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Energy Dependence of Isotopic Composition in Nuclear Fragmentation

Study on isotopic yields in nuclear fragmentation, examining energy dependence and signatures of 124Sn, 28Si, and more. Supported by DOE and Welch Foundation.

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Energy Dependence of Isotopic Composition in Nuclear Fragmentation

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  1. Energy Dependence of the Isotopic Composition in Nuclear Fragmentation S. Yennello, D. Shetty, M. Veselsky, E. Martin, A. Keksis, G. Souliotis and D. Rowland Texas A&M University Cyclotron Institute

  2. Two component liquid Single component liquid Two component liquid Free n/p ratio t/3He ratio N/Zfragments Possible signatures:

  3. 124Sn 124Sn Veselsky, Phys. Rev. C62, 064613 (2000).

  4. Veselsky, Phys. Rev. C62, 064613 (2000).

  5. E*=3.5-4.5 E*=4.5-5.5 E*=2.5-3.5 E*=6.5-7.5 E*=5.5-6.5 E*=7.5-8.5 E*=9.5-10.5 E*=10.5-12.5 E*=8.5-9.5 28Si + 112,124Sn Veselsky,Phys Lett B497,1(2001)

  6. Ratio of isotopic yields58Ni, 58Fe + 58Ni, 58Fe 30 Mev/nuc

  7. Scaling factor

  8. D D D D D D Relative free neutron and proton densities

  9. Scaling factor at 30,40,47 MeV/nuc

  10. D D D D D D neutron and proton densities at 30,40,47 MeV/nuc

  11. Tsang PRC64, 054615 (2002) Energy dependence of the scaling parameter a 58Fe + 58Fe / 58Ni + 58Ni .

  12. Botvina IsoscalingR21 = C exp(a’A + b’(N-Z) a ’ = D(mn + mp)/2T b ’ = D(mn - mp)/2T 28Si + 112,124Sn 30 MeV/nuc 50 MeV/nuc b’ = 0.237±0.038 b’ = 0.186±0.017

  13. Botvina IsoscalingR21 = C exp(a’A + b’(N-Z) 28Si + 112,124Sn ; 50 MeV/nuc

  14. Summary • The enhancement in free neutrons of neutron-rich systems is greater at lower energies. • Isoscaling in 58Ni, 58Fe + 58Ni, 58Fe • 3H/3He in 28Si + 112Sn, 124Sn • Isoscaling in 28Si + 112Sn, 124Sn

  15. Baran Nucl Phys 1999 Chomaz PLB 47, 221 (1999) Theory Bao An Li PRL 2000

  16. Summary • The enhancement in free neutrons of neutron-rich systems is greater at lower energies. • Isoscaling in 58Ni, 58Fe + 58Ni, 58Fe • 3H/3He in 28Si + 112Sn, 124Sn • Isoscaling in 28Si + 112Sn, 124Sn • Theoretical comparisons are in progress. This work was supported in part by the Department of Energy and the Robert A Welch Foundation

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