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Concurrent Design and Engineering in Building and Civil Engineering. CONCUR Brite EuRam BE96-3016. Results. Project Summary Demonstration Scenario Information Management System (IMS) Ifc Browser LexiCon Inception Modeller Facets (Skanska) PlantPower (Fortum Engineering)
Concurrent Design and Engineering in Building and Civil Engineering CONCURBrite EuRam BE96-3016 Results
Project Summary Demonstration Scenario Information Management System (IMS) Ifc Browser LexiCon Inception Modeller Facets (Skanska) PlantPower (Fortum Engineering) Technical, Commercial and External Exploitation External Results The Way Forward Partners European Commission Project Details and Contact Download area CONCURPresentationDirectory Page
CONCUR was aimed at exploiting the developments that were made in Product Data Technology specifically for the construction industry during the mid 1990s. Mechanical, aeronautical, automobile and maritime engineering were successfully exploiting the STEP advances of the 1980s, AP225 and CIMsteel had made a start, but here were technologies aimed specifically at the wider construction industry. In particular, the CONCUR partners wanted to exploit the IAI-IFCs in the processes that were used in the pre-tender phases of construction. The CONCUR partners examined the processes and the information flows with the aim of using ICT and open standards for integration. The project looked at the project inception stage, the concept design phase with links to power engineering processes, the scheme design phase and estimating. A common thread through the project was the desire to use product models and 3D modelling throughout the process and to move the start of modelling higher up the chain. Where possible, established commercial software was used so that the project results could be deployed for commercial use. Technical assistance was both received from and given to software vendors. A number of vendors were involved as associate partners and undertook major enhancements to their software to support the goals of the CONCUR project. Technically CONCUR has made major advances in: inception modelling, using web based Information Management Systems, linking these systems to advanced object oriented Product Data Technology, a method for PDT model merging, a method for using XML to interface with a PDT database, a metadata schema for the IAI, a set of derived attributes for the IAI-IFCs, driving forward the creation of a lexicon of construction terms which will support the needs of both PDT and eCommerce for construction, showing that IFCs can be used for storing models as well as exchanging them, and in methods for browsing and adding to the the contents of IFC models. CONCUR has helped to move the IAI-IFCs closer to widespread use by using them on industrial information and by critiquing the IFC translators developed by the major vendors of modelling systems. CONCUR has demonstrated that IFCs can integrate the processes of different companies using different software applications being used for different purposes. CONCUR partners are deploying the results commercially and have a clearer vision of how to profitably extend the use of PDT further into their businesses. CONCUR has identified weaknesses and gaps in these technologies and has helped initiate work to improve and strengthen them – The Way Forward. CONCURProject Summary
Client Demand Clients are demanding: higher quality, greater predictability of time and cost, faster project delivery, better documentation and better value for money. Market Differentiation The construction industry needs: greater involvement in client planning, faster response to client requirements, better defined processes and MOST OF ALLSATISFIED delighted clients. Increasing Regulatory Drive Society is expecting: increased safety, improved sustainability, reduced energy consumption, reduced waste, greater accountability and better documentation. Quantifying Risk The construction industry needs to: reduce the cost of tendering, improve the accuracy of tenders and quickly quantify the risks associated with a new project. Integrate the Extended Enterprise The construction industry needs to: integrate the use of information in a dynamic supply chain, support concurrent working in the supply chain, speed up the processes supporting tendering. CONCURIndustry Need- Why Undertake the project?
Halve the cost of tendering Speed up the processes supporting tendering Improve the accuracy of bids Integrate the processes Integration of information use Support concurrent working CONCUR Initial Aims & Goals
Review Industrial Practice The partners rigorously examined the processes undertaken by commercial construction organisations when preparing a bid. The results were presented in the form of IDEF0 diagrams with notes. The processes include: client brief, inception design, concept design, scheme design and preparing estimates. Implement File based Architecture for Tendering CONCUR prepared a mid-term demonstration which linked the software applications using file tranfers between the applications. The transfer files used comma separated variable, STEP Physical files (IAI-IFC). STEP Data Access Interface was also used. This demonstrated that interoperability was possible but was not commercially robust and flexible. Implement Client/server based Architecture for Tendering The second half of the project concentrated on using a web based IMS system to support realistic exchanges including an integration with a STEP database to provide a model server. Significant advances in using IFCs were also made. The results demonstration supported a realistic business scenario and is described in this web site. Implement Enhanced Production Software Applications The project encouraged the development of IFC translators by major software vendors to the industry, encouraged the enhancement of existing software to support the new ways of working required by the CONCUR partners, initiated the development of new commercial software applications to support the new ways of working and created prototype software for inception modelling and browsing IFC information models. New approaches for capturing and manipulating construction industry terms were also initiated. Deploy in Trials The CONCUR industrial showed a realistic exchange in a demonstration and are starting to implement the technology in their businesses. Taylor Woodrow are using the approach in their supply chain to integrate with architects, structural designers and steelwork fabricators; Fortum Engineering are integrating their internal use of information and Skanska are implementing an integration of 3D modelling, cost estimation and time programming systems using information from a company database of resources. CONCURProject Tactical Approach
CONCUR Concurrent Design and Engineering in Building and Civil Engineering Project Number BE96-3016 Contract Number BRPR-CT96-0357 Start date 1 February 1997 Duration 4.5 years Finnish date 31 July 2001 Man years 30 for eight partners Value 5 454 000 Euros Co-ordinating PartnerTaylor Woodrow Construction Ltd. Project Manager David Leonard EC Project Officer Maria Cristina MAROLDA European Commission Research Directorate-General Competitive and Sustainable Growth E-mail maria-cristina.marolda@cec.eu.int Phone +32 (0)2 295 83 91 Fax +32 (0)2 296 05 50 Mail Rue de la Loi/Wetstraat 200, B-1050 Bruxelles/Brussel Address Rue Montoyer/Montoyerstraat 75, B1050 Bruxelles/Brussel Partners European Commission Project Details and EC Contact
Project Partners ConstructionCompanies Classification R & D Partners
Description Photograph of the Demonstration Building The Business Scenario The information Flows CONCURDemonstration Scenario The CONCUR project included demonstrations of technology using commercial software and realistic industrial information.
The demonstration scenario covers the activities in the process of moving from a client brief to preparing a bid for the building to house the steam powered turbine/generator for a small power station. The demonstration mostly uses commercially available software applications and generally uses IAI IFCs for transferring and storing building and construction objects between partners and their software. Fortum Engineering perform the role of the principal contractor who undertakes the plant design with alternative solutions from civil engineering contractors. The demonstration scenario includes: Inception Design Concept Design Scheme Design Programme Planning Preparing Cost Plans The innovations include: Using IAI-IFCs for exchanging information Using IAI-IFCs for storing information Using a web based IMS which includes an IFC model server Using a web based browser for viewing and using IFC objects Using an XML interface for interfacing with IFC models This presentation shows the business activities being addressed, the information flows between the activities and further information on the activities which can be accessed by clicking on the activity boxes or information flow lines. A power station typical of that used in the demonstration shown on the photograph with the Turbine House ringed. Business Scenario CONCURDemonstration Scenario Description
Demonstration ObjectTurbine HouseFortum Engineering Turbine house
Define INCEPTION TURBINE BUILDING Fortum Eng. Fortum Eng. Fortum Eng. MERGE Skanskamodels MERGE TWmodels Define CONCEPT Turbine BUILDING Client Brief Skanska Taylor Woodrow DefineSCHEMET- building DefineSCHEMET- building Model Merger Model Merger Fortum Eng. Scheme modeller Fortum Eng. Design CONFIGURATION for Steam Turbine Plant Scheme modeller COMPARE suggested models andCHOOSE one Bid FE Software FE Software Business ScenarioDescription Business Scenario T.U. Delft Inception Modeller Information Flows
CONCURBusiness Scenario Description • A flow diagram showing the business scenario for the CONCUR demonstration. • A client needing a power station approaches Fortum Engineering for a solution and a bid. • Fortum Engineering will be the principal contractor responsible for the delivery of the complete power station. • Fortum Engineering undertake the design of the plant and equipment in the power station. • Fortum Engineering invite Taylor Woodrow and Skanska to bid to design and construct alternative solutions for the Turbine House building. • Fortum Engineering merges each of the competing alternative solutions for the Turbine House with the plant and equipment scheme before choosing one. • Fortum Engineering prepares the bid for the client. • .
Taylor Woodrow DefineSCHEMET- building Fortum Eng. Fortum Eng. MERGE TWmodels MERGE Skanskamodels Fortum Eng. Fortum Eng. TU Delft Fortum Eng. IFC Browser Design CONFIGURATION for Steam Turbine Plant Define Building INCEPTION MODELLER Define CONCEPT Turbine BUILDING COMPARE suggested models and CHOOSE one Skanska DefineSCHEMET- building Model Merger Model Merger Scopepower TUD Software PlantPower FACETS IFC IFC IFC IFC FE1 FE2 SK1 TW1 Project IMS III Project IMS - I Project IMS - II IFC IFC IFC IFC FE1 FE1 SK1 TW1 Project IMS SK1 FE1 + FE1 + TW1 SK1 Information Flows Client Brief Bid TW IMS FE IMS SK IMS Web basedProject IMS - Project IMS - IV ProjectWise Project IMS Project IMS Project IMS EPM-EDM TW1 FE1
CONCURClient Brief • Determining the client brief is a key role for the principal contractor. The client does not always know how to do this and usually requires assistance to do this. The client will have a business plan within which the new project will perform in terms of finance, operating costs, generating revenue and delivering a profit. The client requires input from the supplying contractor to support his business plans. • When the client brief is fully understood and agreed by the client and supplier, the supplier can develop the scheme and prepare a bid and programme for delivering the project. • There are systems for capturing client requirements and recording requirement revisions and the supplier response options. One such system is called Dynamic Object Oriented Requirement System (DOORS). This system was trialled in the first half of the CONCUR project and featured in the Mid Term Review Demonstration. DOORS, from Telelogic UK Ltd, can support the whole life cycle of a project. The mid term trial showed how information exported from DOORS could be imported into corporate systems • The development of the client brief takes place concurrently with the Inception modelling of a project, the assessment of risk to the supplier and the effect on the potentially new project on the supplier business plan. Currently information is manually transferred between client brief and into inception modelling.
Inception Modelling The developing of an Inception Support Modeller was one of the most research oriented parts of the CONCUR-project. At the start of the project it was quite clear that the inception stage of large-scale construction projects involves a number of heavy and interrelated information processing tasks. Clients have to establish the feasibility of the project. Facility designers and construction companies have to decide how to meet the client requirements. This means that in a relatively short period of time a tremendous amount of not well defined information and knowledge related to all the aspects of power plants has to be processed. It was quite clear that an Inception Support Modeller could be quite beneficial and potentially could help to support the projects goals. It was also known that, in principle, Product Data Technology could also be used in the inception and concept design stages where the information is normally less precisely defined. The solution implemented in the CONCUR-project focuses, as an example, on the international power plant market. The main characteristics of the approach implemented in the project are (1) the adoption of a three level approach and (2) the application of a hierarchy of power plant objects divided into functional and technical perspectives. The three level approach, illustrated on the next screen, supports the work of the clients, power plant vendors and construction companies in one dynamic system. Changes in requirements can flow down stream to be solved, and changes in power plant solutions of construction solutions can flow up stream to be evaluated, thus the dynamic system allows for non-monotonic design. The functional-technical object hierarchy supports the consistent modelling of knowledge in the form of rules of thumb. Many of the ideas and solutions explored in the Inception Support development tasks have found their way to the industrial partners. CONCURInception Modeller
The three Level approach Further information Reports describing the CONCUR Inception Modelling work are available in the Download Area. Contacts at TU Delft are Professor Frits Tolman: F.Tolman@CT.TUDelft.nl and Saban Ozariyildiz ozsariyildiz@ct.tudelft.nl CONCURInception Modeller
Why Inception Modelling? Inception modelling is a neglected phase of construction projects even though it is a key activity. It is always done but tends to be a stand-a-lone manual process. CONCUR has looked at how company knowledge can be collected and presented to produce initial estimates. The work has not been integrated into the information flow. Initial Assessment of Projects Inception modelling takes place when preparing the client brief and results in a first assessment of cost, programme, resource requirement, cash flow and financial risk and ultimately whether or not a supplying company wants to proceed. It could easily interface with corporate financial and risk planning systems. It is potentially a customer facing tool as follows: Interface with Customers Inception modelling can be used to support the client in his business planning because it can give him information required to help assess the viability of a project, namely: Initial cost, time to complete, cash flow to first revenue, key figures such as floor area, maintenance cost, operating cost. When combined with his estimate of revenue potential , based on for example floor area, it can support his business planning. Initiation of Contractor Downstream Processes Inception modelling is a knowledge based process requiring access to company data on costs and planning. It is difficult to undertake in a generalised way and in concur was limited to numerical modelling , but without shape. However, it could be developed to first-guess the information required by downstream processes such as estimating and programming, and even be used to propose a model for structural engineering design and analysis. This would provide an easy route into starting the use of 3D modelling on a project and the first stages of 3D visualisation Scope for Development A number of the CONCUR partners have realised the potential of linking Inception modelling to Product Data Technology and plan to undertake further development. For information contact Professor Frits Tolman: F.Tolman@CT.TUDelft.nl CONCURThe importance of Inception Modelling
Taylor Woodrow DefineSCHEMET- building Fortum Eng. Fortum Eng. MERGE Skanskamodels MERGE TWmodels Fortum Eng. TU Delft Fortum Eng. Scheme modeller Design CONFIGURATION for Steam Turbine Plant Define CONCEPT Turbine BUILDING Define Building INCEPTION MODELLER Skanska DefineSCHEMET- building Model Merger Model Merger FE Software TUD Software FE Software Fortum Eng. Scheme modeller COMPARE suggested models andCHOOSE one Bid Plant configuration Client Brief FE SW FE IMS Project database
Fortum Engineering use a suite of software called PlantPower which have been customised for the purpose of defining the requirements for power plant construction. The design procedure is: Scoping Module In order to meet clients requirements, a scoping module called ScopePower is used for identifying a structure of power plant delivery. This is a logical layout based on KKS code, forming a skeleton of the information technical product model for further study Energy Balance Energy balance studies are made by Fortum Engineering’s process simulation tool Solvo. These results are defining requirements for power plant processes as input data for further design Energy Balance Flow Charts In practice it means, that there is unambigious dependence between energy balance flow charts and IT product model Design Rules A knowledge module holding design rules, design dialogues, plant scope and and artificial intelligence facility based on Design++ is used for initial dimensioning of main equipment in order to fulfil process requirements. The results are presented in the main flow diagram. Dimensions Dimensioning of main equipment continues for over all dimensions of the site so, that suitable plant layout can be selected. The first cost estimate is carried out in order to support decision making at investment level Cost Estimation Knowledge modules support more detailed design on steam turbine plant. Cost estimation on facility level will define costs accurate enough for tendering purpose. Actual cost data is in cost libraries of CostPower, where the commercial software of CM-Pro is used on cost estimation and further budgeting during pre-tender phase Company IMS All design, cost estimation and scheduling information are stored in product model and in the attached relational database. In the CONCUR demonstration data was exchanged with IFC files between project partners: Fortum Engineering, Taylor Woodrow and Skanska Back to Information Flows PlantPower Flowchart CONCURFortum Engineering: PlantPower
Back to Information Flows Plant configuration and layout- CONCUR / Fortum Engineering demonstration Invitation to Tender Scope LOGICAL LAYOUT PLANT CONFIGURATION Energy balance PLANT LAYOUT Main Equipment 1st Cost Estimate CostPower FACILITIES Cost Estimate for BID PLANT DATADASE • BOQ, • Cost Estimate, • Time schedules, • Procurement, • Subcontracts IFC
In the CONCUR demonstration Fortum Engineering defined construction requirements from the client’s requirements and distributed the information by VTT’s Information Management System to other industrial partners. The used software was : ScopePower for the definition of the delivery scope Solvo for energy balance studies Knowledge Modules for component dimensioning and layout design MicroStation J for shape modelling and for interactive part of 3D modelling in CAD CostPower for cost libraries, cost estimation and budgeting Company IMS Fortum Engineering will be using their company Information Management System (IMS) for storing and exchanging documents and models Project IMS VTT’s IMS is the Communication Module for information management and data exchange between partners in CONCUR project Back to Information Flows Concept Design Flowchart PlantPower Flowchart CONCURFortum Eng.: Building Conceptual Design
Back to Information Flows Building Conceptual Design- CONCUR demonstration of Fortum Engineering/VTT IMS Invitation to Tender LOGICAL LAYOUT PLANT CONFIGURATION Scope PLANT LAYOUT Energy balance 1st Cost Estimate Main Equipment FACILITIES Cost Estimate for BID FE/VTT IMS Product model • BOQ, • Cost Estimate, • Time schedules, • Procurement, • Subcontracts Documents Data exchange • STEP/IFC
Most companies have an internal information management system To support their internal engineering and business processes. They also have internal protocols for exchanging information between software applications. The protocols are usually based on proprietary native exchanges because they are information rich. Why use open standards? Even though open standards are less rich than proprietary native standards for exchange they offer a common denominator when exchanging information with other companies, especially when active trading relationships are short. Proprietary standard are not particularly good at handling objects that are not supported by that software. At best they import and export the objects without altering them. At worst they corrupt them of just lose them so that they are not available for downstream activities. This usually happens at the interfaces between different engineering or business disciplines. There are internal advantages to using open standards when using different types of software or purchasing new software. Why use a web based IMS? Easy universal access. Partner companies like web based project IMS systems because they feel that they have a share in its ownership. The web based systems can be transferred to the client to support downstream life cycle support. CONCURFortum Internal IMS & Information exchange
Taylor Woodrow DefineSCHEMET- building Fortum Eng. Fortum Eng. MERGE TWmodels MERGE Skanskamodels Fortum Eng. TU Delft Scheme modeller Fortum Eng. Design CONFIGURATION for Steam Turbine Plant Define Building INCEPTION MODELLER Define CONCEPT Turbine BUILDING Skanska DefineSCHEMET- building Model Merger Model Merger FE Software TUD Software FE Software Fortum Eng. Scheme modeller COMPARE suggested models andCHOOSE one Bid Project IMS - I IFC FE1 Project IMS IMS Upload Client Brief FE IMS Project database ProjectWise EPM-EDM
CONCURWeb based Project IMS (Information Management System) VTT Building Technology, Finland • Summary • IMS System Structure • IMS User Interfaces • IMS Main Functions • Uploading & Downloading documents • Model Merging • XML Access
Internal workingenvironment within companyintranet COMPANY 1 COMPANY 2 Client Company D++ CM specific information repository Company specific COMPANY 3 Achitect IMS system Project mgr CONCUR IMS: Web based Project Environment Project information repository: Real life projects Project document & Object database Real life projects IMS Architecture
Used for information sharing between all project participants Can be hosted on a web site located anywhere Based on Bentley ProjectWise document management system and incorporates the Express Data Manager software from EPM Technology Combine functionalities of a document based system with product model server Used IFC based models for exchanging information SummaryWeb Based Project IMS • Further information • Reports describing the IMS system are available in the Download Area • Contact at VTT is Maria Nikolaenko:maria.nikolaenko@vtt.fi
IMS user intefaces Document managment system interface Web interface Documents,situated in choosen folder Interface to upload, documents merge models in the system, XML browsing
IMS user InterfaceViewing models in 3D VR window Available methods for the selected objects in VR window Document related to the selected object
Main functions of IMS IMS Upload files to doc mgt system Download files from doc mgt system Link file toa product modelobject Merge product models Extract partialproduct model data End user Store product model
Add new file form IMP user interfaceUpload files Select”Add file” User enters metadata
IMS servlet ProjectWise Command to Get A, B OK Merge A, B Insert A, B OK Merge A, B OK Merged model C OK (C stored in ProjectWise) OK IMS Model Merging Diagram User EPM-EDM Start situation: Source model files reside in ProjectWise End situation:Merged model file is stored in ProjectWise
Merge models IMS user interfaceModel Merging form Select ”Merge models” User enters metadata
IMS product model server &XML interface VTT Building Technology, Finland
IMS - XML interface Requestobjectdata Object properties in XML format
How has CONCUR used EXPRESS Data Manager™ version 4.0 ? IMS support – EXPRESS Data Manager™ is used by the CONCUR project to implement a Product Model Server (PMS) as an integral part of the Project Information Management System (IMS). The IMS is responsible to ensure consistency between the contractual document management system and the 3D project database stored in the PMS according to the IAI IFC151 specification. The PMS provides a facility for selective viewing, download and upload of 3D project data and their link to the contractual documents. CONCUR is making use the ultimate object technology: Objects are defined as industry standard objects in IFC and the ISO Express-X language is used as a data manipulation language (DML) for improving the capability of these objects - independently of any particular software system. Project database functionality: Partial download – Using a 3D browser (Promote) to select IFC objects to download using P21 and XML Upload and merge – Import IFC objects and merge the result using P21 and XML.. XML Access to IFC Models – EDM provides an access interface to objects, their attributes and properties based on XML to enable the integration with material take-off applications in Excel and similar. IFC Browser - EDM provides the object database used by the TNO IFC Browser application which can view IFC models and be used to add, edit and extract the properties and attributes of the IFC objects in the models. Calculation of derived Attributes - EXPRESS Data Manager™ provides a virtual machine that interprets all Express and Express-X executable statements. CONCUR has used this capability to add semantics to the IFC151 schema by adding ‘Derived Attributes’ such as volume and surface area of the IFC 1.5.1 objects. This is a convenience to any application that does not include a geometric engine. Further information Reports describing the CONCUR Project’s use of Express the Data Manager are available in the Download Area. Contacts: Maria Nikolaenko at VTT: maria.nikolaenko@vtt.fi, EPM Technology website & Jorulv Rangnes at EPM Jorulv.Rangnes@epmtech.jotne.com CONCUREPM Technology’s Express Data Manager™ (EDM) - 1
Further information Reports describing the CONCUR Project’s use of the Express Data Manager are available in the Download Area. Contact at VTT is Maria Nikolaenko: maria.nikolaenko@vtt.fi & Jorulv Rangnes at EPM Jorulv.Rangnes@epmtech.jotne.com CONCUREDM and CONCUR - 2 CADModellingSystem OtherApplication Type Project (IMS)[ProjectWise] IFC Browser OtherModellingSystem EPM-EDM Generation ofDerived Attributes XML Access byMS-Office products Express XModel Merging Services from EDM
What is EPM Technology EDM? EXPRESS Data Manager™ (EDM) is a suite of applications providing an out-of-the-box solution for easily creating data-models conforming to international standards. EDM's pick-and-place icon driven user interface allows anyone to easily learn EDM's data modeling methodology. Once familiar with EDM, the user can quickly implement data-models in conform-ance with ISO 10303 (STEP), and other standards like IAI, STEP/NC, OIL & GAS and P-LIB making use of XML, Java and other environments. How can EPM Technology EDM help construction industry users? EDM helps users to take a great leap towards cost efficient and reliable use of ICT in their organizations. EDM helps users to take ownership of their product data by using a single data source based on standards. EDM helps users to apply a unified methodology and a set of products that take them from concept to solution. EDM can assist users in the change of the design world from 2D to a 3D object based environment. The interoperability and re-use of building models will translate to increased collaboration amongst industrial partners. In particular the knowledge stored in IFC based building models could be used for facility management and other purposes during design, construction and after the building project is completed. Further information Reports describing the CONCUR Project’s use of the Express Data Manager are available in the Download Area. Contact at EPM is Jorulv Rangnes Jorulv.Rangnes@epmtech.jotne.com CONCURExpress Data Manager (EDM)- 3
What can EDM do? A powerful object-oriented database management system capable of being a users single source of information. A web enabler due to its thin-client technology. Complete applications written in EXPRESS and EXPRESS-X are fully executed by the EDM-expressVM™ (Virtual Machine) within the database. These applications are controlled through local EDM interface™ calls. A unified methodology for product data solutions. All functionality of the system is configured by EXPRESS and EXPRESS-X schemas, which are the ISO and industry standards for information requirement specifications. An EXPRESS-G modelling environment which uses EDM visual-Express™ to design users data models and to publish them, for example on the web. A Rule Engine to define a users corporate knowledge by constraining information models using the rules capabilities of EXPRESS and EXPRESS-X. A standards solution in its support for EXPRESS (all statements, expressions, built-in functions and procedures), Part 21, and SDAI. Further information Reports describing the CONCUR Project’s use of the Express Data Manager are available in the Download Area. Contact at EPM is Jorulv Rangnes Jorulv.Rangnes@epmtech.jotne.com CONCURExpress Data Manager (EDM) - 4
Whats new in EDM version 4.5 EXPRESS-X implementation has been extended - among others with full exception handling - to be the one built-in database control language (including EXPRESS) for EXPRESS Data Manager™ 4.5. It provides the user with functionality and performance for building entire applications on top of the users information models at reduced costs for programming and maintenance. With the one language for modelling, storage, and use of information models, the user avoids technology compatibility problems. The Business Object layer of EXPRESS Data Manager™ 4.5 hides the complexity of an underlying data model and adds application specific functionality. The Business Object defines views and methods for the underlying database by means of the powerful EXPRESS based Query and Update Language in EXPRESS Data Manager™ 4.5. Business Objects are created on the server instead of locally, enabling thin clients and reducing network traffic. Business Objects tailor the same underlying information to the needs of the many disparate applications of data. The Query and Update Language of EXPRESS Data Manager™ 4.5 is using EXPRESS-X. Any EXPRESS-X logical expression can be passed to a query as a parameter. This functionality is fully comparable to SQL. Further information Contact at EPM: Jorulv Rangnes Jorulv.Rangnes@epmtech.jotne.com CONCURExpress Data Manager (EDM) - 5
Taylor Woodrow DefineSCHEMET- building Fortum Eng. Fortum Eng. Fortum Eng. MERGE TWmodels MERGE Skanskamodels Define CONCEPT Turbine BUILDING Fortum Eng. TU Delft Scheme modeller Design CONFIGURATION for Steam Turbine Plant Define Building INCEPTION MODELLER Model Merger Model Merger FE Software FE Software TUD Software Fortum Eng. Skanska COMPARE suggested models andCHOOSE one Bid DefineSCHEMETurbine Building Scheme modeller Project IMS - I IFC FE1 Project IMS Develop SchemeSkanska Client Brief FE IMS SK IMS Project database ProjectWise EPM-EDM
Skanska download the Conceptual Model and supporting documentation for the Turbine house from the project database. Skanska design a scheme and prepare a cost plan and construction programme using ArchiCad, MS-Project and bespoke software from Solibri. They use their company IMS during this process. The end result is uploaded to the Project Database as IFC-SK1 plus information such as the cost plan and construction programme. CONCURSkanska Design Development
Explore SKANSKA FACETS TurbineHouse in ArchiCad
Facets Project development with split vision Adina Jägbeck, Lennart Klintmalm - Skanska Teknik AB Pasi Paasiala - Solibri OY
Skanska Teknik has since 1999 worked on the development of a new tool to combine information about the different aspects of a project. The purpose and functionality of the system have been defined by Adina Jägbeck and Lennart Klintmalm. It has been named "Facets". Introduction 1Facets Facets deals with information from CAD, cost estimation and process planning. Or, rather, it allows the user to create – otherwise sub-understood – relations between the various aspects, and display them. The development started as a part of a EU-supported project - Concur. The system has been built by Solibri OY and is certified for import of ifc 2.0 from CAD. It contains functions for two different project stages. Facets Site Developer – functions for the concept phase The use context for Facets Site Developer is the very early project phase. The prerequisite for using Facets in this stage is that one needs to graphically investigate different alternatives for accommodating a space requirement schedule on a site and, at the time, calculate investment costs and rental levels based on rough estimates of. Facets Site Developer was developed during the spring of 2001 in cooperation with a group of project developers in Skanska Hus, - Ingela Lindholm and Anders Rådestad. Facets Scheme Design – functions for scheme phase The use context for Facets Scheme Design is co-ordination between design, cost estimation and process planning. The system imports CAD-information in IFC-format, while cost recipes and process schedules are imported as databases. By relating building objects to cost items, recipes and activities the system automatically creates, on-line, quantity take-off item and activity, calculation of recipe based costs and displaying building a 4D-view of time schedules. The functions in Facets Scheme Design were developed during 2000 and 2001 in cooperation with a production group within Skanska Hus, including Katrin Eriksson.
Introduction 2:Such phase, such requirements Facets’ context Concept Scale - 1:1000 Tme -1 Info - 1 Scheme Scale - 1:100 Time -10 Info - 1 000 Working docs Scale - 1:10 Time -100 Info - 1 000 000 Pre-study Programme Design - procurement Run - Maintain