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Latin II Unit 3 Readings. In Catilinam ( Evidence and Confession) - Cicero.
In Catilinam (Evidence and Confession) - Cicero Sit denique scriptum in fronteuniuscuiusque quid de re publicāsentiat; namrempublicamlaboribusconsiliisquemeis ex igneatqueferroereptamessevidetis. Haeciamexponambreviterutscirepossitis et quanta et quārationeinvestigata et comprehensasint. Semperprovidi quo modo in tantisinsidiissalviessepossemus. Omnes dies consumpsiutviderem quid coniuratiagerent. Deniquelitterasinterciperepotui quae ad Catilinam a Lentuloaliisqueconiuratismissaeerant. Tum, coniuratiscomprehensis et senatuconvocato, ostendilitterasLentulo et quaesivicognosceretnesignum. Dixit se cognoscere; sed primo dubitavit et negavit se de his rebus responsurumesse. Moxautemostendit quanta essetvisconscientiae; namrepentemollitusestatqueomnemremnarravit. Tumcetericoniurati sic furtim inter se aspiciebantut non abaliisindicarisedindicare se ipsividerentur. • investigo, -are, -avi, -atum - to investigate • insidae, -arum, f. pl. - plot, treachery • salvus, -a, -um - safe • coniuratus, -i, m. - conspirator • signum, -i, n. - here = seal (of a letter) • repente, adv. - suddenly • mollio, mollire, mollivi, mollitum - to soften • furtim, adv. - stealthily, secretly • indico, -are, -avi, -atum - to accuse
In Catilinam (Evidence and Confession) - Cicero Finally, it should be written on the forehead of each one what he feels about the republic; for you see that the republic has been snatched by my labors and plans from fire and iron. I will explain these things now briefly so that you are able to know both by how much and by what reasoning they were investigated and captured. I always foresaw how we are able to be safe in such great treachery. I spent every day so that I saw what the conspirators were doing. Finally, I was able to intercept letters which had been sent to Catiline from Lentulus and other conspirators. Then, with the conspirators having been apprehended and with the senate having been assembled, I showed the letters to Lentulus and I asked him does he recognize the sign. He said that he recognized it; but at first he hesitated and denied that he would respond about these things. Soon however I showed how much power of common knowledge there was; for suddenly he softened and he told the whole matter. Then the rest of the conspirators secretly were looking around themselves in such a way that they themselves were not seeming to be accused by the others but to accuse themselves.
In Catilinam (Evidence and Confession) - Cicero Sitdeniquescriptum(in fronte) uniuscuiusque II quid (de re publicā) sentiat; • Why is sit scriptum subjunctive? • What tense is sit scriptum? • Why is sentiat subjunctive? • What tense is sentiat? potential perfect indirect question present
In Catilinam (Evidence and Confession) - Cicero namrempublicam (laboribusconsiliisquemeis) (ex igneatqueferro) ereptamessevidetis. • What is the use of the ablative in laboribusconsillisquemeis? • What tense and voice is ereptamesse? • What type of construction does videtisstart? ablative of means perfect passive indirect… statement
In Catilinam (Evidence and Confession) - Cicero Haeciamexponambreviter||utscirepossitisetquantaetquārationeinvestigata et comprehensasint. • What tense is exponam? • What part of speech is breviter? • What type of subjunctive comes after the ut? 4. What type of infinitive is scire? • What gender is the subject of both investigata (sint) and comprensa sint? future adverb purpose clause complementary neuter
In Catilinam (Evidence and Confession) - Cicero Semperprovidi||quo modo (in tantisinsidiis) salviessepossemus. • Why is possemus subjunctive? • What tense is possemus? indirect ? imperfect
In Catilinam (Evidence and Confession) - Cicero Omnes dies consumpsi ||utviderem ||quid coniuratiagerent. • What tense is consumpsi? • What type of subjunctive is utviderem? 3. What type of subjunctive is quid…agerent? 4. What tense is viderem? perfect purpose clause indirect question imperfect
In Catilinam (Evidence and Confession) - Cicero Deniquelitterasinterciperepotui || quae (ad Catilinam) (a Lentuloaliisqueconiuratis) missaeerant. • What tense is potui? • What is the antecedent of quae? • What type of accusative is Catilinam? • What type of infinitive is intercipere? • What tense and voice is intercipere? 6. What tense and voice is missaeerant? perfect litteras place to which complementary present active pluperfect passive
In Catilinam (Evidence and Confession) - Cicero Tum, (coniuratiscomprehensis et senatuconvocato), ostendilitterasLentulo ||et quaesivi ||cognosceretnesignum. • What is coniuratis…convocato? • What is the case and use of Lentulo? • What does the –ne on cognosceretnedo? • Why is cognosceretnesubjunctive? • What is the signum that he is recognizing? ablative absolute dative indirect obj make it a question indirect question a seal used to sign a letter
In Catilinam (Evidence and Confession) - Cicero Dixit se cognoscere; || sed primo dubitavit || et negavit||se (de his rebus) responsurumesse. 1. What is the case and use of se? • What is the tense and voice of responsurumesse? accusative subject future active
In Catilinam (Evidence and Confession) - Cicero Moxautemostendit || quanta essetvisconscientiae; || namrepentemollitusest|| atqueomnemremnarravit. • Is esset ST/TA or TB ostendit. • What is the case and use of conscientiae? ST/TA, secondary sequence genitive of possession
In Catilinam (Evidence and Confession) - Cicero Tumcetericoniuratisic furtim(inter se) aspiciebant|| utnon (abaliis) indicari|| sedindicare se ipsividerentur. • What tense is aspiciebant? • What is the case and use of aliis? • What is the tense and voice of indicari? • What is the case and use of se? • What is the case and use of ipsi? imperfect ablative of agent present passive accusative subject nominative subject
Pro Cluentio (Nervousness of Even a Great Orator) - Cicero Ego dehincutresponderemsurrexi. Quāsollicitudineanimisurgebam - diimmortales - et quo timore! Semperquidemmagno cum metuincipiodicere. Quotienscumquedico, mihivideor in iudicium venire non solumingeniisedetiamvirtutisatqueofficii. Tumveroita sum perturbatusutomniatimerem. Denique me collegi et sic pugnavi, sic omnirationecontendiutnemo me neglexisseillamcausamputaret. • sollicitudo, sollicitudinis, f. - anxiety • quotienscumque, adv. - whenever • iudicium, -i, n. - trial • non solum…sedetiam = not only…but also • ingenium, -i, n. - nature, innate talent • perturbo, -are, -avi, -atum - to disturb, confuse
Pro Cluentio (Nervousness of Even a Great Orator) - Cicero From here I rose to respond. With what anxiety I was rising – immortal gods- and with what fear! Indeed I always begin to speak with great fear. Whenever I speak, I seem to myself to come into trial not only of character but also of virtue and duty. Then truly I am so confused that I fear everything. At last I collected myself and I fought in such a way I struggled with every reasoning in such a way that no one thought that I had neglected to that case.
Pro Cluentio (Nervousness of Even a Great Orator) - Cicero Ego dehinc[utresponderem] surrexi. (Quāsollicitudineanimi) surgebam - diimmortales - et (quo timore)! • What is the case and use of ego? • What is the case and use of animi? • What is the mood, tense, and voice of responderem? • What is the case and use of di? nominative subject genitive possession indicative, imperfect, active vocative
Pro Cluentio (Nervousness of Even a Great Orator) - Cicero Semperquidem(magnocum metu) incipiodicere. Quotienscumquedico, || mihivideor(in iudicium) venirenon solumingeniisedetiamvirtutisatqueofficii. • What is the case and use of metu? • What is the case and use of iudicium? • Translate in. • What is the case of officii? ablative of manner acc. place to which into genitive
Pro Cluentio (Nervousness of Even a Great Orator) - Cicero Tumveroitasum perturbatus|| utomniatimerem. Denique me collegi|| et sic pugnavi, || sic (omniratione) contendi||utnemo[me neglexisseillamcausam]putaret. • What is the mood, tense, and voice of sum pertrubatus? • Why is timeremsubjunctive? • What is the tense and voice of neglexisse? • What is the case and use of me? • Why is putaretsubjunctive? indicative, perfect, passive result clause perfect active accusative subject result clause
Poem 85 (I love her…I love her not) - Catullus Odi et amo! Quare id faciamfortasserequiris. Nescio, sedfierisentio et excrucior. • odi, odisse, osurus - hate (perfect tense only, cf. memini) • quare (quā + re), adv. - why (literally = for what reason) • fortasse, adv. - perhaps • excrucio, -are, -avi, -atum - to torment, crucify
Poem 85 (I love her…I love her not) - Catullus I hate and I love! Why do I do it perhaps you ask? I don’t know, but I feel that it happens and I am tortured.
Poem 85 (I love her…I love her not) - Catullus Odi et amo! Quare id faciamfortasserequiris. Nescio, sedfierisentio et excrucior. • Why is oditranslated in the present? • What type of subjunctive is faciam? • What is the mood, tense, and voice of requiris? • What is type of infinitive is fieri? defective verb indirect question indicative, present, active indirect statement