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Scouting Ministry Structure

Scouting Ministry Structure. Units are our foundation Boy Scouts of America & American Heritage Girls …Chartered (owned) by a church or organization The Charter Organization Rep is BSA, not UMC →. BSA or American Heritage Girl Charter Org Rep.

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Scouting Ministry Structure

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  1. Scouting MinistryStructure

  2. Units are our foundation • Boy Scouts of America & American Heritage Girls • …Chartered (owned) by a church or organization • The Charter Organization Rep is BSA, not UMC → BSA or American Heritage Girl Charter Org Rep

  3. The COR is often also the Scouting Coordinator • All 33,000 churches need a Scouting Coordinator • We have only a few thousand→ Local Church Scouting Coordinator BSA or American Heritage Girl Charter Org Rep

  4. Other organizations partner with us • …but do not report to us and are not “Chartered.” → Local Church Scouting Coordinator BSA or American Heritage Girl Charter Org Rep Girl Scouts USA, Campfire USA, 4-H, BBBS

  5. The BSA Unit Commissioner is like a consultant helping the Units → Local Church Scouting Coordinator Unit Commissioner BSA or American Heritage Girl Charter Org Rep Girl Scouts USA, Campfire USA, 4-H, BBBS

  6. Local Scouting Coordinator is on Church Council. • Charter Organization Rep is not on Church Council. → Church Council Local Church Scouting Coordinator Unit Commissioner BSA or American Heritage Girl Charter Org Rep Girl Scouts USA, Campfire USA, 4-H, BBBS

  7. 33,000 UMC churches serve (approx.) • 11,000 BSA Packs, Troops, and Crews • 27,000 Girl Scout Troops • 38,000 Scout units → Church Council Local Church Scouting Coordinator Unit Commissioner BSA or American Heritage Girl Charter Org Rep Girl Scouts USA, Campfire USA, 4-H, BBBS

  8. The SMS is also a consultant, like a Unit Commissioner. • An SMS have between 1 and 3 churches including their own→ Church Council Scouting Ministries Specialist Local Church Scouting Coordinator Unit Commissioner BSA or American Heritage Girl Charter Org Rep Girl Scouts USA, Campfire USA, 4-H, BBBS

  9. A District Coordinator averages 72 churches. • The SMS are on the UMC District Scouting Committee. → District Scouting Coordinator UMC District Scouting Committee Church Council Scouting Ministries Specialist Local Church Scouting Coordinator Unit Commissioner BSA or American Heritage Girl Charter Org Rep Girl Scouts USA, Campfire USA, 4-H, BBBS

  10. The Conference structure is similar to the District. • District Coordinators are on the Conference Committee. • SMS can serve on the Conference Committee. Conference Scouting Coordinator Conference Scouting Committee District Scouting Coordinator UMC District Scouting Committee Church Council Scouting Ministries Specialist Local Church Scouting Coordinator Unit Commissioner BSA or American Heritage Girl Charter Org Rep Girl Scouts USA, Campfire USA, 4-H, BBBS

  11. General Commission on United Methodist Men The Jurisdictional and National Structure are similar National Scouting Committee Jurisdictional Scouting Coordinator Jurisdictional Scouting Committee Conference Scouting Coordinator Conference Scouting Committee District Scouting Coordinator UMC District Scouting Committee Church Council Scouting Ministries Specialist Local Church Scouting Coordinator Unit Commissioner BSA or American Heritage Girl Charter Org Rep Girl Scouts USA, Campfire USA, 4-H, BBBS

  12. General Commission on United Methodist Men Contact: Marc Stowe www.umscouting.com mstowe@gcumm.org 615-620-7262

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