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http:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=IWjeHtdpFjE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=itj-x1XhzQo&feature=related. Unequal Heating Rates of land and water. Water Temperature vs. Land Temperature. Land warms (gains heat) much faster than a body of water

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  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IWjeHtdpFjE • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=itj-x1XhzQo&feature=related

  2. Unequal Heating Rates of land and water

  3. Water Temperature vs. Land Temperature • Land warms (gains heat) much faster than a body of water • Land cools (loses heat) much faster than a body of water • This uneven heating of Earth’s surface causes wind

  4. Water Temperature • Oceans cover more than 2/3 of Earth’s surface, thus it absorbs more sunlight and stores more heat Land Temperature • Land is made of many materials which absorb the sun’s rays differently

  5. Differences in air temperature • When you have differences in air temperature, hot air will rise (it’s less dense) and cold air will sink (it’s more dense). • Hotter air has lower air pressure • Cold air has higher air pressure • Higher air pressure will flow into areas of lower air pressure which creates winds.

  6. Local Winds • Sea Breeze- Happens during the day. Cool air above the ocean or sea moves towards the warm air above the land. The cool air above the ocean has a higher pressure and the warm air above the land has a lower pressure. Air always move from an area of high pressure to low pressure, creating the wind.

  7. Local Winds • Land Breeze- Happens during the night. Cool air from the land moves towards the warm air above the ocean. The cool air above the land has a higher pressure and the warm air above the ocean has a lower pressure. Air always move from an area of high pressure to low pressure, creating the wind.

  8. Global Winds • The sun’s rays does not hit the surface of the Earth equally. The Equator receives more direct rays, therefore it is warmer. The poles receive indirect rays, therefore it’s colder. The Poles have colder air and high pressure. The equator has warmer air and low pressure. The air moves from the high pressure area to the low pressure creating global winds. The movement of the winds around the globe is called: GLOBAL CONVECTION CURRENTS

  9. Cool Air Warm air Type of High Pressure Low Pressure Pressure Amount of More Dense Less Dense Density Amount of Less water More water Water vapor vapor Vapor

  10. Sea Breeze Land Breeze Temperature of Air Warm Cool Above the Land Temperature of Air Cool Warm Above the Sea Type of Pressure Low pressure High pressure Above the Land Type of Pressure High pressure Low pressure Above the Sea Day Night Time of Day

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