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Software Effort Estimation

Software Effort Estimation. Planning to Meet Schedule. Lewis Sykalski 5/01/2010. How Managers View Software Effort Estimation. Nebulous Vague No correlation to reality Why bother. Effects of Bad/No Estimation. Underestimation can lead to Schedule/Cost Over-runs:

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Software Effort Estimation

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  1. Software Effort Estimation Planning to Meet Schedule Lewis Sykalski 5/01/2010

  2. How Managers View Software Effort Estimation • Nebulous • Vague • No correlation to reality • Why bother

  3. Effects of Bad/No Estimation • Underestimation can lead to Schedule/Cost Over-runs: • Diminished Confidence by upper management • Customer upset • Can affect schedules/cost downstream • Overestimation can lead to Schedule/Cost Under-runs: • Adversely affect positioning • De-motivator for employees • More profitable opportunities passed over

  4. Effect of Estimation • Clearer expectation of level of effort • Allows SPM to better allocate resources • Helps SPM account for change • Shows upper-level management that manager has a plan

  5. Abstract Most managers today are unaware of established software effort estimation methodologies or don’t account for unforeseen consequences when using a method. This paper attempts to reconcile this by surveying several effort estimation approaches and gauging both the utility and inherent pitfalls in each. Additionally, this paper will present a refined method for software effort estimation based on expert judgment and describe benefits of using said method.

  6. Current Methodologies • Expert Judgment • Consensus-based Estimation • Price-to-Win • Analogy Costing • Function Point Analysis • Algorithmic Models • Cocomo • SLIM • PriceS

  7. Expert Judgment • Consulting one or more experts • Experts leverage their own past experiences or methods • Typically arrive at task duration. Sometimes size which can be converted to effort with assumed productivity. • Sometimes averaging occurs between multiple experts’ estimates to smooth out results

  8. Expert Judgment Utility Advantages: • Not much time/effort required • Not conceptually difficult Disadvantages: • Not repeatable or explicit • No consistent rationale for estimates • Prone to error and very subjective • If estimates do not match size of experts’ historical experiences, estimate can be way off-based • Experts with right experience could be hard to find

  9. Consensus-based Estimation • Logical extension of expert judgment • Multiple experts/developers seek to reach consensus on estimate • Wideband-Delphi most popular: • Short discussion of to define tasks • Secret ballots • Any deviations must be resolved by discussion & revote • Planning Poker (Agile Method) • Card representing duration of task is shown • Resolution follows until consensus is reached

  10. Consensus-Based Estimation Utility Advantages: • Same advantages as parent -- Expert Judgment • Experts have discussed and agreed on the estimate • Hidden tasks are often discovered Disadvantages: • Same disadvantages as parent – Expert Judgment • Amount of time required to reach consensus • “Anchoring”: When process is loosened and someone affects groups predispositions. (e.g. “It can’t be more than 20 days…”)

  11. Price-to-Win • Estimate is estimated at: • whatever the optimum value is in order to win the contract or • whatever funds or time the customer has available

  12. Price-to-Win Utility Advantages: • Win the contract • Effort could contract to fill the difference? • Not a lot of time required Disadvantages: • Considered poor practice • Large discrepancies in effort anticipated and effort required – might result in severe overruns • Quality of the product may suffer in trying to reach deadline • Profit loss?

  13. Analogy Costing • Estimates effort by analogizing to past project(s) • ∆Effort = difference in project from past project(s) in terms of requirements, reuse opportunity, process, etc.

  14. Analogy Costing Utility Advantages: • Grounded in past history • Full effort need not be estimated only delta • Not a lot of time required (just meaningful analysis of deltas) Disadvantages: • Meaningful data may not be present • Subjectivity in deltas • Past historical data may not be representative (innovation efforts) • Abnormal conditions in past projects (that estimator is unaware of) may throw off results

  15. Function Point Analysis (Albrecht) • Function point represents a piece of functionality of the program: • User-input • User-output • Inquiry (interactive inputs requiring response) • External (files shared or used externally) • Internal (files shared or used internally)

  16. Function Point Analysis (Albrecht) where, • i=type of FP (User-input, output, etc) • j=Complexity level of FP (1-3) • Nij is the number of FPs of type ij • Wij is the weight of the FPs of type ij where a & b come from historical data/curve-fitting Effort = LOC*Productivity

  17. Function Point Analysis Utility Advantages: • Can be formulated at requirement time very early in the software-lifecycle • Provides good traceability in mapping tasks to effort • No subjectivity is required as to the task duration • Less prone to subjective bias than expert judgment based techniques Disadvantages: • Detailed requirements & consensus on complexity is required • Very nebulous • Time involved to arrive at such an estimate • Requires a good handle up-front of the requirements (prone to requirements creep/hidden requirements)

  18. Algorithmic Models Where, • {C1, C2, …, Cn} denote cost factors • F represents the function used

  19. COCOMO (Boehm) • Regression Formula • Historical Data Inputs • Current Project Characteristics: (Nominal 1.0) • Product: Reliability, Documentation Needs, etc. • Computer: Performance Constraints, Volatility, etc • Personnel: Capability, Familiarity w/language, etc • Project: Co-location, Tools productivity gains, etc • Project Categorization: (Different historical data) • Organic: Small team / flexible process • Embedded: Large team / tight process • Semi-Detached: Somewhere in-between

  20. SLIM (Putnam) • Spent much time doing curve fitting, came up with following equation: where, • Size is ESLOC or Effective SLOC (new+modified) • B is a scaling factor indicative of project size • Productivity is the Process Productivity factor • Time is duration of project schedule (years)

  21. PriceS • Parametric cost-estimation system • Can accept a wide variety of inputs: • Use-Cases, Function Points, Predictive Object Points, Functional Size, SLOC, and Fast Function Points. • Effort estimates also factor in: • Software Lifecycle processes (Waterfall, Agile, etc.) • Software Language Choice (Java, C++, etc).

  22. Algorithmic Models Utility Advantages: • Objective • Repeatable results • Historical data often represents MANY past projects Disadvantages: • Complex formulas are hard to comprehend • Requires faith on the users’ end • Subjective historical data • Subjective Cost factors may throw off equations • May require difficult/time consuming tailoring using estimator’s historical data

  23. New Model: Predictive Expert Judgment Combines inherent simplicity of expert judgment method w/feedback control provided for in other models Requires: • Diligent tracking of actual times for past tasks • Records of experts’ estimates toward those tasks.

  24. Predictive Expert Judgment (cont.) Steps: • Solicit effort estimates for each task from each expert • As tasks are completed build a repository tracking how close the experts’ estimate was to past historical estimates • Weight each experts’ future estimate by how well he has historically estimated

  25. Predictive Expert Judgment Equation Where, • Wi corresponds to each expert’s trust weight based on historical performance • Ei corresponds to each experts’ estimate for the current task being estimated

  26. Predictive Expert Judgment (cont.) • Wi can be calculated: • Simple formula involving standard deviations • Intermediate custom formula where one disregards some experts based if they are outside target range or based on external factors • Weighted Variance Equation

  27. Simple Formula Where, • Wi corresponds to each expert’s trust weight based on historical performance • N is the number of experts with historical data • σi is the current experts’ historical stdev • σn is each experts’ historical stdev

  28. Expert Judgment Example Expert A: 40 hours Expert B: 20 hours Expert C: 5 hours Expert D: 20 hours Expert E: 30 hours No historical data: 40*0.2+20*0.2+5*0.2+20*0.2+30*0.2 =23.0 hours

  29. Predictive Expert Judgment Example Everybody counts methodology… 0.35*40+0.16*20+0.11*5+0.22*20+0.17*30=27.0hours

  30. Predictive Expert Judgment – W/Constraints If we had rules where we threw out experts’ estimates if they were wildly off: > 12.0 STDEV 0.47*40+0.29*20+0.23*30=31.8hours (Where σi <12.0) (Could be closer?)

  31. Predictive Expert Judgment – W/Constraints (cont.) You could alternatively tighten the standard deviation constraint to trust only the leading expert… 1.0*40=40.0hours (Where σi = best)

  32. Predictive Expert Judgment – W/Constraints (cont.) You could also adjust for deviations in estimate (how far they are normally off and in what direction) 0.35*38.75+0.16*20+0.11*3.75+0.22*13.75+0.17*26.25=24.4hours

  33. Results & Analysis • No model can estimate the cost of software with a high degree of accuracy • Expert Judgment was found to be just as good as algorithmic models (in 15 case studies) • Uncertainty and Probability should be added to most models • More historical data needs to be collected from industry

  34. Conclusion • A software manager who takes time to perform and reconcile software effort estimation will be on safer footing than a manager who doesn’t • Use the advantages/disadvantages in paper and use one you feel most comfortable with

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