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27. Feb. 200 8 Hayoung LEE Department of Physics, Pusan National University

http://him.phys.pusan.ac.kr/~hipex. RICH R&D status Report -I : Measurement of MAPMT uniformity and electron Beam Profile Study at the Pohang Accelerator Lab. 27. Feb. 200 8 Hayoung LEE Department of Physics, Pusan National University Heavy Ion Physics Experiment LAB.

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27. Feb. 200 8 Hayoung LEE Department of Physics, Pusan National University

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  1. http://him.phys.pusan.ac.kr/~hipex RICH R&D status Report -I: Measurement of MAPMT uniformity and electron Beam Profile Study at the Pohang Accelerator Lab. 27. Feb. 2008 Hayoung LEE Department of Physics, Pusan National University Heavy Ion Physics Experiment LAB

  2. http://him.phys.pusan.ac.kr/~hipex 1. MAPMT uniformity • Motivation • Uniformity measurement with a new method • Result • Conclusion & Outlook 2. e-Beam Profile • Motivation • BlinkingTarget + CCD camera • Scintillator • Conclusion & Outlook

  3. 1. Motivation <MAPMT (HAMAMATSU)> 8×8 MAPMT(HAMATSU,H8500) What is uniformity? [ Hamamatsu Method] [HAMAMATSU uniformity] [A Ring Imaging Cherenkov detector]

  4. 2. Uniformity measurement a new method Diffuser1 Diffuser2 Z Z Diffuser set (x,y,z) = ( 0, 0, 340) PMT USB2000 Diffuser3 (x,y,z)=(0,1000, 375) Uniform Light X X 4.51mm 5.75mm 2.56mm Y Y Blue LED set 2.6mm 2.55mm 2mm Diffusers set [Blue LED (λ= 472nm)] [light intensity distribution after diffuser]

  5. 2. Uniformity measurement with a new method PMT (H8711/H8500) [Circuit] LED Amp. Q D C 4V DAQ Gate generator Inverter Atten. Pulser

  6. 3. Result [64 pixel MAPMT] [16 pixel MAPMT] Normalized Normalized

  7. 4. Conclusion & Outlook • New diffuser method : quite good • Single photo electron measurement is required : • Polarizer and analyzer method • 3. Why tiny systematic differences? • : Unknown  Two correction table used, respectively.

  8. 1. e-Beam at PAL X Y Z Electron beam at the TEST LINAC, PAL (Pohang Accelerator Lab.), Korea. ; (Pe≈ 60MeV/c) Bending Maget Currunt : 25.2A Beam window [Experiment setup]

  9. Beam line y x Set1. (400,200, 50) Table 1. Set2 . (400,200, 2120) z Table 2. Set3 . (400,200, 2920) • 2. BlinkingTarget + CCD camera 22cm 5.5cm 10cm 7cm 8cm 10.5cm 10cm 22cm [Top view / 단위 : mm]

  10. 3. Scintillator [bending magnet] [bending magnet] Bending magnet current dependency – raw data [beam window] 25.2A [13A] counts [25.2A] 20A 13A QDC channel [A.U.] [20A] [60MeV/ Bunch size 1µs] 1.bending magnet current dependency - Scintillator : fix at beam window center [Beam line] -------

  11. 5. Scintillator Test Scintillator position dependency – raw data [60MeV/ Bunch size 1µs/] 0cm(center) counts -4cm -8cm QDC channel [A.U.] 2. Scintillator position dependency -bending magnet current : fix in 25.2A 0cm(center) -4cm -8cm

  12. Lead 15cm 6. Conclusion &Outlook Conclusion 1. Beam size is very large 2. Beam gets broader 3. Our detector is aligned at the beam center. What-to-do • Deep into beam study • -*1) Precise Profile measurement (x, y, z) needed • -*2) New Beam profile detector : Mini MWPC  Beam Trigger • 2. A lead collimator (L> 15cm)

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