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Words that Tore apart Humanity…. Josh Ms. G. Death Marches:.
Words that Tore apart Humanity… Josh Ms. G
Death Marches: A death march was a horrible thing the Nazi created to torture and humiliate the Jewish people. The Nazi’s would make the Jews and others prisoners walk to other camps many miles in the cold or heat to their own death. The Nazi’s began to use death marches in 1941, when hundreds of thousands of Soviet prisoners of war were forced to walk along highways in the Ukraine . During these marches prisoners were given little to no food. Many prisoners reached their death along the way, when they would lose their strength and collapse and die.
Mengele, M.D., Josef: • Dr. Josef Mengele followed the Nazi beliefs. In 1938, he became a fully fledge member of the Nazi Party. Mengele was a licensed doctor of Medicink and Auschwitz Nazi Concentration Camps. In the camps Mengele did experiments on Jews and other prisoners. Most of the prisoners died from the experiments . He would often just kill people so he could dissect them.
Gas Chambers/Gaskammer: • Lethal gas was a Nazi method for mass murder. The gas chamber was first used in December 1939. This was when a SS special commando used carbon monoxide to kill Polish mental patients. The first chambers were put up at Beyzec concentration camp. When the prisoners were led into them, they thought they were taking showers. But the sad reality is they were walking into their own death. Over 2,500 people fit into one chamber . It would only take an hour to kill them. • Gas Chamber patented by Topf und Söhne (Topf and son) Company .
Gestapo: • The Gestapo was the secret Nazi police. They were found in 1933. In 1936, Hitler made them the national police force. Their mission was to target the Jewish people. The Gestapo were a danger and harmful to the Jewish people. The Gestapo were feared. In the end, after the Holocaust was over, the Gestapo and the leaders in the police were convicted of war crimes. • Gestapo Members
Ghettos: • The Ghettos were run down houses for the Jews. The ghettos were created for separating the Jewish people from the rest of the population. There were several major ghettos: Lrakow, Lvov, and Lodz. When the Jews lived in these ghettos, they were forced to wear badges. The Jewish people were made to live in filth and there was lots of disease that existed in these ghettos. They were always hungry because there was little or no employment for the residence. Jewish police forces were established to maintain order. They would often have concerts and lectures to help keep them connected. These events were well attended. • Jews Moving Into Warsaw Ghettos • Children were also made to wear the Jewish Star of David
Himmler, Heinrich: • Heinrich Himmler was the German Leader of the S.S. He was born in Munich, Germany. Himmler was born into a middle class family. He entered into the German Army in 1917. And then he joined the S.S. in 1925. Himmler became the leader of the S.S. in 1929. While he was in the S.S., he directed the killing of about 6 million Jewish people. While he was in service he got sick. Hilter fired him and later he committed suicide.
BibliographyFor Words that Tore Apart Humanity 1. Death Marches “Death Marches” The Holocaust. 1997. Print 2. Dr. Josef Mengele Cefrey, Holly. Dr. Josef Mengele The Angel of Death. New York: The Rosen Publishing Group, 2001. Print • Gas Chambers “Gas Chambers/VANS.” Learning about the Holocaust. 2001. Print • Gestapo Spangeenburg and Moser, Ray and Rit. The Crime of the Genocide. Berkeley Heights, New Jersey: Enslow Publisher INC, 2000. Print • Ghettos “Ghetto.” The Holocaust. 1997. Print • Heinrich Himmler Smelser, Ronald. “Himmler Heinrich.” Holocaust. 2001. Print
Picture Bibliography: URLs used for pictures for this project • Slide 1 - Title Page http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&rlz=1T4GGLF_enUS280US281&q=holocaust&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&bvm=bv.42080656,d.aWc&biw=1280&bih=661&wrapid=tlif136054289467910&um=1&ie=UTF&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=sTwYUeTFNqeBygGv14H4AQ#imgrc=X6vKifk5SRQkDM%3A%3BwjzHmvUnbSGQM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252F3.bp.blogspot.com%252F_Cx5YSpghS8%252FTOgPcnBe2tI%252FAAAAAAAAJIM%252Fx5WTS_hHD0%252Fs1600%252FHolocaust%25252Boven.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fjudicial-inc-archive.blogspot.com%252F2010%252F11%252Fholocaust-survivors-grandkids-are-still.html%3B476%3B384Slide 2 – Death Marches - http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&sugexp=les%3B&gs_rn=2&gs_ri=serp&gs_mss=death+marches+o&pq=holocaust&cp=19&gs_id=3b&xhr=t&q=death+marches+of+the+holocaust&rlz=1T4GGLF_enUS280US281&biw=1280&bih=661&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&wrapid=tljp1360543905743252&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=isch&source=og&sa=N&tab=wi&ei=rUAYUY2GAsqU2wX__4CQBQ#imgrc=qnvMuU_j4y_LDM%3A%3BhX3r_LW-iPFSzM%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fwww.chgs.umn.edu%252Fmuseum%252Fexhibitions%252Fhomememories%252Farmenia12a.jpg%3Bhttp%253A%252F%252Fdtsdapache.hershey.k12.pa.us%252Fwpmu%252Fhs_eng9%252F2011%252F01%252F24%252Fdeath-marches-killing-jews%252F%3B635%3B388Slide 3 – Dr. Josef Mengelehttp://isurvived.org/drMengele.htmlSlide 4 –Gas chamber • http://furtherglory.wordpress.com/2011/08/19/holocaust-gas-chambers-were-designed-by-topf-und-sohne-company-who-knew/ • Slide 5 – Gestapo Membershttp://jspivey.wikispaces.com/National+Security+KDKGlide 6 - Ghettoshttp://www.holocaustresearchproject.org/survivor/women.html • Slide 7 – Himmler, Henrich • http://hauptmannmarseille.deviantart.com/art/Heinrich-Himmler-303926817 • http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Heinrich_Himmler