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WWF's UK SEAS project aims to enhance the management of MPAs in the UK through testing new approaches. The Compass survey is part of the baseline assessment to understand current MPA management, identify areas for improvement, and track progress using 38 criteria. The survey helps determine the MPA's stage of development and areas of strength and weakness.
THE COMPASS 1 Identify important areas for species & habitats 2 Identify stakeholders & their interests 3 Set up stakeholder participation process 4 Assess condition of important areas for species & habitats 5 Create socio-economic baseline 6 Identify pressures impacting species & habitats 7 Set MPA boundary based on areas of ecological importance 8 Establish zoning for activities 9 Establish management rules for zoned areas 10 Create a management body to set and monitor strategy 11 Create a management committee to implement the strategy 12 Establish environmental MPA objectives 13 Established socio-economic MPA objectives 14 Identify benefit sharing rules 15 Develop alternatives for displaced activities 16 Create clear lines of responsibility for governance 17 Ensure the MPA has legal status 18 Publicly communicate about the MPA 19 Support an active & inclusive stakeholder engagement process 20 Develop a management plan 21 Ensure adequate MPA staff 22 Ensure adequate infrastructures and equipment 23 Enforce management rules 24 Create a business plan fund long-term MPA management 25 Capacity build skills needed to run the MPA 26 Create education programme linked to MPA objectives 27 Monitor biological, social and economic factors 28 Monitor management activities against performance 29 Build a sense of responsibility for the MPA by stakeholders 30 Demonstrate the authorities take responsibility for the MPA 31 Effectively implement the management plan 32 Sustain & build on community involvement 33 Demonstrate that MPA is achieving objectives 34 Demonstrate that MPA is improving ecological condition 35 Demonstrate that MPA is providing socio-economic benefits 36 Report progress to the community 37 Update management plan/rules based on monitoring data 38 Create sustainable income stream to cover management costs WWF’s UK SEAS project is all about trying to improve how marine protected areas (MPAs) in the UK are managed. We hope to do this by testing new approaches to management in our case study areas in North Devon (with the North Devon Marine Pioneer) and in the Outer Hebrides. The first step in that journey is to understand how they are being managed at the moment, to gather baseline information on where we are doing really well, and where we could focus energy on improving. The Compass survey forms part of that baseline assessment. It’s a pretty neat technique. SELF-SUFFICIENT PHASE Progress is measured using 38 criteria that cover a range of management issues including things like setting objectives, collecting information, creating plans, involving stakeholders and monitoring etc. Each criteria is scored out of 3, from 0 = it is not being done, to 3 = it is being done really well. The criteria are arranged around the outside of the compass. The stages and criteria may vary somewhat from one MPA to the next, however to achieve effective MPA management all of them need to be considered at some point. A quick look at the results will tell you what stage the MPA is at (creation, pioneer or self-sufficiency) and what the MPA is doing well on and what it needs to improve. The tool can be used to track the course of MPA development over time and help managers with day-to-day organisation of their MPA by filling in the progress made year after year. CREATION PHASE The Compass divides the process of establishing an MPA into three stages: The “Creation phase”: In the UK we would call that the ‘designation process’. This involves gathering all the data needed and working with stakeholders to develop management rules. The “Pioneer phase”: The pioneer phase is when management becomes operational and the management team starts monitoring and building programmes to support delivery of the objectives. The “Self-sufficiency phase”: By this point the MPA is well on the way to technical, organisational and financial self-sufficiency and the environmental and social benefits of the MPA are being felt. PIONEER PHASE
STEPS RESPONSES Original compass criteria edited to better reflect UK situation. Four ‘graduated’ answer categories created for each criterion. A full and a shorter version of the survey designed using SurveyMonkey. Online survey link sent to 120 contacts on the UKSEAS database and advertised on the CMS listserv in Aug 2018. Survey open for 2 months & reminders sent twice. Local meetings attended to encourage participation from key stakeholders. Data downloaded and analysed using excel. Mean scores added to compass. • 3 Responses (2 short, 1 full) • 0 respondents indicated they were from North Devon • Sector affiliation shown below:
1 38 2 37 3 36 4 35 BRISTOL CHANNEL APPROACHES SAC Responses Criteria number No response Mean score ≥50% unsure Creation Pioneer Self-sufficient 5 34 6 33 • BRISTOL CHANNEL APPROACHES SAC 29% Creation Pioneer Self-sufficient 32 8 7 3 31 1 9 1 30 10 29 11 28 12 27 13 26 14 25 15 24 16 23 17 18 22 19 21 20
1 4 36 35 6 34 2 33 BRISTOL CHANNEL APPROACHES SAC Responses Criteria number No response Mean score ≥50% unsure Set up Plans & management Involving people Decision making Resources Monitoring Results 3 31 5 • BRISTOL CHANNEL APPROACHES SAC 29% Creation Pioneer Self-sufficient 23 7 37 17 3 28 1 20 1 27 12 38 13 25 24 22 8 21 9 14 15 11 26 10 18 30 19 16 32 29
1. Were areas important for species and habitats of conservation value identified? BRISTOL CHANNEL APPROACHES SAC SET UP
4. Was the condition of important areas for species and habitats established? BRISTOL CHANNEL APPROACHES SAC SET UP
6. Were the pressures identified that impact important areas for species and habitats? BRISTOL CHANNEL APPROACHES SAC SET UP
2. Were stakeholders and their interests identified? BRISTOL CHANNEL APPROACHES SAC SET UP
3. Was a stakeholder participation process established? BRISTOL CHANNEL APPROACHES SAC SET UP
5. Was a socio-economic baseline report produced? BRISTOL CHANNEL APPROACHES SAC SET UP
7. Was the MPA boundary based on important areas of ecological interest BRISTOL CHANNEL APPROACHES SAC SET UP
17. Does the protected area have legal status? BRISTOL CHANNEL APPROACHES SAC SET UP
Do you have any thoughts or ideas on how MPAs could be set up more successfully? “Depending on the location and nature of the MPA, the underlying reasons for setting up the MPA need to be as clear as possible, and MPA authorities need to be bold in promoting the need (including legal need) for their establishment. Often MPAs are introduced to stakeholders almost apologetically.” BRISTOL CHANNEL APPROACHES SAC SET UP
20. Does the protected area have a management plan? BRISTOL CHANNEL APPROACHES SAC PLANS & MANAGEMENT
12. Does the MPA have objectives that consider environmental factors? BRISTOL CHANNEL APPROACHES SAC PLANS & MANAGEMENT
13. Does the MPA have objectives that consider socio-economic factors? BRISTOL CHANNEL APPROACHES SAC PLANS & MANAGEMENT
24. Does the MPA have a business plan describing how income can be generated to deliver the MPA objectives in the long term? BRISTOL CHANNEL APPROACHES SAC PLANS & MANAGEMENT
8. Does the protected area have well-defined spatial units (zones) that direct the type, location and/or time of allowable human activities? BRISTOL CHANNEL APPROACHES SAC PLANS & MANAGEMENT
9. Does the protected area have management in place for each zone as appropriate to meet the site's objectives as a whole? BRISTOL CHANNEL APPROACHES SAC PLANS & MANAGEMENT
15. Have alternative income generating activities been considered to compensate for displacement of damaging activities in the MPA? BRISTOL CHANNEL APPROACHES SAC PLANS & MANAGEMENT
26. Is there a planned education programme linked to the site's objectives and needs? BRISTOL CHANNEL APPROACHES SAC PLANS & MANAGEMENT
Do you have any thoughts or comments on how management plans and site objectives could be improved? “Management plans must be developed through an open transparent process, involving early stakeholder engagement. Better to do it right than do it quick but stakeholders must be engaged throughout the process. Site objectives need to clearly link to the scientific reasons for establishing the site and the features being protected. It should be clear how the objectives relate to/influence management action to reduce the pressures threatening these objectives. Management plans should have a simple, accessible front-end, available on mobile phones. Any zones should have clear boundaries that can be accessed or are visible on the water. Management is only as good as the monitoring and enforcement. Resources for these should be considered during the site identification phase (but should not be used as an excuse not to take sites forward), based on sustainable finance mechanisms.” BRISTOL CHANNEL APPROACHES SAC PLANS & MANAGEMENT “Depends on the driver for the site - there is more opportunity with domestic-led MPAs than international designations which follow a prescribed format. We should focus on an integrated plan rather than just on individual sites as a standalone project.”
19. Do deliberate (active and inclusive) opportunities for people to be involved in decision making exist? BRISTOL CHANNEL APPROACHES SAC INVOLVING PEOPLE
32. How satisfied are you with your involvement with MPA management? BRISTOL CHANNEL APPROACHES SAC INVOLVING PEOPLE
29. Do you think stakeholders feel a sense of responsibility for the MPA? BRISTOL CHANNEL APPROACHES SAC INVOLVING PEOPLE
Do you have any thoughts or comments on how we could better involve people in MPA management? “Communicate the MPA as clearly as possible, making it relevant to their connection with the site. Be bold with your case for the site. Keep engagement regular (e.g. through monthly updates) even during quieter periods.” BRISTOL CHANNEL APPROACHES SAC INVOLVING PEOPLE “Cross-channel England and Wales management group/committee with public engagement/outreach agenda.” “Stakeholder workshops once a site is designated, where the basis of the site is explained and management needs are described, followed by input from stakeholders on the best way to manage. Measures will always be more successful if those affected have been involved in development.”
16. Is responsibility for the governance of the MPA clear? BRISTOL CHANNEL APPROACHES SAC DECISION MAKING
30. Do the relevant authorities take responsibility for the MPA? BRISTOL CHANNEL APPROACHES SAC DECISION MAKING
10. Does a management body exist that is empowered to set the MPA’s strategy, objectives and overall direction? BRISTOL CHANNEL APPROACHES SAC DECISION MAKING
11. Does a management committee exist that implements the strategy? BRISTOL CHANNEL APPROACHES SAC DECISION MAKING
14. MPAs generate "benefits" e.g. fish and recreational opportunities. Were rules identified to help share access to these benefits? BRISTOL CHANNEL APPROACHES SAC DECISION MAKING
Do you have any thoughts or comments on how we could improve decision making? “Make one organisation responsible for overall site management and consideration of cumulative impacts. Each pressure is currently being considered separately for most English sites.” BRISTOL CHANNEL APPROACHES SAC DECISION MAKING
21. Are there enough people employed to manage the site? BRISTOL CHANNEL APPROACHES SAC RESOURCES
22. Is the infrastructure and equipment needed to manage the site available? BRISTOL CHANNEL APPROACHES SAC RESOURCES
25. Do staff have the skills and training needed? BRISTOL CHANNEL APPROACHES SAC RESOURCES
38. Is there long term funding for the full cost of the MPA and its management/operating costs? BRISTOL CHANNEL APPROACHES SAC RESOURCES
Do you have any thoughts or comments on how MPA management could be better resourced? “Local officers for coastal and inshore sites funded jointly by local and central government. Contribution to resources from other government departments that license activities with an interest in the site. A long-term institutional investment fund for MPA management and an independent MPA management delivery body (?) Consideration of long term resource needs (not just socio-economic impacts) from an earlier stage in the designation process.” BRISTOL CHANNEL APPROACHES SAC RESOURCES “No staff employed to manage this specific site and to enable proper engagement and public ownership it would help to have a 'go-to' person.” “Need to consider better use of resource - kill two birds with one stone rather than trying to do everything independently. e.g. monitoring of one thing may also be suitable for monitoring of another.”
27. Are biological, social and economic factors monitored which could be used in management? BRISTOL CHANNEL APPROACHES SAC MONITORING
28. Are management activities monitored against performance by those responsible for the management? BRISTOL CHANNEL APPROACHES SAC MONITORING
37. Has the management plan/rules for the protected area been reviewed and updated based on monitoring of the plan's progress? BRISTOL CHANNEL APPROACHES SAC MONITORING
23. Is enforcement of management rules undertaken? BRISTOL CHANNEL APPROACHES SAC MONITORING
Do you have any thoughts or comments on how marine protected areas could be monitored better? “Require central sharing of relevant information where possible. Ring fence monitoring resources and secure wider funding options where possible. Use citizen science programmes where relevant.” BRISTOL CHANNEL APPROACHES SAC MONITORING “Need to approach from a marine spatial planning approach and work on a wider scale rather than site by site.”
31. Is the protected area meeting its objectives/in good condition, thanks to the implementation of the management plan or rules? BRISTOL CHANNEL APPROACHES SAC RESULTS
33. Is the MPA achieving its objectives (whether it has a management plan or not) BRISTOL CHANNEL APPROACHES SAC RESULTS
34. Is the MPA delivering improved ecological effects? BRISTOL CHANNEL APPROACHES SAC RESULTS
35. Has the MPA generated any *socio-economic benefits?*Things like culture, jobs and recreational use BRISTOL CHANNEL APPROACHES SAC RESULTS
36. Are the benefits of the MPA reported to the community? BRISTOL CHANNEL APPROACHES SAC RESULTS
Do you have any thoughts or ideas on how we could achieve better results? BRISTOL CHANNEL APPROACHES SAC RESULTS “Still early days.”