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Engage: Viruses ( chapter 19, section 2) – from 4-12-13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4sYSyuuLk5g http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rpj0emEGShQ. Vocabulary to know ( will check in journal)- from 19-2 ONLY Virus Capsid Bacteriophage Lytic infection Lysogenic infection Influenza virus
Engage: Viruses ( chapter 19, section 2) – from 4-12-13 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4sYSyuuLk5g http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rpj0emEGShQ Vocabulary to know ( will check in journal)- from 19-2 ONLY • Virus • Capsid • Bacteriophage • Lytic infection • Lysogenic infection • Influenza virus • TMV ( tobacco mosaic virus) • Retrovirus
4-15-13 Monday Biology: demonstrate an understanding of viruses • Notes ( Viruses) – power-point , journals and Graphic Organizer ( virus side only today !) Chapter 19, Sec 2 • Closure: Reminders Reminders: Project Due on 4-17-13 Extra Credit #4 due on or before 4-18-13 ( no extensions) Vocabulary quiz tomorrow Bacteria, Protist, and Virus test this Thursday, 4-18-13 YOU determine if you keep a zero OR a failed test grade…..take care of it!
Interest Grabber What Viruses Mean to You • If you have ever had a cold, you are probably familiar with the word virus. It is a word that makes most people frown. 1. What do you think of when you hear the word virus? Make a list of all the words you can think of that relate to viruses. 2. What are two things that you would like to find out about viruses? ( answers only in your journal)
Viruses ( copy down and answer after lecture) • Is acquired immune deficiency syndrome a virus? • How do viruses enter the body? • How do viruses enter the cells? • What could prevent our cells from getting a virus?
What is a Virus?(page 483) • Viruses-are particles of nucleic acid , protein, and sometimes lipids • They can only live by infecting living cells • Viruses are composed of DNA or RNA and a capsid- a virus protein coat.
RNA DNA Head RNA Capsid Capsid proteins Tail sheath Tail fiber Surface proteins Membrane envelope Figure 19-9 Virus Structures 3 Virus Types Section 19-2 Tobacco Mosaic Virus T4 Bacteriophage Influenza Virus
Viral Infections • Virus must bind specifically to a compatible protein coat. -Animal viruses only infect animals prions-short for protein infected has no DNA or RNA (damages cell tissue) -Plant viruses only infect plants viroids-single stranded RNA w/o a capsid (stunts plant growth) -Some viruses can infect bacteria. When this happen it is called a bacteriaphage. http://cbs5.com/video/?id=20238@kpix.dayport.com
Types of Viral Infections • Lytic Infection (virulent)- a virus enters a cell, makes copies of itself, and causes the cell to burst. • Lysogenic Infection (temperate)- a virus integrates its DNA of the host cell and the viral genetic information replicates along with the host cell.
Lytic: In the lytic stage, many viral particles are made and copies are sent back into the environment.A virus is found in this phase when conditions are favorable. The virus attaches to bacteria (host) The virus inserts its DNA into the bacteria The virus takes over the cell's machinery The virus reproduces itself and self-assembles. The host cell is destroyed
Lysogenic In the lysogenic phase there is no pathology. Under certain conditions the lysogenic lifestyle can switch to a lytic lifestyle The virus binds to bacteria (host) The virus inserts its DNA into the bacteria The viral DNA gets incorporated into the cell's chromosome. Viral DNA is replicated along with chromosomal material
Diseases caused by Viruses • How viruses affect humans -viruses attack and destroy cells in the body. -some viruses can infect cells to change their patterns of growth and development.
Diseases caused by viruses • Common cold • Influenza • Smallpox • Warts • AIDS • Chickenpox • Measles • Hepatitis A • Hepatitis B • Hepatitis C • West Nile • Polio
Preventing Viruses • Viruses are not killed by antibiotics • The best way to be protected against viruses is prevention -Vaccines
Virus Review • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wLoslN6d3Ec • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kYf_Sl8W3qY
Under the Microscope Section 19-1 • Microorganisms are living things that can only be seen through a microscope. Imagine that you have just discovered a new microorganism. The first thing that you want to do is to tell the scientific community all about your new discovery. 1. Describe your microorganism in detail. 2. Describe its habitat. 3. Classify your organism by giving it a species and genus name you created.
4-16-13 Tuesday Demonstrate an understanding that Bacteria can be both harmful and beneficial; that it can become anti-biotic resistance, and understand its strucutre, function, and characteristics • Chapter 19, Section 2 Vocabulary quiz ( 10min) • Notes: Bacteria ( 8-10min)- Complete Graphic Organizers at home by this Thursday! The web quest behind the virus sheet will AIDE you, however it is extra credit that will one lowest daily grade. • Lab: Virus and Helpful Bacteria micro-viewers) – 32-34min • Clean up Area ( 3 min) Reminders: Check the assignment due date board daily!! Projects due TOMORROW! TEST: Thursday ( bacteria, protist, and viruses) Extra Credit #4 due Thursday 4-18-13
Bacteria Bacteria can survive in extreme conditions. Like this volcanic hot springs.
Bacteria • Prokaryotes-are commonly called bacteria because they are single celled organisms that lack a nucleus. -Prokaryotes are broken into 2 very different Kingdoms • Eubacteria-commonly found everywhere. • Archaebacteria-usually found in unlivable enviroments (hot springs and oxygen free enviroments).
3 Ways to Identify Prokaryotes 1.Shape(3 types) Bacilli(rod shaped) Spirilla(spiraled corkscrewed) Cocci(spherical)
2. Cell wall • Material used to make a gram stain -Crystal Violet solution -Lugols soulution(iodine) -Alcohol -Safrain solutions Gram positive(purple) Gram negative(pink)
3. Movement -Flagella -Lash -Snake -Spiral forward -Slide on a layer of mucus http://www.strimoo.com/video/14679578/Bacterial-Motility-Vimeo.html
How Prokaryotes Obtain Energy and Relaese Energy • Hetertrophs- take in organic molecule for both energy and a supply of carbon. • Autotrophs-take in sunlight as well as organic compounds for energy. • Obligate Aerobes- require a constant supply of oxygen to live • Obligate Anaerobes- they must live in the absence of oxygen to survive. • Facultative Anaerobes- can live with or without oxygen.
Prokaryotic Growth and Development • Binary fission-a bacteria replicated it DNA and divides in half. • Conjucation-bacteria exchange genetic information by forming a bridge b/t 2 bacteria cells • Spore formation- is when bacteria form a thick internal wall protecting it from unfavorable living conditions Anthrax forms spores
Importance of Bacteria • Decomposers-breaks down the nutrients in dead matter • Nitrogen Fixers-Converts nitrogen gas to ammonia for plant usage. • Helpful to Humans-breaks down food in the intestines
Dieseases caused by Bacteria • How do bacteria affect humans? • Some bacteria damage the cells and tissues of the infected organism directly by breaking down the cells food • Other bacteria release toxins that travel throughout the body interferring with the normal actvity of the host
Common Diseases Caused by Bacteria Diseases caused by bacteria(page 486) Section 19-3 Disease Pathogen Prevention Regular dental hygiene Protection from tick bites Current tetanus vaccination Vaccination Proper food-handling practices Maintaining good health Clean water supplies Tooth decay Lyme disease Tetanus Tuberculosis Salmonella food poisoning Pneumonia Cholera Streptococcus mutans Borrelia burgdorferi Clostridium tetani Mycobacterium tuberculosis Salmonella enteritidis Streptococcus pneumoniae Vibrio cholerae
Controlling Bacteria • Disenfectants • Antibiotics • Sterializing by heat • Consuming unspoiled foods
4-17-13 Wednesday!!! Demonstrate an understanding of the Kingdom Protista; continue to understand the differences between a bacteria and a virus. • Notes: Protista ( 15-20 min) • Finish Virus and Bacteria Lab ( 30-35 min) – self directed learning, but DO ask for help when needed! • Submit Lab/ Clean up Station ( 5 min) Reminders: Test tomorrow! ( ONLY bacteria and virus notes!) Check 4-18-13 due! ( journal, bacteria and virus graphic organizers) EXTRA CREDIT DUE TOMORROW!
The kingdom of Protista The first protist was discovered over 1.5 billion year ago now including over 200,000 species.
How protist are classifyied • Animallike protist (protozoans) • Plantlike protist (unicelluar algae) • Funguslike protist
Animallike Protist: Protozoans • Zooflagellates -swim using one or two flagella • can absorb nutrients through their cell membrane from decaying organic material • Many live in lakes and streams • Most reproduce asexually by mitosis other animal-like protist can reproduce sexually by meiosis.
Animallike Protist: Protozoans Sarcodines(Sarcodina) -moves and feed using cytoplasmic -projections known as pseudopods or false feet. Example of Sarcodines • Ameobas-can surrond then digest their meals storing the food in a food vacuole- a small cavity in the cytoplasm that temporaily store food.
Animallike Protist: Protozoans • Ciliates(Ciliophora) - uses cilia for feeding and movement • cilia are short hairlike projection used for movement similar to flagella • Found in fresh and salt water • Can reproduce by conjucation-exchanging genetic information by attaching to another paramecium • Example of a Ciliphora is a Paramecium -Trichocysts used for defense -Macronuclues carries all genetic information needed for day to day existence -Micronucleus is a reserve copy of all the cells genes.
Animallike Protist: Protozoans • Sporozaons(Sporozoa) • Are parasitic and can not move on their own(infecting birds, worms, fish and humans) • Reproduce by sporozoites attaching itself to a host cell , penetrates it, and then lives with in the cell as a parasite. • Can cause Malaria(mosiquitos) and African sleeping disease(tsetse fly).
Plantlike Protist: Unicellular Algae • How does algae at the bottom of the ocean get sunlight to carry out photosynthesis? • using accessory pigments absorb light at different wavelenghts than chlorophyll giving algae many different colors.
4 types of Plantlike Protist: Unicellular Algae • Euglenophytes(Euglenophyta) • are plant like protist with two flagella and no cell wall. • Reproduce asexually by binary fission • Can be autotrophs using the eyespot to find sunlight • Can be heterotrophs absorbing nutrients from decaying organic material • Chrysophytes(Chrysophyta) • includes yellow-green algae and brown algae • Stores food in the form of oil • Reproduce asexually and sexually
4 types of Plantlike Protist: Unicellular Algae • Diatoms(Bacillariophta) • Produce thin delicate cell walls rich in silicone the main component of glass • Are shaped like two side of a petri dish
4 types of Plantlike Protist: Unicellular Algae • Dinoflagellates(pyrrophyta) • Are luminescent and when agitated in water well give off light • Can reproduce sexually most reproduce asexully by binary fission
3 types of Plantlike Protist: Multicellular Algae • Red Algae(Rhodophyta) -live at great depth because they can harvest light energy -Containing Chlorophyll A and accessory pigments -Forms corral reefs found in tropic water and polar regions • Brown Algae(Phaeophyta) • Contains Chlorophyll A and C as well as a brown accessory pigment. • Mostly found in cool shallow coastal waters of temperate or artic areas • The largest known brown algae is giant kelp
3 types of Plantlike Protist: Multicellular Algae • Green Algae(Chlorophyta) • Has many characteristics of plant including photosynthetic pigment and cell walls • Found in fresh and salt water even on moist parts of land • Green algae life cycle include diploid(having 2 set of chromosome) or haploid(having 1 set of chromosomes) switching back and forth during their life cycle a process known as alternation generation.
Funguslike Protist • Are heterotrophs that absorb nutirents from dead or decaying organic matter. • They lack chitin walls of true fungus like a mushroom 3 types of Funguslike Protist 1. Cellular slime molds 2. Acellular slime molds 3. Water molds
3 types of Funguslike Protist • Cellular slime molds(Acrasiomycota) • Produces spores when eviroment is aggrevated using a fruiting body • Send out a chemical to attract others of the same species • Spends most of life cycle unicelluar but when the aggregate they behave multicellular
3 types of Funguslike Protist • Acellular slime molds(Myxomycota) • Begins their life cycle as amoeba-like structures • When they aggregate their cells form many nuclei known as plasmodia • Will produce haploid spores by fruiting
3 types of Funguslike Protist • Water molds(Oomycota) • Thrive on dead and decaying orgainic matter • They have cell walls made of cellulose and produce motile spores 2 traits fungi do not posses.