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A FULL AUTOMATED FAULT DIAGNOSIS SYSTEM BASED ON COLORED PETRI NET. Giovanni Cordeiro Barroso Raimundo Furtado Sampaio Robson Alencar Azevedo Ruth Pastôra Saraiva Leão Federal University of Ceará (UFC) Ana Lucia Gondim Colaço Eudes B. de Medeiros Energy Company of Ceará (COELCE).

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  1. A FULL AUTOMATED FAULT DIAGNOSIS SYSTEM BASED ON COLORED PETRI NET Giovanni Cordeiro Barroso Raimundo Furtado Sampaio Robson Alencar Azevedo Ruth Pastôra Saraiva Leão Federal University of Ceará (UFC) Ana Lucia Gondim Colaço Eudes B. de Medeiros Energy Company of Ceará (COELCE) 10th Workshop and Tutorial on Practical Use of Coloured Petri Nets and the CPN Tools

  2. OUTLINE Motivation Power Electrical System The FDS with Interpretation through a Lookup Table The FDS Using Interpretation through Colored Petri Net Case Study Conclusion

  3. FDS Lookup Table Power Electrical System FDS Colored Petri Net Case Study Motivation Conclusion • The avalanche of information reported by the SCADA system to the operators at the Operation Control during events in the power system. • The need of a fast and accurate fault diagnosis to restore the power system with security. • How to deal with the updating of the topology change of the power system.

  4. 212 Transformers 112.668 Transformers FDS Lookup Table Power Electrical System FDS Colored Petri Net Case Study Motivation Conclusion Transmission (69kV) Distribution (13.8kV) 4.863 km Transmission Line 72.056 km 97 Substation 2.855 MVA 3.834 MVA UFC

  5. FDS Lookup Table Power Electrical System FDS Colored Petri Net Case Study Motivation Conclusion 69 kV 230 kV 500 kV

  6. FDS Lookup Table Power Electrical System FDS Colored Petri Net Case Study Motivation Conclusion Sobral Regional

  7. FDS Lookup Table Power Electrical System FDS Colored Petri Net Case Study Motivation Conclusion Control Center

  8. SE SOBRAL II SE CARIRÉ SE ARARAS 02B1 02BA 02B1 02BA 02B1 02BA SE NOVA RUSSAS 12J1 12J1 D D 02B1 SE CRATEÚS 12C2 12C2 12L1 12L1 02B1 02BA D D D D 12J6 12J6 12N1 12N1 D D D D 12C4 12C4 12L2 12L2 D D D D 12D1 12J7 12J7 D D D 12D1 12D1 SE ARARAS II D D 12D1 02B1 02BA D 12J1 12J1 D D SE IBIAPINA SE INHUÇU 12D1 02B1 02BA 02B1 D 12C1 12P2 12P2 D D D 12D1 D FDS Lookup Table Power Electrical System FDS Colored Petri Net Case Study Motivation Conclusion Sobral Regional 08 Buses 11 Lines 69 kV

  9. SE SOBRAL II SE CARIRÉ SE ARARAS 02B1 02BA 02B1 02BA 02B1 02BA SE NOVA RUSSAS 12J1 12J1 D D 02B1 SE CRATEÚS 12C2 12C2 12L1 12L1 02B1 02BA D D D D 12J6 12J6 12N1 12N1 D D D D 12C4 12C4 12L2 12L2 D D D D 12D1 12J7 12J7 D D D 12D1 12D1 SE ARARAS II D D 12D1 02B1 02BA D 12J1 12J1 D D SE IBIAPINA SE INHUÇU 12D1 02B1 02BA 02B1 D 12C1 12P2 12P2 D D D 12D1 D FDS Lookup Table Power Electrical System FDS Colored Petri Net Case Study Motivation Conclusion Bus Protection 08 Buses 11 Lines 69 kV

  10. SE SOBRAL II SE CARIRÉ SE ARARAS 02B1 02BA 02B1 02BA 02B1 02BA SE NOVA RUSSAS 12J1 12J1 D D 02B1 SE CRATEÚS 12C2 12C2 12L1 12L1 02B1 02BA D D D D 12J6 12J6 12N1 12N1 D D D D 12C4 12C4 12L2 12L2 D D D D 12D1 12J7 12J7 D D D 12D1 12D1 SE ARARAS II D D 12D1 02B1 02BA D 12J1 12J1 D D SE IBIAPINA SE INHUÇU 12D1 02B1 02BA 02B1 D 12C1 12P2 12P2 D D D 12D1 D FDS Lookup Table Power Electrical System FDS Colored Petri Net Case Study Motivation Conclusion Bus Protection 08 Buses 11 Lines 69 kV

  11. SE SOBRAL II SE CARIRÉ SE ARARAS 02B1 02BA 02B1 02BA 02B1 02BA SE NOVA RUSSAS 12J1 12J1 D D 02B1 SE CRATEÚS 12C2 12C2 12L1 12L1 02B1 02BA D D D D 12J6 12J6 12N1 12N1 D D D D 12C4 12C4 12L2 12L2 D D D D 12D1 12J7 12J7 D D D 12D1 12D1 SE ARARAS II D D 12D1 02B1 02BA D 12J1 12J1 D D SE IBIAPINA SE INHUÇU 12D1 02B1 02BA 02B1 D 12C1 12P2 12P2 D D D 12D1 D FDS Lookup Table Power Electrical System FDS Colored Petri Net Case Study Motivation Conclusion Line Protection 08 Buses 11 Lines 69 kV

  12. SE SOBRAL II SE CARIRÉ SE ARARAS 02B1 02BA 02B1 02BA 02B1 02BA SE NOVA RUSSAS 12J1 12J1 D D 02B1 SE CRATEÚS 12C2 12C2 12L1 12L1 02B1 02BA D D D D 12J6 12J6 12N1 12N1 D D D D 12C4 12C4 12L2 12L2 D D D D 12D1 12J7 12J7 D D D 12D1 12D1 SE ARARAS II D D 12D1 02B1 02BA D 12J1 12J1 D D SE IBIAPINA SE INHUÇU 12D1 02B1 02BA 02B1 D 12C1 12P2 12P2 D D D 12D1 D FDS Lookup Table Power Electrical System FDS Colored Petri Net Case Study Motivation Conclusion Line Protection 08 Buses 11 Lines 69 kV

  13. Framework FDS Lookup Table Power Electrical System FDS Colored Petri Net Case Study Motivation Conclusion The fault diagnosis report and the equipment involved in the event. Process the diagnosis Collect and filter out data from the SCADA system

  14. FDS Lookup Table Power Electrical System FDS Colored Petri Net Case Study Motivation Conclusion

  15. Input Interface Layer FDS Lookup Table Power Electrical System FDS Colored Petri Net Case Study Motivation Conclusion Select and convert data in initial marking to CPN1. • CRE – Substation Code – CARIRÉ • 12J7 – Equipment Code • 50A – Protection Function • CPN Token – 1`(“CRE”,“12”,“J7”,“50A”)

  16. Diagnosis Table Power Electrical System FDS Colored Petri Net FDS Lookup Table Case Study Motivation Conclusion • Compare the final marking with a lookup table. • Requires a previous study by an expert of the system to update the table.

  17. Drawback: FDS Lookup Table FDS Colored Petri Net Power Electrical System Case Study Motivation Conclusion • Update of the network topology. • An off line study to update the table.

  18. FDS Lookup Table FDS Colored Petri Net Case Study Power Electrical System Conclusion Motivation Framework The fault diagnosis report and the equipment involved in the event. Process the diagnosis Collect and filter data from the SCADA system

  19. FDS Lookup Table FDS Colored Petri Net Case Study Power Electrical System Conclusion Motivation • Differences between FDS lookup table and FDS Colored Petri Net: • Lookup Table is replaced by a new CPN2. • To update the topology is just necessary the inclusion/update of the tokens.

  20. FDS Lookup Table FDS Colored Petri Net Power Electrical System Case Study Motivation Conclusion GLOBAL DECLARATIONS ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- colset INT = int; colset DATA = string; colset MNEMONIC = product DATA * DATA *DATA*DATA*INT*DATA; colset MNEMONIC3 = product DATA * DATA * DATA*DATA*INT; colset MNEM3 = list MNEMONIC3; var x,x1,x2,x3,x4, y,y1,y2,y3,y4, z,z1 : DATA; var m6,m1,m2,m4:MNEM3; var k,p: INT; var m5,m8,m3,m7: MNEMONIC3; (* Functions *) (* Returns true if x is a member of list l, else returns false *) fun mem(x, l) = List.exists (fn y => x = y) l; (* Intersection of two lists. *) fun intersect(l1, l2) = List.foldr (fn (x, ys) => if mem(x, l2) then x :: ys else ys) [] l1;

  21. FDS Lookup Table FDS Colored Petri Net Power Electrical System Case Study Motivation Conclusion (* Removes thefirstoccurrenceof x from l *) funremElem(x, [] ) = [] | remElem(x, y::ys) = if x = y then ys else y::remElem(x,ys); fun removeRandom1(l1, l2) = let val l1Andl2 = intersect(l1,l2); vallen = List.length(l1Andl2) - 1; valrandElem = List.nth(l1Andl2, discrete(0, len)); val l1' = remElem(randElem, l1); val l2' = remElem(randElem, l2); in (randElem, randElem,l1', l2') end; fun removeRandom2(l1, l2) = let val len1 = List.length(l1)- 1; val len2 = List.length(l2) - 1; val randElem1 = List.nth(l1, discrete(0, len1)); val randElem2 = List.nth(l2, discrete(0, len2)); val l1' = remElem(randElem1, l1); val l2' = remElem(randElem2, l2); in (randElem1, randElem2, l1', l2') end;

  22. FDS Lookup Table FDS Colored Petri Net Power Electrical System Case Study Motivation Conclusion Main Page HV = high voltage MV = medium voltage SC = short-circuited TL = transmission line

  23. Analysis Diagnosis Subpage FDS Lookup Table FDS Colored Petri Net Power Electrical System Case Study Motivation Conclusion

  24. Fault Analysis FDS Lookup Table FDS Colored Petri Net Power Electrical System Case Study Motivation Conclusion

  25. Diagnosis Subpage FDS Lookup Table FDS Colored Petri Net Power Electrical System Case Study Motivation Conclusion

  26. SC1 FDS Lookup Table FDS Colored Petri Net Power Electrical System Case Study Motivation Conclusion Sobral Regional

  27. FDS Lookup Table FDS Colored Petri Net Power Electrical System Case Study Motivation Conclusion

  28. FDS Lookup Table FDS Colored Petri Net Power Electrical System Case Study Motivation Conclusion

  29. FDS Lookup Table FDS Colored Petri Net Power Electrical System Case Study Motivation Conclusion

  30. FDS Lookup Table FDS Colored Petri Net Power Electrical System Case Study Motivation Conclusion

  31. FDS Lookup Table FDS Colored Petri Net Power Electrical System Case Study Motivation Conclusion

  32. FDS Lookup Table Power Electrical System FDS Colored Petri Net Case Study Motivation Conclusion • The power system topology is recorded as the initial marking. • A fast and concise fault diagnosis to the power system operator has been developed. • Reliable diagnosis and fast restoration of the power system is possible.

  33. ThankYou!! Questions?

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