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Progressing a Standard as an ITU-T Recommendation. Georges Sebek (ITU/TSB) Counsellor, ITU-T SG 17 Telecommunication Standardization bureau. Outline. ITU structure Collaboration with other standardization organizations Progressing SAML and XACML as ITU-T Recommendations Conclusion.
Progressing a Standard as an ITU-T Recommendation Georges Sebek (ITU/TSB) Counsellor, ITU-T SG 17Telecommunication Standardization bureau
Outline • ITU structure • Collaboration with other standardization organizations • Progressing SAML and XACML as ITU-T Recommendations • Conclusion
ITUstructure Plenipotentiary Conference 1.1 ITU Council ITU-D World Telecommunication Development Conference ITU-T World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly ITU-R World Radiocommunication Conference Radiocommunication Assembly General Secretariat ITU-T: unique worldwide venue for industry and government to work together to foster the development and use of interoperable, non-discriminatory and demand-driven international standards ITU-R: use of the radio frequency spectrum by all radiocommunication services, develop Recommendations on radiocommunication matters ITU-D: promoter and catalyst for telecommunication / ICT development and the bridge between relevant partners involved in ICTs, especially in developing and least developed countries General Secretariat: provides services to the membership, coordinates the activities of the Sectors in undertaking intersectoral activities and supports the activities of the Sectors
ITU-T Study Groups 1.3 • SG 2: Operational aspects of service provision, networks and performance • SG 3: Tariff and accounting principles including related telecommunication economic and policy issues • SG 4: Telecommunication management • SG 5: Protection against electromagnetic environment effects • SG 6: Outside plant and related indoor installations • SG 9: Integrated broadband cable networks and television and sound transmission • SG 11: Signaling requirements and protocols • SG 12: Performance and quality of service • SG 13: Next generation networks • SG 15: Optical and other transport networks • SG 16: Multimedia services, systems and terminals • SG 17: Security, languages and telecommunication software* • SG 19: Mobile telecommunications networks *SG17 is the Lead Study Group on telecommunication security
WP 2/17 Security Questions Telecom Systems Users Q8/17 Telebiometrics *Multimodal modelFwk *System mechanism *Protection procedure *X.1081 1.4 TelecomSystems Q9/17 Q7/17 Q5/17 Secure communication services *Mobile secure communications *Home network security *Securityweb services *X.1121, X.1122, X.1141, X.1142 Securitymanagement *ISM guideline for telecom *Incident management *Risk assessment methodology *etc… *X.1051 Securityarchitectureand framework *Architecture, model, concepts, frameworks,*etc… *X.800 series*X.805 Cyber security*Overview of cyber-security*Vulnerability information sharing* Incident handling operations Q6/17 Q17/17 Countering spamby technical means *Technical anti-spam measures Q4/17 Communications system security*Vision, Coordination, Roadmap, Compendia…
Background 2.1 • ITU’s Constitution/Convention asks that ITU-T cooperate “with other world and regional intergovernmental organizations, and those non-governmental organizations concerned with telecommunications". • ITU-T has a wealth of instruments in place to collaborate with others
ITU-T Rec. A.4: Communication process between ITU-T and Forums and Consortia 2.2 • Goal: to facilitate documentation exchange • Criteria: pretty straightforward and common sense • Evident ones: subject area should be of relevance to the work done in ITU-T • Documents submitted to ITU-T should not contain proprietary information (no restriction for distribution) • Forum membership should not preclude ITU MS or SM • Patent policy: must be consistent with ITU-T patent policy • A formal communication process can initiated either by the forum or by ITU-T (e.g., Study Group or Director of TSB) • Can be initiated at any time
ITU-T Rec. A.5: Generic procedures for including references to documents of other organizations in ITU-T Recommendations 2.3 • Rules for referencing standards from other “qualified” organizations (with the exception of ISO and IEC) • Apply to those standards used as normative references (integral part of the Recommendations) • The normative references from qualified organizations need to be justified (status of approval, rational for the referencing, degree of stability, IPR isues,…) • Instead of referencing, it may be decided (by the SG) to incorporate the text of another organization into the text of a Recommendation (in part or in full) with th e permission of the organization
ITU-T Rec. A.6: Cooperation and exchange of information between ITU-T and national and regional standards development organizations 2.4 • Similar in spirit to A.4 • Global Standards Collaboration (GSC): exchange information between participating standards organizations to facilitate collaboration and enhance the process of global telecommunication standardization in the ITU • Annual meetings of 9 leading national and regional standards organizations and ITU (ACIF, ARIB, ATIS, CCSA, ETSI, ISACC, TIA, TTA, TTC, ITU)(15 Observers at GSC-11: ANSI, CEPT, CITEL, GSMA, IEEE, IETF, OMA, SCTE,…)
ITU-T Rec. A.7: Focus Groups: Working methods and procedures 2.5 • Focus Groups are an instrument providing an additional working environment for the quick development of standards in specific areas • Focus Groups have freedom to organize and finance themselves. Focus Groups can be created very quickly, are usually short-lived and can choose their own working methods, leadership, financing, and types of deliverables • Focus Groups report to a parent Study Group • The Focus Group deliverables may be further progressed as ITU-T Recommendations • The establishment of a Focus Group can be considered to start work in new areas with joint membership (ITU-T / SDO) participation in the development of specifications • The establishment of a Focus Group is an option considered for resolving any technical divergence between ITU-T and OASIS when updating X.1141 (SAML 2.0) and XACML (2.0)
Submission 3.1
Approval (AAP track) Recommendation Approved 3.3 Draft Recommendation input 3 weeks Comment Resolution AR yes Comments Received? SG/WP Meeting no LC Consent 4 weeks
Summary on issues 3.4 • OASIS is qualified under ITU-T A.4 & A.5 • ITU-T SG 17 agreed to convert SAML and XACML instead of a simple referencing • Editing necessary (multipart standard / 1-Part Rec., normative/informative references) • IPR • Ongoing maintenance • PR
Ongoing maintenance 3.5 • Maintain the communication channel with OASIS • OASIS plans further revisions of SAML and XACML that will be resubmitted to ITU-T • Sharing of defect reports and proposals for improvements • Appointment of liaison officers • Relevant OASIS TCs will continue to collect and respond to change proposals • In case of substantial different conclusions about some technical issues, a Focus Group may be established for harmonization and resolution of divergent conclusions
Conclusion 4. • Well established collaboration between ITU-T and OASIS • MoU on E-business (with ISO, IEC and UN/ECE) • Joint Workshop on Public Warning, Geneva, 19-20 October 2006 (started during WSIS, Phase II, Tunis, November 2005) • OASIS standards accepted as ITU-T Recommendations(13 June 2006): X.1141 (SAML 2.0) and X.1142 (XACML 2.0) • Future cooperation areas: • OASIS Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) standard to be progressed as an ITU-T Recommendation • Accepted as work item at Rapporteur Meeting in September 2006 • Expect formal work item adoption in December 2006 X.CAP, consent foreseen by September 2007 • Web Services Security: SOAP Message Security (WSS v1.1) • Other cooperation mechanisms could be explored: workshops, Focus Groups, etc
Further information at http://www.itu.int/ITU-T ITU-T SG 17 http://itu.int/ITU-T/studygroups/com17 Secretariat: tsbsg17@itu.int ITU/TSB contact with OASIS Simao Campos, simao.campos@itu.int Thank you