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ITU and IPv6 deployment Georges Sebek ITU 国际电联 Telecommunication Standardization Bureau. Global IPv6 Summit Beijing, China 15-17 April 2008. Outline. Introduction to ITU IP and ITU standardization International cooperation Conclusion. ITU in the UN system.
ITU and IPv6 deployment Georges SebekITU 国际电联 Telecommunication Standardization Bureau Global IPv6 SummitBeijing, China15-17 April 2008
Outline • Introduction to ITU • IP and ITU standardization • International cooperation • Conclusion
ITU in the UN system • ITU is one of the United Nations Specialized Agencies: • ITU International Telecommunication Unionamong others such as UNESCOUnited Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural OrganizationWHOWorld Health OrganizationUPUUniversal Postal UnionWMOWorld Meteorological OrganizationWIPOWorld Intellectual Property Organization…
ITU • International partnership of 191 governments and over 700 private sector entities • ITU is one of the world’s ten most enduring institutions that have changed and grown in unswerving success and relevance — yet remained true through time to its founding principles (Booz Allen Hamilton survey) • Standards making one of the ITU’s first activities • Headquarters Geneva, 12 regional offices
ITU mission and more Maintain and extend international cooperation in telecommunications Technical and policy assistance to developing countries To harmonize actions of Member States and promote cooperation between Member States and Sector Members Leading managerial role in World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS), held in Geneva Dec 2003 and Tunis Nov 2005 Responsible for WSIS follow-up action on infrastructure and cybersecurity, seehttp://www.itu.int/wsis/outcome/booklet.pdf
Cluster of WSIS-related events • 2008: 13-30 May, Geneva, Switzerland • WSIS Action Lines • С1. The role of public governance authorities and all stakeholders in the promotion of ICTs for development • С2. Information and communication infrastructure • C3. Access to information and knowledge • C4. Capacity building • C5. Building confidence and security in the use of ICTs • C6. Enabling environment • C7. ICT Applications: • E-government • E-business • E-learning • E-health • E-employment • E-environment • E-agriculture • E-science • C8. Cultural diversity and identity, linguistic diversity and local content • C9. Media • C10. Ethical dimensions of the Information Society • C11. International and regional cooperation
IP and ITU standardization • ITU has been addressing Internet protocol issues for many years • Most of the study groups developed Recommendations based on IP regarding performance (QoS), IP-based networks (IP CableCom, satellites, NGN), Multimedia (H.323 system), Numbering (ENUM),… • IPv4, but also IPv6 are discussed: • contributions from members • basic texts of the ITU
IPv6 and ITU standardization • Lead study group on service definition,numbering and routing (SG 2), in collaboration with ITU-D • handbook on IP-based networks • Study group in charge of telecommunicationeconomic issues (SG 3) • Proposal to consider the economic aspectsof migration from IPv4 to IPv6 • Lead study group on multimedia terminals,systems and applications (SG 16) • evolution of the H.323 system (widely usedfor VoIP) for compatibility with IPv4 and IPv6 • Media Gateway Protocol (H.248) operation in IPv6 • Lead study group on next generation networks (SG 13) • a suite of 4 Recommendations was completed in January 2008 on IPv6-based NGN • impact of IPv6 on an NGN is studied since 2005
IP and ITU standardization • Examples of ITU basic texts • PP-06 Resolution 102 asks ITU-T to: “... performs its role in technical issues, and to continue to contribute ITU-T expertise and to liaise and cooperate with appropriate entities on issues related to the management of Internet domain names and addresses and other Internet resources within the mandate of ITU, such as IP version 6 (IPv6), ENUM and IDNs, as well as any other related technological developments and issues, including facilitating appropriate studies on these issues by relevant ITU-T study groups and other groups” • PP-06 Resolution 101 resolves:“..that ITU shall fully embrace the opportunities for telecommunication / information and communication technology (ICT) development that arise from the growth of IP-based services, in conformity with the ITU purposes and the outcomes of the Geneva (2003) and Tunis (2005) phases of WSIS, taking into account the quality and security of services;”
IP and ITU standardization • Arab Regional Group on NNA (IPv6) established, 2006 • Various opinions voiced on IP address allocation • A workshop is planned this September in collaboration with Number Resource Organisation (NRO) to discuss: • gaps and missing links that could be filled by ITU • development of assistance programmes for developing countries • certain questions regarding the economic aspects of migration from IPv4 to IPv6 • Likely to be discussed at Global Standardization Symposium (GSS), Johannesburg, 20 October 2008, and WTSA that follows
Internet Governance Forum • UN Secretary General established the IGF for multi-stakeholder policy dialogue: • Covers “public policy issues related to key elements of Internet Governance” including critical internet resources • Complements existing bodies • Multilateral, Multi-stakeholder, Democratic, Transparent • First meetings: Athens (Nov 2006); Rio (Nov 2007); Hyderabad (Dec 2008) • Initial mandate for five years • Role in capacity-building and exchange of best practice
Observations from the 2nd IGFRio 2007 Clear support, especially from stakeholders from the ‘Internet developed world’ that the current format of IGF, freed from the constraints of negotiations and decision-making, allowed for ideas to be freely exchanged and debated Role of all stakeholders towards enhanced international cooperation process acknowledgement that governments have a sovereign role in global public policy-making and an important role to play to ensure accessibility, diversity, openness and security of Internet. Also there were frequent calls for overall international coordination of activities in different areas, in particular public policy issues
International cooperation • Cooperation agreements with over 70 standards bodies • A long-standing collaboration with the IETF • Liaison relationship with the IPv6 Forum • ITU considers to adopt ETSI IPv6 test suite as ITU Recommendations • ITU TSB Deputy Director currently on the ICANN board(as Technical Liaison Group member) • ITU ready to take part in the development of the Reference table for IDN ccTLDs • ITU and academia, first event: Innovations in NGN - Future Network and Services, Geneva, 12-13 May 2008
WSC common IPR policy • WSC = World Standards Cooperation (ISO, IEC and ITU) • Common IPR Policy based on ITU policy strongly encourages the disclosure of known patented technology from the outset • Allows for companies’ IPR to be included in standards as long as it is made available under reasonable and non-discriminatory terms and conditions • Common Guidelines for the Implementation of the Policy, Common Patent Statement and License Declaration Form • Each of the three WSC organizations also has an online patent database
World Telecommunication Development Conference (WTDC)-06 Resolutions and Programmes • Res. 23: Internet access and availability for developing countries and charging principles for international Internet connection (Doha, 2006) • Many programmes and projects for internet services • ITU action on human capacity building on IPv4-IPv6 transitionshttp://elearningcentre.itu.int/public/05cEUR003/index.html
Conclusion • ITU is the only intergovernmental organization developing telecommunication/ICT standards • Global standards progressing rapidly within ITU – strong support from China and Asia • ITU standards have global acceptance • Take advantage of open and transparent working methods • Extend the benefits to developing world (bridging the standardization gap) • GSS 20 October to discuss collaboration to avoid duplication of effort and incompatible implementations • ITU is IPv6-ready !
Helping the World Communicate 谢谢 sebek@itu.int