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WARM-UP Feb 5 th , 2013

WARM-UP Feb 5 th , 2013. Name something that bacteria do (positive or negative). Name a key difference between bacteria and viruses. Between cells and bacteria? 3) Write down what the following terms mean: photo, hydro, infection, biotic. * Bacteria Viruses Cells *.

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WARM-UP Feb 5 th , 2013

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  1. WARM-UP Feb 5th, 2013 • Name something that bacteria do (positive or negative). • Name a key difference between bacteria and viruses. Between cells and bacteria? 3) Write down what the following terms mean: photo, hydro, infection, biotic

  2. * Bacteria Viruses Cells * • Prokaryotic • No nucleus • DNA floats • Unicellular • Very basic unit of life • Reproduces through binary fission • No cell(s) • Not living • Uses other cells to reproduce it’s own DNA/RNA • Mostly harmful • Eukaryotic • Multicellular or Unicellular • Reproduces through Mitosis • Smallest form of life • Animal/Plant Cells

  3. Where do bacteria live? • More in your digestive track than humans who have ever lived • (Which is around 108 billion…) ) http:/http://www.prb.org/Articles/2002/HowManyPeopleHaveEverLivedonEarth.aspx

  4. Where do bacteria live? • Ocean Vents

  5. Where do bacteria live? • Inside of Rocks (Not a crack, INSIDE the rock)

  6. Where do bacteria live? • Volcanoes

  7. Where do bacteria live? • Antarctica

  8. Where do bacteria live? • Mars

  9. Where do bacteria live? • Bacteria can live with or without oxygen • Bacteria can survive by digesting minerals • Bacteria break down or ‘eat’ molecules

  10. What can bacteria do? • Bacteria can do almost anything in terms of affecting other life.

  11. So can bacteria be useful? • Oh yes! Bacteria are necessary for most functions of your digestive tract. Without bacteria there, you wouldn’t be able to digest most foods. • But don’t be fooled! They can also be harmful to your system! Things like E. Coli or Salmonella are both types of bacteria that react negatively with you and make you very sick!

  12. E. Coli Bacteria

  13. Causes of E. Coli Bacteria • When cattle are slaughtered and processed, E. coli bacteria in their intestines can get on the meat • E. coli bacteria on a cow's udder or on milking equipment can get into raw milk • Runoff from cattle farms can contaminate fields where fresh produce is grown • Cooks or servers who don't wash their hands after using the bathroom can transmit E. coli bacteria to food.

  14. Salmonella

  15. Causes of Salmonella • Food processing or handling by infected or unwashed hands • Can be found in pet feces. Lack of hand washing after handling can cause it. • Reptiles, baby chicks and ducklings tend to carry it. • Contaminated food usually looks and smells normal.

  16. Staphylococcus Bacteria (Staph Infection)

  17. This picture is extremely graphicClose your eyes now, if you’d like…

  18. So how do you get rid of bad bacteria?

  19. So how do you get rid of JUST bad bacteria? • Well, the only real way to get rid of only bad bacteria is to send a pill into your system that purges some good bacteria too! • Same with hand sanitizer! You’re sanitizing all things bad about bacteria, but at the same time, any positive bacteria are being scoured as well!

  20. Why you’re not going to use hand sanitizer this week! IMMUNE IMMUNE IMMUNE IMMUNE IMMUNE IMMUNE IMMUNE IMMUNE IMMUNE IMMUNE

  21. Another reason for less hand sanitizer… • So you use hand sanitizer, dust and Lysol your room everyday, wash your hands every class, etc. You are a meticulously clean person.

  22. And because of this, you rarely get sick! • However, you WILL get sick eventually, and when you do, your body has NO IDEA how to fight off the germs because it has never encountered them… • This is only a theory of course, but if something makes sense logically…

  23. Hear about the Bubonic Plague? Play from 0:30 to 9:11 and 27:23 to 28:02

  24. The Black Death

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