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Tutorial 5: Tables

Tutorial 5: Tables. Session 5.1. OBJECTIVES. Create a table Insert a table summary Insert a table caption Add rows and cells Merge Cells inside a Table. Creating a Table. <table> </table> Attributes: cellspacing : Spacing between cells (in px )

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Tutorial 5: Tables

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  1. Tutorial 5: Tables Session 5.1.

  2. OBJECTIVES • Create a table • Insert a table summary • Insert a table caption • Add rows and cells • Merge Cells inside a Table

  3. Creating a Table • <table> </table> • Attributes: • cellspacing: Spacing between cells (in px) • cellpadding: Spacing within cells (in px) • border: Thickness of the table borders (in px)

  4. Creating a Table <body> <table border=“1” cellpadding=“3” cellspacing=“2”> </table> </body>

  5. Practice – Creating a Table • Download kpaf.zip from my website. • Go to the morning.htm and insert links to the kpaf2.css and programs.css style sheets. • Scroll down the file and directly below the paragraph element, insert a table with a 1px border, 0px cellspacing, and 3px cellpadding. • Add the class name programs to the table.

  6. Inserting a Table Summary • The summary attribute allows you to include a detailed description about the table<table summary="description"> ... </table>

  7. Creating a Table Caption • To create a table caption, add the caption element directly below the opening <table> tag with the syntax <caption>content</caption> where content is the content of the table caption

  8. Practice – Table Summary and Caption • Insert the following summary for the table: Lists the morning programs aired by KPAF from 5:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. (central time). • Add a table caption containing the text All Times Central.

  9. Inside the table • <tr> </tr>: • Indicates the start and end of a table row • Rows consist of headings or data cells • <th> </th>: • Indicates the start and end of a table heading cell • Heading cells default to bold text and center-alignment • <td> </td>: • Indicates the start and end of a table data cell • Data cells default to normal text and left-alignment

  10. Practice – Rows and Cells • Add rows and cells so the table is similar to the following table:

  11. Using colspan and rowspan to merge cells in a table • colspan: Sets number of columns spanned by a cell • rowspan: Sets number of rows spanned by a cell • Example: <tr> <td colspan=“2”>I merge two cells horizontally.</td> </tr>

  12. Practice – Rowspan and Colspan • Create row- and column-spanning to match the layout of the days and times shown in Figure 5-53 on page HTML 378.

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