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¡Ven Conmigo! Spanish 1. Capítulo 4: ¿Qué haces esta tarde?. Vocabulario. 6. lavar el carro to wash the car 7. lavar la ropa to wash the clothes 8. mirar la televisión to watch TV 9. nadar en la piscina to swim in the pool 10. sacar la basura to take out the trash 11. tocar
¡Ven Conmigo!Spanish 1 Capítulo 4: ¿Qué haces esta tarde?
Vocabulario 6. lavar el carro to wash the car 7. lavar la ropa to wash the clothes 8. mirar la televisión to watch TV 9. nadar en la piscina to swim in the pool 10. sacar la basura to take out the trash 11. tocar to play (an instrument) • cuidar a tu hermano/a • to take care of your brother/sister • 2. descansar en el parque • to rest in the park • 3. dibujar • to draw • 4. escuchar música • to listen to music • 5. jugar a • to play (a sport or game)
Talking about what you like to do To find out what a friend likes to do, ask: A ti, ¿qué te gusta hacer? What do you like to do? To respond, say: Me gusta pintar. I like to paint. No, no le gusta estudiar. … he doesn’t like… Pero le gusta hablar por teléfono. …to talk on the phone. ¿A Manuel le gusta estudiar? Does Manuel like to study? A mi me gusta bailar y cantar. Por eso me gustan las fiestas. That’s why I like… ¿A quién le gusta bailar y cantar? Who likes to dance and sing?
Quick Connection • English often uses the –ing form of the verb where Spanish uses the infinitive (the form that ends in –ar, -er, or –ir). • Example: Me gusta ir al centro comercial. • I like going to the mall. • How would you say the following in Spanish? • I like drawing. • I like listening to music. • I like swimming in the pool. • I don’t like taking out the trash. • I don’t like taking care of my brother.
Gramática • Present tense of regular -ar verbs • In Spanish and English verbs change depending on the subject(the person doing the action). This is called conjugating the verb. • In Spanish there are three main groups of verbs; their infinitive (the unchanged form of a verb) ends in –ar, -er, or –ir. • To conjugate hablaror any other regular –ar verb, take the part of the verb called the stem (habl-) and add these endings: • (yo) hablo • (tú) hablas • (usted) habla • (él) habla • (ella) habla (nosotros/as) hablamoswe speak (vosotros/as) habláisyou speak (plural, Spain) (ustedes) hablan (ellos) hablan (ellas) hablan Note: tú is informal, usted is formal
Práctica • Conjugating –ar verbs in the present tense • Example: cuidar (infinitive) → cuid (stem) → -o, -as, -a, -amos, -áis, -an • Find the stem for the following verbs: • descansar (infinitive) • descans- (stem) • dibujar (infinitive) • dibuj- (stem) • mirar (infinitive) • mir- (stem) • 2. Now conjugate them in the yo, tú, nosotros and ellos form.
Boleto de salida • Conjugate the following verbs for yo, ella, nosotros, ellos: • lavar • nadar • Tocar • How would you say the following in Spanish? • 4. I like washing the car. • 5. I don’t like washing the clothes.
Vocabulario 4. trabajar en un restaurante to work at a restaurant 1. pasar el rato con amigos tospend time with friends 2. caminar con el perro to walk with the dog 5. tomar un refresco to drink a refreshment 3. montar/andar/pasear en bicicleta/bici to ride a bike 6. tomar un helado to eat an ice-cream 7. preparar la cena to prepare dinner
Discussing what you and others do during free time To ask what a friend does after school, say: ¿Qué haces después de clases? What do you do after school? ¿Tocas el piano? Do you play the piano? ¿Bailan ustedes antes de regresar a casa? Do you (plural) dance before returning home? ¿Practican deportes Luis y Carmen en el tiempo libre? Do Luis and Carmen practice sports during free time? To respond: Descanso. Después juego al futbol. I rest… I play… No, pero toco la guitarra. …I play the guitar. Sí, nosotros bailamos con un grupo de baile. Y también jugamos al tenis. Yes, we dance with a dance group… we play… No, ellos no practican deportes. Juegan a los videojuegos. … they don’t practice…They play…
Nota gramatical 1. The verb jugar has the following conjugation: juego jugamos juegas jugáis juega juegan 2. The prepositiona combines withelto form the contraction al. Yo juego a el fútbol. → Yo juego al fútbol.
Práctica Listening Comprehension Página 114, actividad 8, números 1-5 Writing Página 115, actividad 9, números 1-6 Página 116, actividad 10, números 1-7 Página 116, actividad 11
Nota gramatical • To talk about doing things with someone else, con is used with a pronoun like él or ella. • ¿Quién trabaja con Luisa? • Yo trabajo conella. • ¿Quién toma un refresco con David? • Laura toma una limonada con él. • 2. The expressions with me and with you (familiar) have special forms. • ¿Quién estudia contigo? • Who … with you? • Mi amigo Miguel estudia conmigo. …with me.
Nota gramatical Que is a very common word in Spanish. It can refer to either people or things and can mean that, which, or who. Tengo una amiga que canta bien. La música que me gusta escuchar es rock en español.
Nota gramatical The verb estar (to be) is used to talk about location. Here are the present tense forms of the verb. (yo) Estoy en la librería. (tú) Estás con tu familia. (el/ella/usted) Está en el centro. (nosotros) Estamos en casa. (vosotros) Estáis en la clase. (ellos/as/ustedes) Están en el cuarto.
Vocabulario:Prepositions 1. al lado de next to; to one side of 2. allá there 3. aquí here 4. cerca de near 5. debajo de under; beneath 6. encima de on top of 7. lejos de far from
Telling where people and things are To respond: Estoy en el centro. Necesito encontrar a María Inés. I’m downtown. No, no está aquí. No, she’s not here. Está en el trabajo. She’s at work. To ask: ¿Dónde estás? Where are you? ¿No está en la escuela de baile? Isn’t she…?
Práctica Writing Página 118, Actividad 19, (Copy the paragraph and fill in the blanks.) Listening Comprehension Página 120, Actividad 21 Writing Página 120, Actividad 22, Números 1-6 Example: Juan Luis quiere comprar fruta y chocolate. Él necesita ir al supermercado. Está cerca del restaurante y al lado del cine.
Gramática Subject pronouns Spanish speakers don’t use subject pronouns as often as English speakers do. That’s because the verb ending usually indicates the subject of the verb. yo compro tú compras usted compra él, ella nosotros, nosotras compramos vosotros, vosotras compráis ustedes, ellos, ellas compran • In general, tú is used to speak to people with whom you are on a first-name basis. Use usted with adults and people in authority. • 2. In Spain, vosotros is the plural of tú, while ustedes is the plural of usted. In the Americas, ustedes is the plural of both tú and usted. • 3. The masculine forms (nosotros and vosotros) are used to refer to groups of males and groups including both males and females. The feminine forms nosotras and vosotras refer to groups including only females.
Nota gramatical Ir (to go) is an irregular verb, since its conjugation doesn’t follow any pattern. To ask where someone is going, use the question word ¿adónde? ([to] where?). Voy al cine. ¿Adónde vas ahora? Va al gimnasio. Vamos a la piscina. Vais a casa. Van al baile.
Talking about where you go during free time To ask where someone is going, say: ¿Adónde vas? Where are you going? ¿Adónde va María Inés? Where is Maria Ines going? To respond: Voy a la biblioteca para estudiar. I’m going … in order to study. María Inés va al correo. Luego va al cine para ver una película. … in order to see a movie.
Nota cultural • El paseo is a tradition in Spanish-speaking countries; • people walk around the plaza or along the streets of a town in the evening to socialize, and to see and be seen by others. • In Spain and Latin America, there are fewer school- • sponsored extracurricular activities for high school students • than in the United States. Teenagers who play sports will • often join independent teams, since may schools don’t have their own teams.
Vocabulario: Los días de la semana Spanish calendars look slightly different than calendars in English; el lunes (Monday), not el domingo (Sunday), is the first day of the week. This makes more sense of the term “weekend,” as Saturday and Sunday are together at the end of the week.
Nota gramatical • Always use el before a day of the week except when stating what day it is. Hoy es martes. • To make sábado and domingo plural, add –s. • To say on Monday, on Tuesday, etc., use el lunes, el martes.Voy al gimnasio el jueves. • To say on Mondays, on Tuesdays, etc., use los lunes, los martes.Los lunes,vamos al colegio. • Days of the week are not capitalized in Spanish.