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Eurobarometer 77.4 TWO YEARS TO GO TO THE 2014 EUROPEAN ELECTIONS. Flash Eurobarometer XXX TITLE. Survey commissioned by the European Parliament and co-ordinated by Directorate-General for Communication (Public Opinion Monitoring Unit).
Eurobarometer 77.4TWO YEARS TO GO TO THE 2014 EUROPEAN ELECTIONS Flash Eurobarometer XXXTITLE Survey commissioned by the European Parliament and co-ordinated by Directorate-General for Communication (Public Opinion Monitoring Unit). Flash Eurobarometer XXX / Month 201X – TNS Political & Social This survey has been requested by the European Parliament and coordinated by Directorate-General for Communication (Public Opinion Monitoring Unit). EB77.4 – TNS Opinion & Social
Methodology Special Eurobarometer • Survey based on face-to-face interviews in the respondent’s home • Fieldwork: from 2 to 17 June 2012 • Population: representative sample of the population aged 15 or over • Coverage: 27 European Union Member States • Number of interviews : 26 622
B. Structure • The image of the EU • The feeling of membership to the EU • European identity and citizenship • National identity and European identity • Elements of European identity • Strengthening the feeling of being European • Priority policies • Lack of knowledge on European institutions • The role played by the European Parliament • Making my voice heard in the EU • The election of the President of the European Commission • European Citizens’ Initiative and the Charter of Fundamental Rights • The Citizens’ Initiative • The Charter of Fundamental Rights
1.1 The image of the EU A relative majority of Europeans are positive about the EU One answer only
2. The feeling of membership to the EU
2.1 An absolute majority of Europeans believe that EU membership is a good thing One answer only
3. European identity and citizenship
3.1 National identity and European identity A relative majority of Europeans define themselves solely by their nationality One answer only
3.2 The elements of the European identity Democracy and freedom are the most frequently mentioned values in the EU, closely followed by the euro Maximum 3 answers
3.3 Strengthening the feeling of European citizenship A harmonised social welfare system and the freedom to live anywhere Maximum 6 answers
4.1 Combating poverty is still seen as the top priority for the European Parliament; little change since autumn 2011 Maximum 4 answers
4.2 Combating poverty is still seen as the top priority for the European Parliament; little change since September 2010 Maximum 4 answers
4.3 Economic issues, especially unemployment, are the core priorities of Europeans Maximum 3 answers
5.1 The European Parliament is the only Community institution to be mentioned spontaneously by more than half of respondents Open-ended question; several answers
5.2 More than two-thirds of Europeans know little or nothing about how the EU and its institutions work One answer per item
5.3 An absolute majority of Europeans see the Parliament as the institution which best represents the EU One answer only
6.1 Although more than 7 out of 10 Europeans still consider that the EP plays an important role, the percentage has fallen since 2011 Total ‘Not important’ : +4% Total ‘Important’ : -6% One answer only
7.1 Over half of Europeans still think that their voice does not count in the EU One answer per item
7.2 Voting in the European elections is seen as by far the best way of making one’s voice heard Maximum 3 answers
8.1 More than three-quarters of Europeans do not know how the President of the European Commission is appointed Correct answer One answer only
8.2 Over half of Europeans would be encouraged to vote in the European elections if they participated indirectly in the election of the President of the European Commission Total ‘No’: 36% Total ‘Yes’ : 54% One answer only
9. European Citizens’ Initiative and Charter of Fundamental Rights
9.1 The European Citizens’ Initiative More than 7 out of 10 Europeans have not heard of the Citizens’ Initiative Total ‘Yes’ : 26% Total ‘No’ : 72% One answer only
9.2 The European Citizens’ Initiative Areas in which to use the Initiative: employment overwhelmingly tops the list Maximum 5 answers
9.3 The Charter of Fundamental Rights An absolute majority of Europeans have not heard of the Charter Total ‘Yes’: 39% Total ‘No’: 59% One answer only
9.4 The Charter of Fundamental Rights Citizens in the Czech Republic are the most likely to have heard of the Charter One answer only
9.5 The Charter of Fundamental Rights Citizens attach particular importance to the freedom of movement but also demand sound administration Maximum 3 answers