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RYKO SOLUTIONS, INC . New Employee Safety Orientation. Safety Orientation. What do you value?. ASK YOURSELF …. Will your journey to safety begin today? Waiting until tomorrow might be too late!. It’s OK to speak up!. Don’t let an opportunity become a regret-keep somebody safe TODAY!
Safety Orientation What do you value?
ASK YOURSELF… Will your journey to safety begin today? Waiting until tomorrow might be too late!
It’s OK to speak up! • Don’t let an opportunity become a regret-keep somebody safe TODAY! • Make a PERSONAL COMMITMENT TO SAFETY • Don’t worry if someone will be offended-just choose your words wisely • You get paid to work safely!
Learning Objectives • Emergency Action Plan • Incident Reporting • PPE • Hearing Conservation Plan • Use of fire extinguishers • Lock Out Tag Out • Spills & Environmental Concerns • Hazard Communication • DOT Site Security Plan
Making The Connection… How does having a robust safety culture impact our mission, vision, and core values? Can any of these Values occur without safety? We must hold SAFETY as a core VALUE We strive for continuous improvement…
Personal Protective Equipment • Plant requirements: safety glasses with side shields; ear protection for fab/weld; steel toe shoes for manufacturing positions and those who spend time in manufacturing areas. • Specific PPE is required for chemical blending area, roof work, metal fabrication, painting operations, etc. • Hearing Conservation plan is in effect for all employees of weld and fabrication, maintenance, and management personnel of those areas
If your answers was no… Safe Use of Fire Extinguishers • The facility has type ABC fire extinguishers throughout the facility. • Fire extinguishers are a life saving device only • Trash can sized fires • Get yourself and others out! You’re not a firefighter! • If use is required, remember PASS • Training can be requested at any time
Incident Reporting • Why report? • What to report? • How to report? • When to report? • SOP for Near misses, first aid injuries, recordable injuries, environmental releases, etc. available on UltiPro
Incident Reporting Portal • Can be accessed through UltiPro – click on “Report an Incident” in the safety section, or; • Create a browser shortcut: https://app.smartsheet.com/b/publish?EQBCT=2c9a481d997e4203b63f66860da71e91
Lock Out Tag Out Awareness • Ryko has a energy isolation and lock out tag out policy • We utilize written procedures where needed • We communicate prior, during, and during release of isolated equipment • You may be affected by lock out procedures • If you are not trained-DO NOT participate or attempt to operate or manipulate affected equipment
Lock Out Tag Out Awareness • Employees that are considered to be authorized shall receive advanced training on equipment specific equipment and procedures and shall receive annual refresher training or when required
Environmental Concerns • What is a spill? • What should be done if a spill or release occurs? • Who should respond? • Refer to our emergency action plan and plant leadership-NEVER act on your own!
? Introduction toHazard CommunicationAn Employee Orientation&Training Course
Introduction toHazard Communication PREMISE:Employees have a need and a right to know the hazards and identities of the chemicals that they work with, and employees working with hazardous chemicals must be provided with the work procedures and equipment to prevent injury and illness.
Federal OSHA StandardOverview • Also known as the “HazCom” or “Employee Right to Know” regulation • Applies to general industry • Covers most chemicals • Concerned with both physical hazards and health hazards • Requires a written Hazard Communication program for regulated employers
Employer Responsibilities • Identify and locate hazardous materials in the workplace • Inform employees of these materials • Train employees to be able to detect the presence or release of these materials • Train employees to use safe work practices, emergency procedures and personal protective equipment • Inform employees of the location of the facility’s written Hazard Communication program, MSDSs, labeling system, and how to use them
Hazard Communication Process • Information prepared by chemical manufacturers and importers • Labels to be attached to shipping containers • Material Safety Data sheets (MSDSs) to accompany shipment • Employer makes the information available to employees • Employer trains employees to use information
Hazardous Material Definition • Most chemical products used in the workplace • Materials with known physical or health hazards a. Flammable b. Toxic c. Caustic d. Reactive e. Carcinogens
Hazardous Materials at Ryko • Products that use labeling with use of WARNING or DANGER • Materials with known physical or health hazards a. Flammable-Diesel, Gasoline, Paints, Acetone b. Toxic-Tomadine 102 c. Caustic-Caustic and Acid Replacements d. Reactive e. Carcinogens-none
Health Hazards of Hazardous Materials • Acute vs. chronic effects • Routes of entry into body- Inhalation- Ingestion- Absorption
Labeling Requirements • In-plant containers of hazardous materials must be labeled, tagged, or marked with material identity and appropriate warning • Containers of transferred material, such as in-process containers, must also be labeled, unless they are used immediately • Labels are to contain an identifying name, a hazard warning, and frequently, precautionary measures • Never remove labels • Don’t mix chemicals that do not have labels
Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) 4 BASIC CATEGORIES • Product Information • Exposure Situations • Hazard Prevention and Protection • Other Specific Information • WHERE TO FIND SDS’s (msds): Click on link in UltiPro Safety Section: SDS (msds) LOOKUP Or use this link: https://msdsmanagement.msdsonline.com/?ID=180D8E78-7793-4F89-B910-64848428C129
Safety Data Sheets (aka MSDS)Product Information • Chemical name • Manufacturer’s name, address, phone number • Preparation or revision date of the MSDS • Ingredients of the material (unless it is a trade secret) • Exposure limits • Physical and health hazards • Emergency phone numbers
Material Safety Data SheetsExposure Situations • First aid information • Spill / leak control information • Firefighting information - Flammable limits - Flashpoint temperature - Auto-ignition temperature
Material Safety Data SheetsHazard Prevention & Protection • Safe handling and storage precautions • Engineering controls • Physical and chemical properties • Stability and hazardous release from decomposition of materials • Reactions with other chemicals • Recommended use of personal protective equipment
Material Safety Data SheetsOther Specific Information • Toxicological information • Environmental information • Disposal information • Regulatory information • Transportation information
Continuous Program Maintenance • New employee orientation • Changes in substances handled • Updates in MSDS information • Changes in the operational processes
Hazardous MaterialsSecurity Plan RYKO SOLUTIONS, INC. In accordance with DOT Hazmat regulations
Organizational Security Structure • Assure that all site employees, including existing and new hazmat employees receive security awareness training in addition to training concerning the Ryko– Grimes Facility security plan. • This training covers all Hazmat Employees and Awareness Level employees
Company Security Objectives • Compliance with the DOT hazmat employee training and security plan requirements • Assessment of hazards and risks associated with the materials we handle • Implementation and continued evaluation of our company security plan • Preparedness to increase security measures in times of heightened threats • Cooperation and communication with local, Sate, and Federal Officials regarding issues of hazardous materials safety and security.
Hazmat Transportation Security Awareness • 1993 a group of religious fundamentalists attempt to topple the World Trade Center using ammonium nitrate, urea, and nitric acid. • 1995 Timothy McVeigh blows up the Alfred Murrah Federal Building In Oklahoma City—he was upset with the government.
Hazmat Transportation Security Awareness • 1999 two members of an anti-gov’t militia are arrested for plotting to detonate 24 million gallons of liquid propane at a storage facility in Elk Grove, CA • 2001 a small group of well organized terrorists hijack four commercial aircraft, crashing two into the World Trade Center and one into the Pentagon; While the passengers of the fourth cause it to crash into a Pennsylvania field.
Hazmat Transportation Security Awareness • While not all the incidents we talked about involve hazardous materials, they illustrate how hazardous materials have the potential to be easily transformed into a terrorist weapon. • Millions of tons of explosive, poisonous, corrosive, flammable, and radioactive materials are transported everyday by plane, truck, train, or vessel in quantities ranging from ounces to thousands of gallons.
Potential Targets • Transportation accounts for 11% of our nation’s economy. There are 800,000 shipments of hazardous materials made every day with 95% of these made by truck. • This transportation is essential to commerce and the quality of our life bringing heat to our homes and fuel to our cars.
Potential Targets • Potential targets that must be protected include flammable fuels, flammable gasses, and toxic chemicals. • Questions: What do you think would be a credible scenario for a catastrophic activity? • A suicide bomber drives a truck loaded with ammonium nitrate, urea, and nitric acid into a garage of a high-rise office complex. • A terrorist cell ignites a stolen truck in New York’s Hudson River Tunnel. • An anti-government militia ignites 24 million gallons of liquid propane in a storage facility.
Potential Targets • Unfortunately, all of these scenarios are credible because they either happened or were planned and successfully prevented. • Consider the potential threat from the theft or hijacking of a truck loaded with hazardous material, tampering with valves on tank trucks or tank farms, or the fraudulent shipment to a group or individual intent on destruction. • Railroad systems, tracks, highways, and bulk transportation equipment may be targets for a saboteur.
Potential Threats • Who is a terrorist? • Can’t stereotype this individual. • May be someone in our community, working with us, or going to school. • Be suspicious of unusual behavior. • Most likely terrorist is outside of the company • It is estimated that 12-30 billion dollars of cargo is stolen every year in the United States, often with the use of phony documentation.
Prevention Measures • Access to Rykohas been hindered with the use of gates and fences along the road. • Any load of bulk hazardous materials coming into the plant reports to the receiving department during business hours. • Cameras monitor the site 24 hours/day • When walking around the plant, look for suspicious activity.
Prevention Measures • Employee background checks are done. • Bi-weekly chemical reconciliations.
Homeland Security Advisory System • Alert Announcements • NTAS Alerts will be issued through state, local and tribal partners, the news media and directly to the public via the following channels: • Via the official DHS NTAS webpage – http://www.dhs.gov/alerts • Via email signup at – http://www.dhs.gov/alerts • Via social media • Facebook – http://facebook.com/NTASAlerts • Twitter – http://www.twitter.com/NTASAlerts • Via data feeds, web widgets and graphics • http://www.dhs.gov/alerts • The public can also expect to see alerts in places, both public and private, such as transit hubs, airports and government buildings.
Homeland Security Advisory System • Imminent Threat Alert Warns of a credible, specific, and impending terrorist threat against the United States. • Elevated Threat Alert Warns of a credible terrorist threat against the United States • NO MORE COLOR SYSTEM
Safety First • If you see suspicious activity going on and you DO NOT feel comfortable, DO NOT approach the people involved. Contact management and if advised contact local law enforcement. • As with all safety practices, Rykowants you to leave in the same condition you came.
Congratulations and Welcome to Ryko! • Questions? • Comments? • Please print and sign your orientation acknowledgement form. • Thank you for attending! Click Here to Print Form