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Child Care. Josie B 4/20. Child Care. Child care is an interesting career because you never know what to expect from the precious children. This career requires you to be a high school graduate and pass five courses. -Rules & Regulations -Health, Safe, Nutrition
Child Care Josie B 4/20
Child Care Child care is an interesting career because you never know what to expect from the precious children. This career requires you to be a high school graduate and pass five courses. -Rules & Regulations -Health, Safe, Nutrition -Identifying and Reporting Child Abuse & Neglect -Child Growth & Development -Behavior Observation & Screening In this career you have to watch children and make sure that are healthy and safe while under your supervision.
Where? • Miami, Florida • High populated areas High populated areas might have more children. I know Miami has many daycares that need workers.
Education Requirements -High School graduate -Rules & Regulations -Health, Safe, Nutrition -Identifying and Reporting Child Abuse & Neglect -Child Growth & Development -Behavior Observation & Screening
Career Experience I have taken care of my little cousins and nephew. Also, I have participated on a field trip to a water park at my cousins daycare center in Miami, Florida.
Yearly Income $26946 *Weekly:$499
Rewards You will learn to love all kinds of children. Child care worker helps many children become more confident and learn many other things like manners, to be friendly ect. You can make a BIG difference in a child's life.
Cites • http://www.sac.edu/students/support_services/calworks/MPj03091740000%5B1%5D.jpg • http://www.the-parenting-magazine.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/07/free-hidden-object-games2.jpg • http://www.d.umn.edu/base/home_pics/2005/daycare.jpg • http://www.completelykidsrichmond.com/childcare_pic.JPG • http://kidsinsanfrancisco.files.wordpress.com/2010/08/finger_paint.jpg • http://www.workingmother.com/files/images/112/Jen_and_Emery_King.jpg • http://mommymythbuster.files.wordpress.com/2009/09/9-11daycare.jpg?w=260&h=174 • http://media.canada.com/idl/mtgz/20080429/59394-19804.jpg • http://www.childrens-academy.com/images/image3.jpg • http://www2.tbo.com/exposure/full/2009/07/04/5383_pa0704daycare.jpg