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Technical report for ISOLDE

This technical report provides insights on the current status, operation, and developments at ISOLDE, focusing on equipment, staff, REX, and future plans. Detailed information on various aspects such as GPS, HRS, staff roles, and scientific coordination is included. ###

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Technical report for ISOLDE

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  1. Technical report for ISOLDE Mats Lindroos on behalf of the ISOLDE team AB-ISOLDE

  2. Outline • Separator status • REX • Developments and integration status • ISOLDE organization • Responsibilities • New staff • Beam preparation activities • EURISOL/EURONS news • Recent technical development work • ECR • Shutdown planning AB-ISOLDE

  3. GPS and HRS • GPS operation limited to 30 kV since July • Suspect problem with insulator • Peek material – better vacuum properties but worse resistance to “sparking” • Operation with a single vacuum pump since late July • To be replaced in March 2005 • Repair? • HRS running well • One vacuum pump replaced in October after failure of both pumps (staggered in time) • Resolution of HRS limited by design fault • Decision of the future of HRS in the upgrade group • Second GPS or Real HRS AB-ISOLDE

  4. Front-end 6 • Front-end 6 assembled • Waiting for ceramic insulator • To be tested in building 275 before installation in March AB-ISOLDE

  5. REX integration • All (5) REX posts filled and successful shutdown and maintenance executed in 2004 • Staff situation critical for “peek need” during runs • Need for scheduled Machine Development (MD) time for “difficult beams” • Technical support for low energy stage too low • Operation team, supervisor team, must be formed for on-call support and setting-up AB-ISOLDE

  6. ISOLDE organization AB PH ABP ADM ATB BDI BT CO OP PO RF IS • Scientific programme • Scientific coordination • Liaison with collaboration • Liaison Users • EURONS • Future scientific strategy • TARGISOL • Technical coordination • EURISOL coordination • Target and ion source production • Front-ends and robots • ISOLDE experimental area • Target R&D • REX integration • RILIS • Operation • ISOLDE optics (electrostatic) • TSO • Alignment • General technical support • Application programs New staff at ISOLDE tech. late 2004: Magnus Eriksson (OP), Nikolai Trofimov (CO) and Pascal Fernier (OP, 50%) AB-ISOLDE

  7. ISOLDE responsibilities • ISOLDE PH • ISOLDE Physics group leader • Leads the scientific programme at ISOLDE • Chairs the ISOLDE upgrade group • CERN representative in the ISOLDE collaboration committee • Responsible for the ISOLDE collaboration budget • Responsible for external scientific collaboration at ISOLDE • Leads the technical development for isotope manipulation within EURONS and EURISOL at ISOLDE • CERN responsible for EURONS • ISOLDE Physics coordinator • Responsible for the ISOLDE schedule • Responsible for ISOLDE User liaison • Responsible for liaison with AB • Scientific secretary for INTC • ISOLDE AB • ISOLDE technical coordinator (ATB) • Coordinates ISOLDE operation, maintenance and technical R&D • Chairs the weekly coordination meeting • Responsible for REX integration • Scientific secretary of the ISOLDE upgrade group • Responsible for liaison between different AB groups with ISOLDE activities • Responsible for liaison between AB and PH ISOLDE • CERN responsible for EURISOL DS • Responsible for external technical collaborations at ISOLDE • ISOLDE target and front-end section leader (ATB) • Responsible for ISOLDE target and front-end production • Responsible for all target and ion source R&D at ISOLDE • ISOLDE operation section leader (OP) • Responsible for ISOLDE operation • Responsible for beam optics at ISOLDE AB-ISOLDE

  8. ISOLDE operation • ISOLDE OP team • 1 Physicist • 2 technicians • 50% of a technician • Plan for 2005 run • Operation with 5 person piquet team • Technician available in the ISOLDE control room for 4 hours each working day • 2 Technicians replace all additional support earlier given by 2 technicians and 1 engineer AB-ISOLDE

  9. EURISOL and EURONS EURONS I3: 1.5 MCHF Transnational Access 0.6 MCHF Joint Research Activities new staff mostly in PH (DAQ, admin and R&D) EURISOL DS: 2.8 MCHF (CERN leads 3 tasks) new staff mostly in AB (R&D) EURONS & EURISOL enable R&D in targets & b-beam (AB) radioisotope manipulation (PH) safety (SC) AB-ISOLDE

  10. ISOLDE control system • All applications except scanners and wire grids available in LINUX • Problems • Slow start-up • Slow response • Change of log book page each day • Report bugs to Tim Giles • Shutdown work • Address response problems • New applications for instrumentation and yield measurements AB-ISOLDE

  11. Test with stable SeCO injection REX LE Developments in 2004 • New isotopes • Molecular beams • Rotating wall cooling • No clear advantage compared to side band cooling • New control system from GSI for trap • Many thanks to GSI! • Record charge breeding efficiency (Trap out to EBIS out) • 23% for 39K10+ Radioactive 110Sn into REXTRAP 110 pA after REXTRAP 48 pA after mass sep. 115 pA in 27+ 98 ms breeding time trap eff 44%, EBIS eff 9% AB-ISOLDE

  12. REX linac developments in 2004 AB-ISOLDE

  13. Target and ion source development “The very active target R &D program in close collaboration with experiments has always been the “secret” of the success of the ISOLDE physics programme” • The tradition will continue, examples from 2004: • ISOLDE RILIS used for >50% of all shifts, R&D! • Tests with solid state lasers off-line (Mainz univ.) • Negative ion source (ISOLDE and KENIS, ORNL) • Measurement of transverse shockwaves with tests with laser vibrometer • New target materials: • LaCx synthesized • SiCx from TRIUMF tested • Note: 3 FTE per new element/isotope! • User support essential to advance many developments • Strongly integrated with ISOLDE EU activities AB-ISOLDE

  14. Beam preparation at ISOLDE • Successful charge breeding with an ECR Phoenix source at ISOLDE of radioactive ions • Major problem with background; to be addressed in 6th framework programme • The beam preparation activities move to the PH ISOLDE physics group in 2005 • RFQ cooler activity continues in AB-ATB to complete started project • EURON fellowship and EURISOL beam preparation post to work on these activities Successful charge breeding of: 94Rb14+, 96Sr13,14,15+, (130Inx+ and 130Csx+) 46,47,48Ar, 92xxKrand 138,142,144Xe Efficiency estimates 96Sr15+ 2.6-3.7% efficiency 96Sr14+ 2.9-4.2% efficiency 96Sr13+ 2.2-3.0% efficiency IS 400, Beam purification of noble gas beams AB-ISOLDE

  15. Shutdown • Shutdown planning established • Key dates: • End of run: 11/11/2004 am • Shutdown courses: 29/11-10/12 • Stable beam stop: 10/12 • No cooling water (possible power cuts): 10/12-18/1 • Start of off-line running: 21/3 • Start-up of physics programme: 25/4 • Key tasks: • Installation of new front-end • Repair of REX EBIS magnet • Wall removed between extension and hall • Dust barrier being installed • Schedules: at ISOLDE web site and at REX web site • CERN schedule holds several key dates even for ISOLDE! AB-ISOLDE

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