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Miscellaneous Topics. Curvature Radiation Cernkov Radiation. COHERENT CURVATURE RADIATION. When we discussed synchrotron and cyclotron radiation, we said that the component of the electron velocity parallel to the B-field didn’t change, and that the particle’s
Miscellaneous Topics Curvature Radiation Cernkov Radiation
COHERENT CURVATURE RADIATION When we discussed synchrotron and cyclotron radiation, we said that the component of the electron velocity parallel to the B-field didn’t change, and that the particle’s motion could be thought of as (1) constant velocity motion parallel to the B-field, and (2) Circular motion around the B-field lines. If, however, the field lines CURVE significantly, then the electron “follows” the lines, It will move in a curve, even if the v(perp)~0. The electrons thus experience an acceleration, and therefore radiate. This radiation is called “CURVATURE RADIATION”. In general the curvature radiation is weak compared to the synchrotron radiation we Discussed earlier. However, if the electrons have very high energy, and move in bunches that are Smaller than the wavelength of the radiation – each bunch radiates like a single large charge, the power radiated can be large. This case is called COHERENT CURVATURE RADIATION.
A place where this process is thought to be important is at the poles of rotating neutron stars (pulsars):
Some simple estimates: Recall that for cyclotron radiation, we have Larmor’s formula for the power radiated by an accelerating electron, summed over solid angle and frequency: If there are N charges, each with charge q, and they radiate randomly with respect to each other, then the total power will be N times the power radiated by a single electron, or On the other hand, if the N electrons are traveling together in a bunch which is Small compared to the wavelength of the radiation they are emitting, they can Radiate in phase with each other, and therefore radiate as if they are a single charge =Nq Note the N2 So 100 electrons moving together will radiate 10,000x more power than a single electron A similar result holds for synchrotron radiation.
CHERENKOV RADIATION Remember the definitions of “Phase Velocity” and “Group Velocity” for EM waves: The speed at which the sine moves is the phase velocity The group velocity is This is usually discussed when you have several waves superimposed, which make a modulated wave: the modulation envelope travels with the group velocity In a dispersive medium ω=ω(k) so However, in a vacuum, vgroup= c
Plasma Effects See Rybicki & Lightman, Chapter 8 Recall that when we found the wave solutions to the wave equations, we set the dielectric constant = 1 But in a plasma, you can have dielectric constant, and no “sources” – solve Wave equations and get E&M waves Define plasma frequency Then the wave solutions for E & B have Instead of
Phase velocity: Where nr = index of refraction Group velocity: Is always < c
Cherenkov Radiation: If a charged particle moves faster than the speed of light in the plasma, then the E-field can bunch up – the wave fronts catch up with each other. Then you can get radiation produced even if the particle isn’t accelerating—into a characteristic cone of radiation
Super-Kamiokande Neutrino Detector In a zinc mine outside Tokyo, there is a tank of 50,000 tons of water, in a tank lined with 11,000 photomultiplier tubes to detect the Cherenkov radiation from neutrinos, including solar neutrinos interacting with the water.
VERITAS: Very energetic Radiation Imaging Telescope Array Energetic gamma rays (GeV-TeV) ionize particles in the upper atmosphere which produces a shower of particles which then emit Cherenkov radiation. Detected with 12-m dishes of circular segments.