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University Chair of Innovation Sfax-UNCHAIN 3 years of existence,

University Chair of Innovation Sfax-UNCHAIN 3 years of existence, what was done and what is next ? Adel M. ALIMI National Engineering School of Sfax, University of Sfax, Tunisia. 1. AGENDA. Establisement of Sfax-UNCHAIN Re - skilling Program ( Training and Mobility )

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University Chair of Innovation Sfax-UNCHAIN 3 years of existence,

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  1. University Chair of Innovation Sfax-UNCHAIN 3 years of existence, whatwasdone and whatisnext ? AdelM. ALIMI National Engineering School of Sfax, University of Sfax, Tunisia 1

  2. AGENDA • Establisementof Sfax-UNCHAIN • Re-skillingProgram ( Training and Mobility) • Disseminationand Sustainability • Vision for Innovation Management 2

  3. Infrastructure of Sfax-UNCHAIN 3

  4. Re-skilling Program • Training of trainers: 20 staff and professorsfrom Sfax Universitywithmultidisplinaryskillsduring the 3 years of the UNCHAIN project (TU Delft, TU Graz, Politecnico di Milano, Casablanca Hassan II Univ.) • Twinning Program: collaboration betweentworeserach structures (EU partnersand Sfax University) to solveindustrialproblems:4 GraduateStudentsfrom Sfax University • (1 TU Delft, 2 TU Graz, 1 Politecnico di Milano): • Eco-Materials ( withECOPNEU, Kairouan) • Energy Management (CYNAPSYS, Tunis) • Solar and Wind Boat (SANIBOAT, Sfax) • E-Health (INNOV4ALL, Sfax) 5

  5. Dissemination and Sustainability • Legalstatus to Sfax-UNCHAIN (ANPR-BUTT). • Creation of an NGO to sustain the idea of Open Innovation at the social level (Sustainable Innovation@tn, august’2011) • Disseminate the projectthrough training (SSI’2011: SummerSchool on Innovation, LWS’2011: Leadership Winter School), expositions (ENIS-EXPO’2009&2010, Sfax Univ-EXPO’2009&2010), national competitions (MI’2010: Made in Tunisia), international competitions (ROBOCOMP’2010&2011) • Support spin-off and startups creation (INNOV4ALL, jan’2012). • Research valorisation by registeringand exploiting patents atnational and international levels • (10 Tunisian patents + 1 European Patent) 6

  6. Dissemination and Sustainability • Collaborative 11ResearchAgreementswith5companiesfor strategicpartnership about industrialR&D (3 PhDswith TELNET since 2010 , 1 PhDwithPRIMATEC since 2010, 2 PhDswith CYNAPSYS since 2011, 1 PhDwith MD-WEB since 2011, 4 PhDswith INNOV4ALL since 2012) • Recuit PhDstudentsin enterprises: national program MOBIDOC of the europeanANPR-PASRI ENPI project • (about 12M Euros, 2012-2015) • Generationof new jobs for doctors: R&D Managers • (Dr. Mohamed Turki), TTO Managers (Eng. Mohamed BelHaj), Brokers (Prof. ChedlyBredai & Prof. Slim Choura) • Establishement of Open Living Innovation Labs (Tunis, 30-31 March 2012) 7

  7. Vision for Innovation Management 9

  8. Open Living Labs? Conclusion A simple model to remind: Innovation Open Living Labs can lead to social progress GOVERNANCE Administration SOCIAL PROGRESS Society INNOVATION University TECHNOLOGITION ENTREPRENEURSHIP Industry 11

  9. Thank you for your attention 12

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