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University Chair on Innovation. Centro METID Wp5 – Casablanca 15/16/17 April 2009.
University Chair on Innovation Centro METID Wp5 – Casablanca 15/16/17 April 2009 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Agenda- Politecnico di Milano- Centro METID- International and other projects- Examples of Web 2.0 tools- Using Web 2.0 tools for projects activities- Centro METID in Unchain project- the EU MEDA Virtual Environment This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
Wikie-cooperation in international contexts http://www.unchain-vu.net/ Centro METID
Politecnico di Milano One of the main technical Universities in Italy with 7 campus in the Lombardy Region: Some figures: ~ 40.000 students ~ 1.200 teachers/researchers ~ 800 technical-administrative staff Didactical Areas in Politecnico are the following: Engineering Architecture and Urbanism Design http://www.polimi.it
Introduction – Centro METID METID - Metodi E Tecnologie Innovative per la Didattica Set up in 1995, METID is born to foster the development and adoption of innovative tools and methodologies in university teaching. Today METID is the University Center dealing with design, development and delivery of e-learning services, both at national and international level, offering training on the issues of e-learning, e-collaboration, Web 2.0 http://www.metid.polimi.it
Introduction – Centro METID About 40 people operate at METID, with different roles (IT administration, editing, software development, visual design, tutoring, e-community animators, projects management)
Introduction – Centro METID • 8 project areas: • International • Science & young people • Didactic and innovation • Enterprises • Lifelong learning • Inclusion & Cooperation • Communication and Collaboration
IOL - the first Online degree in Computer Engeneering in Italy http://www.laureaonline.polimi.it Centro METID
Introduction – Centro METID – International Projects eLene eLearning Network is a consortium in which METID is a founding member, born as a result of the publication of the collection of case studies “Virtual models of European Universities” sponsored by the European Union in 2003. The consortium realized 3 projects funded by European Union: eLene TT, e-learning teachers and trainers network creation; eLene EE, research and analysis on e-learning economics; eLene TLC, creation of a Teaching and Learning Centre, European collaborative space for teachers, tutors and students on ICT issues. www.eLene-TT.net www.eLene-EE.net www.eLene-TLC.net http://www.youtube.com/user/eLeneTeam
Introduction – Centro METID International Projects IAOL Interior Architecture OnLine: experimentation with new strategies for internationalization based on the development of distance learning supported by new technologies. The project is realized with the School of Civil Architecture in collaboration with University of Tianjin and Italian companies operating in the Republic of China http://eproject.metid.polimi.it/idol/index.htm
Introduction – Centro METID – International Projects DAIDO Project developed in collaboration with Daido Institute of Technology Dit and Politecnico BEST Department, using eproject platform for distance activities between Italian and Japanese students, engaged in the design of new buildings for artists in disused area of Sesto San Giovanni, on the outskirts of Milan. http://www.daido.metid.polimi.it/
Introduction – Centro METID – International Projects SLOOP Realization of Learning Objects (LO) repository and teacher training on repository creation and use.
Introduction – Centro METID – International Projects eSCM Platform to delivery distance learning courses in the field of Supply Chain Management in collaboration with European Union and DIG, Management Engineering Department, of Politecnico http://www.e-scm.org/ Country Partners Hungary, Germany, Romania
Introduction – Centro METID – International Projects http://www.stipendije.info/en/about_the_portal/virtus_project • VIRTUS - Scholarships.info-TEMPUS. Croatia: Realization of an on-line information service with the mission to unify all available information resources about scholarship opportunities available to Croatian citizens for study both at home and abroad • Project type: Structural and Complementary Measures: 1 years • Coordinator:SIC - International • Educational Center Zagreb • Contact person: Ninoslav Scukanec • Partners: • Grant Applicant: Technische Universitat Dresden • 1st EU Partner: Politecnico di Milano • 2nd EU Partner: CNOUS France • Regional Partner: World University Service, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina and all of the Croatian universities (6): University of Zagreb, University of Rijeka, University of Zadar, University of Split, University of Dubrovnik, University of Osijek Previous TEMPUS Experiences
Introduction – Centro METID – International Projects Previous TEMPUS Experiences • DEACST - Accreditation and standardization of distance education • TEMPUS • Coordinator: • Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan (Sweden) • Partners: • - Scientific Learning Production Complex "Academy of Distance Education" (SLPC "ADE") , Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, National technical University of Ukraine "Kiev Polytechnic Institute" Ukraine • - Swedish National Agency for Higher Education Sweden • MMB Institute for Media and Competence Research Germany • Objective: To facilitate the introduction in Ukraine of standards and a system for accreditation for distance education, compliant with the European ones
University and companies REFOCUS SenioR Employees training on inFOrmation and CommUnication technologies: project funded by European Union on reconversion and training of “over 45” employees: definition of the learning model, in collaboration with LIUC, Carlo Cattaneo University and other European partners. http://refocus.liuc.it/content/public/default.aspx http://unisys.refocuslab.liuc.it/
ApprendoLife Long Learning course for apprenticeship University and companies http://apprendonline.metid.polimi.it/ Centro METID
Some examples of Web 2.0 tools Centro METID
Del.icio.usSocial bookmarking http://delicious.com Centro METID
Google docsDocuments sharing http://docs.google.com/ Centro METID
http://www.flickr.comhttp://www.flickr.com/photos/albesteiner/http://www.flickr.comhttp://www.flickr.com/photos/albesteiner/ FlickrPhotosharing Centro METID
Communication of teacher’s content< Communication of contents produced by others Laboratory lesson Collaborative exercice < FlickrPhotosharing Centro METID
http://www.youtube.comhttp://www.youtube.com/group/sidelab YoutubeVideosharing Centro METID
Communication of teacher’s content Communication of contents produced by others Laboratory lesson < Collaborative exercice Comment/Review < YoutubeVideosharing Centro METID
FacebookSocial network http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=623939173&ref=profile#/group.php?gid=54201571841 Centro METID
CmapCollaborative content creation http://cmap.ihmc.us/conceptmap.html Centro METID
Cmap possible uses Brainstorming Group discussion Ideas navigator Centro METID
Wiki possible uses Repository Book Laboratory Organizer Centro METID
WikiCollaborative content creation http://www.mindtouch.com/Products/Deki_Expresshttp://performingts.it/ Centro METID
Wikie-cooperation in international contexts http://www.unchain-vu.net/ Centro METID
Web 2.O tools for project activities: some examples ... Teambuilding
Sharing web resources and ideas Progettazione della comunicazione
WP5: EU – MEDA Virtual Environment Centro METID is going to lead Task Group 5* in WP5: Developing an EU – MEDA Virtual Environment and Strategy for University – Industry Cooperation in Innovation The EU-MEDA Virtual Environment is aimed at ensuring the following aspects: internal and external dissemination communication between universities sustainability of the innovation chair initiative Partners involved: * Task Group 5 is composed by: Centro METID andMEDA Universities staff Centro METID in Unchain project: WP5
Centro METID – WP5 activities (FY M1 – TY M12) WP5 is composed by the following main activities: 5.1 Enhancement of the IT infrastructure of the MEDA universities 5.2 Design and customization of the online tools 5.3 Technological/methodological training in e-cooperation for enhanching University (UE and MEDA) – Enterprise networking 5.4 Online activity management, creation of an University – Enterprise online knowledge sharing system
Centro METID – WP5.1 activities (FY M1 – FY M8) WP5. 1: Enhancement of the IT infrastructure of the MEDA universities Objective: enhancing the IT infrastructure necessary to support the MEDA universities in the use of the e-learning and e-cooperation tools developed in the project Activities: preliminary analysis of the available IT infrastructure; establishment of 3 computer labs at 3 different MEDA Univ. (Cairo, Hassan II, Aleppo); upgrading and adding more IT tools to the existing computer labs (other MEDA Univ.) Staff involved: The MEDA universities will have to order the required IT equipments after consulting Centro METID. One staff member from Centro METID will be available at the MEDA universities during the installation to provide technical support. Centro METID: technical support; MEDA Univ.: IT team of Cairo (Egypt), Hassan II (Morocco) and Aleppo (Syria) Univ: Resp. for lab installation (PC,server and network), Resp. for ICT purchases other MEDA univ: : Resp. for lab installation (PC,server and network), Resp. for ICT purchases
Centro METID – WP5.2 activities (FY M3 – FY M8) WP5. 2: Design and customization of the online tools Objectives: implementing a customised mix of e-cooperation platforms (communication, interaction and cooperation between all the actors involved about the innovation topics) developing frequent interactions among all the subjects involved (professor, industry representatives, students, etc.) to support interpersonal exchange of experiences for the creation of a common strategy definition Activities: Context analysis (local technological facilities, usage rate of distance cooperation tools, normative rules which could affect the project activities, needs of cooperation actors both on the University and the enterprise sides) Adapting the established/available computer laboratories, where necessary Design and installation of software facilities necessary to the network (synchronous and asynchronous platforms and web2.0 tools). Staff involved: Centro METID: wp5.2 responsible MEDA Univ.: participating to achieve process’ good practices
Centro METID – WP5.1 and 5.2 activities (FY M1 – FY M8) Today: First trips/ meetings (1/2 day+ 1 day+1/2 day) Staff involved: Centro METID MEDA Univ: - 1 Thecnical (responsible for lab installation and upgrading) - Staff en charge of project activities - anyone else considered by PM MEDA Univ. important to be involved at this stage of the project Activities: - Inspection of locations for labs installation (Cairo, Aleppo, Hassan II) - Inspection of existing labs (Sekem, S. Joseph, Sfax) - Inspection of distributed IT station (PC of professors, researchers, students,other staff, etc.) - Interview to staff involved to point out the following aspects: contex of the project activities, users needs (specific for the project), previous experiences of MEDA univ. Staff in e-cooperation, on line communication, internet use, etc All relevant information for WP5 project activities
Centro METID – WP5. 3 (FY M9 – SY M3) WP5. 3: Technological/methodological training in e-cooperation for enhancing University (UE and MEDA)- Enterprise networking Objectives: supporting the outcomes of the project: University Chair activities (output 1), re-skilling program (outcome 3) and MSc twining program (outcome 3). Representatives for the three programs will be selected to be trained under this activity creating the basis of a sustainable and durable e-cooperation among European Universities, MEDA Universities and Enterprises operating in all MEDA Countries, through an effective and efficient exploitation ofICT resources and web 2.0 e-cooperation tools Activities: set of blended course (face to face and online meetings) to train the selected group on e-cooperation initiatives development of a dialogue between universities and universities - enterprises Staff involved: Centro METID: wp5.3 responsible MEDA Univ.: participating to the proposed training activities (target groups)
Centro METID – WP5. 4 (SY M1 – TY M12) WP5. 4: Online activity management, creation of an University-Enterprise online knowledge sharing system Objectives: spreading the results of the cooperation activities pushing the growth of more interesting collaborative projects and discussions stressing on the necessity to establish a university chairs on innovation in the MEDA region Activities: supporting the work group during the identification of projects that require collaboration (as the MSc twinning program) and cooperation of university Chairs to trigger virtuous mechanisms that enforces the exchange of reciprocal experiences; follow up the work group during both the planning of the activities to be performed through the use of tools placed at disposal and the coordination and management of the same activities; monitoring and evaluating the experiences of exchange between Universities and Enterprises developed in order to rise out significant interaction models that incorporate methodological and technological choices; collecting and sharing in an online knowledge sharing system all the contents and projects developed by Universities and Enterprises involved by putting in evidence good practices developed Staff involved: Centro METID, Task Group 5, EU/MEDArepresentatives involved in the project