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Yeah it´s my land and my presentation. But is not hahahaha. So…go away!. Should be my land and my presentation. By Stalin between 1928 and 1940. Is a process of collective communities where property and resources are owned by the whole community and not individuals. Hello it´s me again.
Yeah it´s my land and my presentation But is not hahahaha So…go away! Should be my land and my presentation
By Stalin between 1928 and 1940 Is a process of collective communities where property and resources are owned by the whole community and not individuals. Hello it´s me again.
The process Heavy machinery Traditional 90% totowns 10% left Individual farms Kolkhozs NO kulaks
Theaims My principal goal was to industrialize the U.S.S.R very rapidly. This would increase our resources and economy.
kolkhoz The translation of kolkhoz is collective farm
kolkhoz • Kolkhoz is an area of government owned land • Many families live within the kolkhoz which are the ones that also farm.
machine-tractor stations • Machine-tractor stations were state-owned facilities that they rented heavy farming machinery.
Kulaks The kulaks werefarmers in the USSR. TheygotmanybenefitsbytheStolypinreforms. Verywealthy. 1906 Theywouldhavelargerfarms, more cattle and crops. • Theyhiredpeasantsto do theirharderwork in busy times.
Communism vs. Kulaks The kulaks wereverywealthy, toomuchforthebolsheviks. Theywereagainstthecollectivisation. Theystartedtorevoltagainstthe soviets. Thecommunistsnamedthem a threattothegovernment.
Dekulakization Senttocampstoworkforthe U.S.SR. Itwas 1928. Stalin noticedthatthese kulaks weren’tgivingenoughgoods in the U.S.S.R. Stalin decidedtoeliminatethisproblemtohisdesires. Alsothe Kulaks didn’twanttogivetheirlandtocreatecolectivefarms. The Kulaks wereforcedtoagree. Senttodistantprovinces of the U.S.SR. Eliminated
Problems of Collectivization • Theyhadtoclosetheirsmallfarms and movetowork in kolkhoz’s. • Kulaks (richestpeasants) weredivided in 3 categories: - Activelyhostile - Thewealthiest kulak households. - Theleastharmful of kulaks. • 300,000 kulak familiesweredeportedfromtheirhomes. • Peasantshatedcollectivization. • Drop in foodproduction. • Thefaminethat Stalin wantedtopreventfinallyhappened.
Theend NicolasRodriguez KaiDiaz-Albertini Eduardo Contreras ArianJacobs Now I will kill Stalin with my 21th century gun Hope you enjoy it