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Understanding Motion and Speed in Physics

Learn about motion, distance, speed, velocity, acceleration, and equations in physics. Practice calculations and graph analysis to enhance your understanding of objects in motion.

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Understanding Motion and Speed in Physics

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  1. Motion

  2. What isMotion? anyphysicalmovementorchangeinposition or place,relativetoa referencepoint Movement ReferencePoint

  3. Distance=howfaranobjecthasmoved. Measuredinmeters,kilometers(cmor mm) Ifeachmark represents 10 cm YAxis whatisthe distancebetween thegirland the ball? XAxis

  4. Ifthegirlwalkstothe YAxis redball,then walks backwardstothebear, howfarhas shetraveled? XAxis Displacement= thedistanceofa body'schange inpositionfromastartingpoint. Herfinaldisplacementis fromthe startingpoint.

  5. Speed=thedistanceanobject travels perunit oftime(sec,hour,year..etc) SpeedEquation Speed(meters/second) = distance(inmeters) time(sec) S=D/T

  6. A cartravelsadistanceof500min 10 sec.Whatisthecar'sspeed? Speed (meter/seconds)= distance / time S=D/T Asecondcartravelsadistanceof100 metersin 20seconds.Whatisthis car'sspeed?

  7. Morepractice. (Speed= distance/time) Anelevatortravelsfrom thefirstfloortothe25th floorofabuilding,adistanceof 100 meters,in 30 seconds. Whatistheelevator'sspeed? Distance= Time= Speed=

  8. ConstantSpeedvsChangingSpeed Constantspeedmeansthatthespeedstaysthesame throughouttheentiredistance *Veryfewthingscanstayataconstantspeed. Rather, thingsusuallymoveataconstantspeedforaperiodof time. Thecyclistspeeds up,slows down,stops..etc

  9. Graphs representspeeds ofobjects. This graph showsa bus asittravelsits route. Betweenwhatpointsisthebus accelerating?& Betweenwhatpointsisthebusmovingata constantspeed? & Betweenwhatpointsisthebusstopped? Betweenwhatpointsitthebus decelerating?

  10. AverageSpeed=totaldistancetraveled timetaken Thisis useful when youare tryingto measure speed, and theobjectmovedatvarying speedsthroughoutthe trip. Forinstance,ifyou drovefrom hereto Chicago, youmightAVERAGE 60mph, eventhoughyoustoppedat lights,orslowed down or when70atsomepoints on yourtrip.

  11. Ongraphsthatshow distanceandtime,theSLOPE oftheline isa measure ofthespeedof an object. Picktwopoints(X-value,Y-value)that areontheline.Theeasiestpointsto pickarepointswherethelinecrossesthe gridofthegraphpaper. Inthisexample,Point1couldbe (2,400) Point2couldbe(4,800) Plugthesetwopointsintothefollowing formulatocalculatetheslope: Slope= Y2-Y1 X2 -X1 Slope=800- 400 4-2 Slope= 400=200 2 Speed=200m/min

  12. 1. Calculateeach turtle'sspeed: Bill Myrtle Zed

  13. 2. Can you find from thegraph,the point where Zed stopped and floated fora while? 3. Which turtlewins therace? 4. Atwhattimeperiod wasBillandMyrtle's speed thesame?

  14. What isVelocity? Velocityisa measureofthe speedof an objectANDthe directionitismovingin space. Ontheescalator,passengers aremoving atthesame constantspeed, butthey are movingin differentdirections. Velocitycanchangeevenif speedisremaining constant (youjustchange direction)

  15. Velocity=distance/time 1. Ifaperson iswalkingat4 m/s,how farcanhe travel in30 seconds? a) 120 meters b) 7.8 meters c).08meters Aspaceshipcan move 100 metersin 2 seconds. Whatistheship'svelocity? a) 200 m/s b) 50 m/s c) .002 m/s Achickenruns acrossthestreetata speedof 12 m/s. Ifthe roadis 36 meters across,how long doesit takeforthe chickentocrosstheroad? a) 3s b) 432s c) .333s

  16. Speedis....... Velocityis....

  17. Acceleration=therateofchangeofvelocity Positiveacceleration=speedingup Negativeacceleration=slowingdown ChangeinVelocity= finalvelocity (vf)-initial velocity (vi) (vf)- (vi) acceleration(m/s2)= time

  18. Changein velocityis oftenwritten as thetriangleindicates"change" acceleration=changein velocity changeintime Ifa car moves ata constantvelocity,then itsaccelerationiszero

  19. Calculations 1. Aplanetravels inasingledirectionon a runway.Itreachestheendofthe runwayin 20 seconds anditsvelocityis 80 m/s. Whatis itsacceleration? Whatis theVf? Whatis theVi? 2. Askateboarderis travelingat8 m/s. He slows and comestoa stopin4sec. Whatwasthe acceleration? (hint:itis anegativenumber) Whatis theVf? Whatis theVi?

  20. windchangesitsvelocityto18 m/s. Thewindlasts 10seconds. Forthat10 sec, whatwasits acceleration? 3. Asailboatis movingat12m/swhena gust of Whatisthe Vf?Whatisthe Vi? Whatis thet?

  21. Thinkaboutthis.... Whatare three waystochangethevelocityofa car? Accelerate Decelerate Changedirection

  22. Thinkaboutthis.... 1. Why do highways havespeedlimits andnotvelocitylimits? 2. What are three waystochangethevelocityofacar? 3. Aspeedskateracceleratesat5 m/s2. Whatwillhisspeedbe 4 secondslater?


  24. Motionindicatesachangein Motionisrelativetoa Accelerationis achangein Speed= distance/ ? Velocityis ameasureofan object'sspeedand its

  25. 6. Theslopeoftheline onthegraph will tellyoutheobject's 7. Thetrianglein theequationrepresents 8.Ifyouare slowing down,thenyouhavea acceleration.

  26. EQUATION: VELOCITY =distance/time 9. Aboatmoves 100 metersin 25seconds. boat'svelocity. Whatisthe SHOWYOURWORK bywriting theequation withthenumbers pluggedin. (1pt) Findthecorrectanswer(1pt)

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