publish and distribute a newsletter on a regular basis. Communications Chair will coordinate this task. Technology Chair will send monthly reminders of upcoming meetings. Website will be updated and utilized to a greater extent. Recruiting will be encouraged but retention of current membership will remain a priority.
Chapter Details continued 2003 Goals continued: Greater visibility in the community through Career to School efforts or any other seminars or partnerships in which the chapter could offer our expertise. Attendance will be taken at all meetings. If members are absent for more than one meeting, they will be called to reestablish contact with one another. Relationships will be nurtured with monthly ice breakers as an introduction and conversation to be generated outside of the monthly meetings.
WHY be a Leader and Local Chapter Member?Our future SUCCESSION Planning depends on you! What’s IN IT for ME? As a volunteer leader from the Society for Human Resource Management • ·It’s a job that makes a difference in your chapter, your community and your organization • ·It helps the Society meet its goals and objectives • ·It will contribute to the advancement of the HR profession • ·You will gain • oExposure to other HR professionals and companies, revealing how other organizations handle various human resource situations, procedures, policies, etc. • oUp-to-date information on pending legislation that may impact your company’s operations • oA network of professionals and specialists providing access to HR information that might otherwise be difficult and/or expensive to obtain • oRelationships and contact in other companies to share information on HR concerns • oRecognition as a leader who has a commitment to the HR profession and is willing to give back to others in the profession • ·Serving as an SHRM volunteer leader will help you: • oBuild a reputation and credentials in the HR field through your involvements as a volunteer leader for SHRM • oExpand your speaking and communications skills especially in conducting group meetings and making presentations • oObtain facts on successful programs that have been effective in other organizations • oDevelop leadership skills including the ability to meet goals through consensus and persuasion. By working with other volunteer leaders towards a stated goal These heightened skills will be transferred to your job providing a new sense of professionalism and confidence!
Resources National SHRM Website – www.shrm.org State of Iowa Website – www.iashrm.org Being a local chapter member means that you are also a state member. One state resource available to you is the IASHRM Listserve:Do you have a HR question, need a sample policy, have a legal issue or need to know where to locate HR resources? Subscribe to the IASHRM Listserve at http://www.iashrm.org/e-mail_list/e-mail_list.htm
Ideas are WELCOMED!! We became a SHRM affiliated chapter in October 2000. This means that the chapter is very new and we welcome new ideas! Please feel free to ask any member a question about the chapter. Thank you for joining!