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Welcome to 5 th Grade! We are Team Determination!!! Mrs. Jaimie Hammond Mr. Chad Ritchey Ms. Jessica Smith Mrs. Melody Wolfe.
Welcome to 5th Grade!We are Team Determination!!! Mrs. Jaimie HammondMr. Chad RitcheyMs. Jessica SmithMrs. Melody Wolfe Our philosophy is that all children can and will learn. We believe the students will be successful if home and school work together. Together we can encourage them to find their strengths and overcome their weaknesses.
Mr. Dennis ReardonMrs. Kristin Myers • Our team Learning Support teacher and aide • They will be working with all students whenever individualized help is needed • They will assist in all classrooms on our team
Organization • Students will have a folder for each subject and a homework folder. • Materials in each folder will be used to help students prepare for upcoming assessments. • The students will purge materials as directed by the classroom teacher. (usually at the end of a chapter) • All papers are to be stored in appropriate folders……NOT in textbooks.
Math • Students will continue Flex Grouping as they have over the last 2 years-changing groupings each marking period • Students will have whole class and group, partner, and individual practice on concepts • We will be meeting in small groups to remediate and enrich the material. • This year, we will begin a new math series called My Math. This book is aligned with the Common Core and is a consumable. • Understand most differences are not due to the new series, but a result of the new curriculum from Common Core.
Language Arts • Students are heterogeneously grouped into the two classrooms. • All students are involved in daily interactive/shared read alouds, book discussion groups, word work/grammar instruction, and writing instruction. • Curriculum has been aligned to the Common Core State Standards. • Report Card will have a grade for Language Arts only (not separate reading & writing grades)
Language Arts • Word Work (spelling) • List of 10 words • 2 frequently misspelled • 3 “no excuse” • 5 pattern words • Students will be given their list on Day 6 and tested the following Day 6 • Beginning September 10
Science • Students will have science every day for half of the marking period. • We will be learning the scientific method through weekly labs. • We will have 3 main units this year: Life science, physical science, and earth science. • Students will be assessed using chapter tests, weekly quizzes, and lab write-ups.
Social Studies • Students will have social studies every day for half of the marking period. • Our course of study this year: Geography and Map Skills and American history-- exploration, moving into America, early colonization, the 13 colonies, The Revolutionary War, The Civil War, and Reconstruction. • Students will be assessed using chapter tests, weekly quizzes, and projects
Stanley Our team mascot…….
Homework and Expectations • Assignment books • Homework recorded daily • Parents should check daily • Homework • Posted on our website daily • Parent notification • Consequences • Positive impact on report card grade
Communication • Team webpage: Homework will be updated daily on our team webpage. (Team Determination) • E-mail: Will be used for individual student needs. Praises and minor concerns will be handled via e-mail. • Phone: Will be used for addressing larger issues like behavior or homework. .
Achieving Success • Parental Involvement: Join PTO, Become a room parent, Keep in touch through e-mail and our website. Check HAC regularly. • Contact information • 244-4021 (school) • Email the teacher by using his/her firstname.lastname@dallastown.net
Remember… YOU are the BIGGEST influence on your child!(Believe it or not!) Your attitude about school has a direct impact on your child’s attitude and performance. The more positive and supportive you are about school, the more your child will value his/her education.